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Some people are optimists, some are pessimists, sometimes you need both.•-•Summer absolutely hates Chris Peterson guts. He might be funny and good looking but Summer sees right through that, to his other side. The annoying, obnoxious pestering side that won't leave her alone. And when you tend to be an optimist, some people just bring out your pessimistic side. •-•""Does my little sun beam need me to cheer her up?" He whispered in my ear. I clenched my teeth and let out a breath mentally counting to ten to calm my self. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine..."Because you know" He paused "it would be my pleasure." He whispered his lips brushed against my ear as he whispered. "You little..." I slapped his arm and he let out a yelp, falling out of his chair clutching his arm. "Miss. Jenkins, Mr. Peterson do we have a problem?" Mr. Adams called from the front of the class. "No Mr. Adams." I called back as the bell rang signalling the end of class. Chris got and stood up, he gave me a pout still cradling his arm."Oh you drama queen." I shot at him."I'll be king, but you can be queen if you want." He winked, I brought my hand up to slap him again but he grasped my wrist quickly."That called abuse sunshine, and its frowned apone." He lectured me. "I'm not your sunshine.""•-•Unedited! I may edit in the unforeseeable future...…

You're back again

You're back again

469 38 18

"You were right I am truly amazed how on earth did you get that fast? I mean you lapped me like twice!" I shook my head at the same time trying to blink my tears away."You okay?""Ya why," I gulped "You don't look so good.""Gee thanks" He brushes his hair out of his face."No I mean usually you look good." I raised my eyebrows, my stomach does it's stupid fluttery thing which really didn't help with the sickening feeling I was having."You think I look good?" I interrupted."Healthy, not sick, not like you're gonna puke... Is what I meant.""Sure." I smirk.Lisa had to move after the incident, the one that threw her into a great Depression. Her mom has been saying to move on and she's trying. Having made some progress in making friends and attempting to move on she couldn't be happier. Until the memories keep flowing back over her, re opening her wounds again and again. Then the boy comes along, to complicate her life even more, a boy that at first glance looks exactly like Blake. Lisa's boyfriend from the past.Meanwhile Emmet thinks he's finally found someone that he likes, and it just happens to be the one girl that dosent seem to be begging him to be her boyfriend, her name is Lisa, the new girl at the school with a mysterious past. While Lisa seems to be becoming more and more distant Emmet is simply falling harder and harder for her. Will she slip through his fingers of will he hold her close? - Just an FYI I did make the cover but I didn't take the picture, cheers :) (From Originals14)…

The Landing

The Landing

232 24 25

After the mysterious disappearance of Tracy's mother years ago Tracy has lived a mostly miserable life. Her father, seems to hate her, she is bullied at school, and she has dreams, vivid ones that seam to becoming more and more real. When after her most terrifying dream yet she meets Alex the same boy from her dream the night before, she is forced to accept the truth. There is much more to her world then meets the eyes.Just an FYI I did make the cover but I didn't take the picture, cheers :)…