Why Do You Even Care?

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Lucy's POV
the next morning Tim and I woke up at the same time.
Tim: how'd you sleep?
Lucy: good, what about you?
Tim: same as you
Lucy: oh crap, we have to be at work in.... 20 minutes ago!
I said while looking at the time on my phone.
Tim: don't worry, I already called us off, you're clearly still sick
Lucy: am not
Tim: so should I take your temperature again? because i'm happy to prove you wrong twice within 24 hours
Lucy: fine, is this the phone call from last night?
Tim: yeah, there's more to it but that's for another day. Let me call Daisy's preschool really quick.
Lucy: ok, thanks
I listened in on the call.
School receptionist: This is sally at Junction Park daycare and school district, how can I help?
Tim: Hey, this is Tim Bradford, I'm keeping Daisy home for the day.
SR: ok, any reason in particular?
Tim: yeah, just the flu going around
SR: yeah my little ones at home today too with her uncle, well have a nice day and I hope she feels better.
Tim: thanks, hope yours feels better too. Have a nice day.
He said then hanging up the phone.
Lucy: she seems sweet
Tim: and your point is?
Lucy: that conversation was a little bit flirty don't you think?
Tim: it was not!
Lucy: ok but for a guy who has a girlfriend
Tim: I don't- look I didn't want to worry you and all, but me and Rachel broke up. The whole long distance wouldn't work.
Lucy: oh, Tim, I'm so sorry
Tim: hey, don't be, you didn't know. You hungry?
He said trying to change the subject
Lucy: no not really
I then heard Daisy yawn and sneeze
Tim and Lucy: bless you
Daisy: thank you!
my phone started to ring.
Lucy: it's Angela
Tim: hmm, wonder what she wants
*The phone call:*
Lucy: Hey Lopez, what's up?
Angela: just checking in. I haven't really heard from you or Tim in a while, just wanted to make sure everything was ok.
Lucy: yeah thanks, i didn't really realize how distant i've been recently. Tim and I aren't coming into work today.
Angela: I can see that, if you don't mind me asking, why? is everything ok?
Lucy: yeah just me and Daisy have a fever and Tim offered to stay home and help.
Angela: Tim? The tim bradford? taking a day off of work to help you? you must be special to him
Lucy: oh, thanks, it's probably Daisy though not me
Angela: mhmm, well keep me updated i've got to go now.
Lucy: bye Angela
Angela: bye lucy
She hung up and I went back over by Tim and Daisy.
Tim: what was all that about?
Lucy: she was just checking in
Tim: oh, ok. What do you want to do now? i mean, your sick and we have the day off, so what should we do?
Lucy: hmm, i don't know, i've never had this many days off
Tim: well, Daisy what do you want to do?
Daisy: i like coloring! and snow white!
Lucy: I don't think Tim wants to watch snow white for the sixth time princess.
Tim: I don't mind, ive got to go to the store really quick anyway. So, why don't you two start coloring and watching the movie while I quickly run to the store?
Lucy: that sounds nice
Daisy: yeah!
Tim: ok, i'm going to shower and get dressed really quick, Lucy, you probably need more clothes. I've washed some like I said yesterday, I've got them folded on the bed for you and Daisy.
Lucy: thanks Tim
I smiled at him
Tim: of course, i'll be right back
he got into the shower and came out in some fresh clothes.

Lucy: that was quick
Tim: well I don't have lots of hair to wash or other girl things
Lucy: oh "girl things", how nice
Tim: well it's true
Lucy: fair
Tim: alright i'll be right back
Lucy: bye
Tim: bye
I gave him a quick hug.
Tim's POV
I got used to Lucy's random hugs but still was a bit shocked when she gave me one. I hugged her back and then gave Daisy a hug.
Daisy: bye bye Tim!
Tim: bye angel
I said hugging her back, I swear she is the cutest kid i've ever met. I walked out of the house with my keys, phone, and wallet. I got in my truck and started to drive to the mall, I went into target and a few other stores. I wanted to get Daisy some things and could pick up a few groceries. After around 45 minutes I was done shopping.
*What Tim Got*

I loaded everything into my truck and drove home. I unlocked the door and then brought everything inside. Lucy met me at the door.
Lucy: what is all this?
Tim: I just did some small shopping
Lucy: small?
Tim: ok, i may have underestimated how much i got, but it's all worth every penny if it makes you and Daisy happy.
Lucy: me and Daisy?
Tim: yeah, i mean you're my best friend and she's your daughter, I want to have a bond with her
Lucy: right, your best friend... and you don't have to buy things to form a bond
Tim: I know, but she must be so bored here so I got some things for our walks she seems to enjoy and a few toys. I also grabbed some movie snacks and got you some things
Lucy: tim, you shouldn't have
Tim: hey it's my money and this is how I chose to spend it
Lucy: thanks, I really appreciate it, now I have to think of something to get you
Tim: don't do that, I don't need anything
Lucy: need, no, want, yes
Tim: I only want one thing
Lucy: what is it?
Tim: money can't buy it
Lucy: ok but what
It was a family, Lucy and Daisy as my family, but I can't tell her that
Tim: umm, i forgot
Lucy: no you didn't, come on! what is it?
Tim: nothing really, you to complete your training successfully
Lucy: aww, thanks. But out of the whole world, that's all you want?
Tim: yup
Lucy: ok...
she helped me get all the things situated and I gave Daisy all her gifts
Daisy: all for me?
Tim: yup
Daisy: thank you Tim! I love you
Tim: ... love you too
I saw Lucy look shocked and then smile, i'm glad she didn't get mad
Tim: we can go on a walk with your new car stroller when you feel better
Daisy: yay!
She gave me a big hug.
Daisy: up?
Tim: sure
I picked her up and Lucy smiled.
Tim: let's watch Snow White now. Lucy, did you change? and Daisy too?
Lucy: oh yeah, i showered and changed and gave Daisy a quick bath, I hope that's ok
Tim: why wouldn't it be, I just thought I was losing my mind
I noticed Lucy and Daisy were in the clothes I had washed for them, which means they do need more clothes, I'm glad I bought some today.
Lucy POV
I'm so grateful Tim did all that for Daisy and I. I honestly don't know what I would do without him. The clothes he washed smelled so good, they smelled like him, it was comforting. I sat down next to him and Daisy. We put on Snow White and ate a little candy as well a as some popcorn. Daisy was on Tim's lap lying in his chest. I sat next to them a bit further than usual. If he doesn't like me, I shouldn't be breaking any boundaries he might have.
Tim: why are you sitting so far away?
Lucy: i'm not, just don't want to get you sick
Tim: it's fine, I won't get sick, i've been by Daisy all day yesterday and most of today.
Lucy: yeah but kids germs spread differently than adult germs
Tim: i don't know how that helps your argument and not mine, but ok
We continued watching Snow White. I got really tired so instead of laying on Tim's shoulder like I usually do, I went to his bedroom.
Lucy: hey, i'm not feeling too good, i'm going to go rest in the bedroom

Tim looked at me a bit confused or just worried.
Tim: alright, let me know if you get hungry
Lucy: alright thanks.
I laid down in his bed and heard Daisy laughing with Tim. It broke my heart that this couldn't last forever. I tried sleeping and got a really bad migraine. I shut Tim's bedroom door and closed the blinds. I made it as quiet as possible but my head hurt so bad. I didn't even realize but tears were coming out of my eyes. I left the bedroom to ask tim for some ibuprofen.
Tim: Hey Luce, you okay?
Lucy: yeah, just my head hurts really bad, do you have any ibuprofen?
Tim: yeah let me get it for you
Lucy: no it's fine, just tell me where it is.
Tim: i'm right here I can just grab it
he looked a bit concerned on why I wouldn't let him grab it.
Lucy: I just don't want you to move, Daisy looks so comfortable
It wasn't a complete lie, she really did.
Tim: ok, um, the bathroom cabinet, top shelf all the way to the left
Lucy: thanks
I saw Tim lower the volume on the TV, he didn't have to do that, but I appreciate it.
Tim: I hope your head feels better
Lucy: thanks
I walked into the bathroom and took the ibuprofen with a swig of water. I then laid back down in the dark room with the door shut. I eventually knocked out.
Tim's POV
Since Lucy walked away, I called Angela.
The call:
Angela: Hey what's up?
Tim:um nothing much, what about you?
Angela: the usual, so why the call?
Tim: it's Lucy
Angela: is everything ok?
Tim; yeah but, she's acting wierd today
Angela: well you said she was sick, right?
Tim: yeah but she's not letting me help her at all, she's just distant
Angela: and Tim misses his girlfriend?
Tim: she's not my girlfriend! You know this!
Angela: but you want her to be!
Tim: no, don't say that
Angel: do you have feelings for her Tim?
Tim: what?!? Nooo!
Angela: mmhmm
Tim: that is not, just no, okay?
Angela: do you?
Tim: I already told you no, she's my rookie Angela!
Angela: so? you've dated a coworker before, in fact, you married her
Tim: she was never my rookie
Angela: fair point, listen, i've got to go, just give her time, trust me
Tim: ok, yeah, bye
Angela: bye Tim
I hung up the phone and saw a sleeping Daisy on my chest with the credits of snow white playing. I picked her up off my chest and laid her down on the couch. I put a blanket over we her and sat at the kitchen counter. I then cleaned everything in the living room and kitchen up. Then, I cleaned the bathroom sink, bathtub, and toilet. The house looked spotless and you couldn't tell two sick people were even there anymore. Daisy woke up coughing and crying.
Tim: hey, hey, it's ok
Daisy: i gonna puke
she said through tears
Tim: okay, let's get you to the bathroom
we quickly walked to toilet. I lifted up the toilet seat and held her hair back as she kneeled down in front of the toilet. I rubbed her back and tried to comfort her. She puked twice and I heard Lucy get up. A few seconds later a very tired and sad looking Lucy opened the door bathroom door.
Lucy: is she ok? what happened?
Tim: she was sleeping and woke up coughing, she felt like she was going to puke so I brought her in here. She threw up twice.
Lucy: oh, my poor Daisy
she went and sat next to Daisy on the bathroom floor. She took hold of Daisy's hair so I let go with my hand still in her back.
Lucy: it's ok, you can go now
Tim: it's fine, i'll stay
Lucy: Tim, you can go
Tim: alright then
I got up and left, i mean after all Daisy isn't my daughter. I just wanted to help out but, if Lucy isn't ready to let another man into her daughter's life yet, i get that. And not in the sense of like relationship or anything, just any man. I'm still confused on why now of all times she pushing me away though. I went into the kitchen and started cleaning the already cleaned counters. I have nothing to do. A few minutes later Daisy and Lucy left the bathroom. They walked straight into my bedroom and I heard Lucy talking to Daisy.
Lucy: hey Daisy, let's get you some sleep come on
It sounded like she tucked her into the blow up bed.
Lucy: goodnight Dais
I the heard her heading over hear so I quickly pretended to clean again.
Tim: Is she ok?
Lucy: yeah
Tim: and how's she doing now?
Lucy: not too good, she's going to nap now
Tim: ok then
She started to walk away but stopped
Lucy: why are you cleaning an already clean counter?
Tim: I just finished cleaning it
Lucy: oh, ok
she the walked away and went back into the bedroom
Tim: wait Lucy
Lucy: yeah?
Tim: how's your head
Lucy: it's fine, thanks for asking
Tim: yeah, of course
she then walked away for good this time and fell asleep. What did I do wrong? is it me? is she mad at something else? or is it just because she's sick? I just went and took the trash out. Then, I started to lose my mind, i needed something to do. I just paced around the house and washed and cut up any fruit. I placed it into tupperware and placed it in my fridge. Finally, I heard Daisy and Lucy get up. Lucy walked out with Daisy on her hip. Daisy looked better but Lucy looked so tired and unhappy. Not to mention she was paler than usual and had dark circles under eyes.
Tim: how are you guys feeling?
Lucy: fine
Daisy: Good!
Tim: that's good Daisy! are you sure Lucy?
Lucy: yeah why?
Tim: you just seem tired and sick
Lucy: there you go captain obvious
I couldn't tell if she was joking or actually mad. I hope I didn't do anything.
Tim: sorry, I just want to help
Lucy: thanks, but I don't need it
Tim: ok
I backed off and i'm not going to argue it's her. She's sick and Daisy is here.
Lucy: besides, I should probably head back to my apartment tomorrow
Tim: are you ready for that?
Lucy: yeah
Tim: ok, if you what, I can go by with you and help you fix everything up. I'm sure he probably left it a mess.
Lucy: it's fine, Jackson and Nolan can help me
Tim: it never hurts to have an extra set of hands
Lucy: it's fine
I wasn't going to push helping her, that seems to be the theme of everything going on.
Tim: ok then, you hungry?
Lucy: i'm not, are you Daisy?
Daisy: yes mama!
Tim: ok then, what do you want for dinner?
Lucy: I can make it
Tim: Lucy, you're sick
Lucy: And?
Tim: I just think that if Daisy is feeling better, a sick person shouldn't make her food. And, if you're sick, you need to rest
Lucy: so you're telling me I can't make my daughter dinner?
Tim: Lucy, you know that's not what i'm saying
Lucy: Is it Tim? because it sounds like you are
Tim: why are we fighting? what is going on with you?
Lucy: maybe I should just go back to the apartment tonight
Tim: what? Lucy, it's late, you're sick
Lucy: so now I can't even go home?
Tim: Lucy what is going on with you?
Lucy: nothing Tim, why do you even care?!?
Tim: i'm not doing this in front of Daisy
Lucy: ok, i'm headed home, goodnight and thanks for everything
she got up to leave
Tim: Lucy wait!
she started packing her bags in my bedroom. Before I knew it she had changed, her bags were packed and she was headed for the door.
Tim: Lucy!
Lucy: why do you even care?!? I'm just some rookie who went through some things!
Tim: very bad things, that you haven't had therapy for!
Lucy: so you think I'm not stable or something?
Tim: that is not what I said! Just try and listen to me
Lucy: i have been trying, but everything you say just makes it worse!
Tim: I'm sorry Lucy, I'm trying!
Lucy: trying for what?!? Why do you care so much about what I do?!?
Tim: because Lucy!
Lucy: because what?!??
Tim: because I love you!

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