Spit Fire  (Rdr2)

Spit Fire (Rdr2)

3,095 6 24

I am Elizabell Marston, yes I am John Marston's sister. We have been part of the Van Der Linne gang since I was 10 and John was 13 years old. (this is simply a fanfic! I don't own any of the cast of red dead redemption 2 that belongs to Rockstar video game. I only own my story line and my OC)…

Tough Times (Rdr2)

Tough Times (Rdr2)

633 0 16

I am Emily Morgan, Arthur Morgan's younger sister by 10 years. I was only a few months old when Arthur took me and ran away from our father. We met Dutch when I was 3. Dutch, Annabelle, Hosea and Bessie took us in. This was the start to the Van Der Linde gang. When I was 10 Dutch brought another boy John into the group. John was 13 years old(I only own my oc and the story line. Rockstar owns the rest) BTW I'm not an Abigail fan so her role here will be different.…