exceptional  ; five hargreeves

exceptional ; five hargreeves

2,726 234 33

★ | in which, one out of the eight that were adopted by billionaire industrialist reginald hargreeves was the full package of the other seven. the eighth named y/n likes to disconnect herself from the world, including those seven but unexpectedly she became closer to them, especially to her favorite number, five.MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!STATUS : OngoingSTARTED : July 17, 2024FINISHED : © rickkaee…

sparkle ; aquamarine hoshino

sparkle ; aquamarine hoshino

114,229 5,463 39

★ | in which, an actress has a nice life, she has everything but the length of her life is, well, the opposite. she was given a second chance to be reborn in her favorite manga, "oshi no ko". what life choices will she make when she meets the characters she loves? MANGA SPOILERS!STATUS : OngoingSTARTED : June 05, 2023FINISHED :© rickkaee…

truth ; ouma kokichi [✓]

truth ; ouma kokichi [✓]

195,690 6,152 70

★ | in which, seventeen students were trapped and forced to play a killing game by a black and white bear with his other 5 little bears. What is the worst that could happen? l/n y/n, the ultimate lucky student, made a friend, and he's a liar. day by day y/n is nearing knowing the truth when she spends time with the other students, sees her old memories in her dreams, and the hints she receives.STATUS : CompletedSTARTED : May 27, 2021FINISHED : July 9, 2021© rickkaee…

serendipity ; sano manjiro [✓ - DISCONTINUED]

serendipity ; sano manjiro [✓ - DISCONTINUED]

140,330 5,267 45

★ | in which, hanagaki y/n, takemichi's twin sister. y/n has this rare ability to read minds however this ability only works on her beloved brother. she came back from the past with her brother because of an accident that occurred. as the two siblings realized they had just time-traveled, they decided to change everything that went wrong.MANGA SPOILERS!STATUS : Discontinued | CompletedSTARTED : August 10, 2021FINISHED : July 10, 2023© rickkaee…

killshot ; rwanda [✓]

killshot ; rwanda [✓]

3,004 100 11

★ | in which, starting a new life, killing people according to a girl's mood, she met a boy around her age named rwanda. their first meeting, they didn't think twice and began to kill each other. STATUS : CompleteSTARTED : July 01, 2022FINISHED : June 03, 2023© rickkaee…

shameless ; kazuha kaedehara [✓]

shameless ; kazuha kaedehara [✓]

36,342 1,115 22

★ | in which, a shameless designer flirts with the new student who is a model, kaedehara kazuha. kazuha being himself is a shy and introverted person who can easily be embarrassed. y/n liked to tease him since day one but didn't mean to catch any feelings for each other.STATUS : CompletedSTARTED : April 23, 2022FINISHED : June 03, 2023© rickkaee…