Save Me

Save Me

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Niall Horan is a young boy who has bounced from home to home ever since he was five. His biological family was abusive and his foster families weren't much better. Niall finally realizes that there is nobody that will ever love him enough to keep him.Perrie and Zayn Malik were originally just foster parents, but after their first foster child- which was Louis, they decided they couldn't let him go. The same thing happened when they received Harry. They are still foster parents, but they do more adopting than fostering. There were a few kids that they fostered that could not be adopted due to them being placed back with their families after they got their lives together, but they do what they can in order to keep their lovely kids.On Saturday night the Malik's get a phone call. It's from the same social worker that gave them their first son Louis and their recently adopted son Harry. There is a little boy, named Niall, and he needs a family.…