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3,292 304 5

Sorrow is a freak. It's all she's ever known herself as. There isn't any other word for what she is. She's a creature, a ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ; something with feathers and wings and a thousand reasons why she'll never be a real human. A thousand reasons why the world is always pushing her away. All Sorrow wants is a friend. So, when a pair of hunters stumble upon her one day, Sorrow thinks she must finally be in luck. Despite their profession, they ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ her. They see her as something more than her wings. To Sam and Dean Winchester, and especially to their angel friend, Sorrow is a creature worth loving. Worth protecting. Which is good timing, really, because as it turns out, there's a lot that Sorrow needs to protected from. Things that know the one thing she doesn't. What she really ๐˜ช๐˜ด.โ€ฆ

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23,784 1,328 10

Tiger Mallory is eight years old. Alone in the walker-infested woods of rural Georgia, with nothing but a knife and a dog, she knows her chances of survival are slim. If her sister was still here, perhaps there would be a little more hope for her, but Jackie is gone, and it's the sort of Gone that people don't usually come back from. Not anymore. So, when a little girl comes running through her forest, Tiger decides to chase her. Out of boredom, hope or loneliness, she isn't really sure, but it suddenly gets a whole lot more complicated than just that little girl. Some bitchass cop and his redneck friend are looking for the kid too, and they want to bring Tiger with them. Just for now. Just until they find the girl. And really, who is Tiger to refuse? She's just using them, same way they'll use her. Maybe she'll survive a little longer with Rick Grimes. Hey, maybe she'll even find her sister.โ€ฆ

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91,666 4,394 24

Special. The word means funny things to Gracie Rogers. Her dad was Special. She knows it from history books and old photographs and stories from Miss Carter. SHIELD is special too. So are lots of the people in it. Nat, Clint, Fury. They aren't special in the way her dad was special, but they're still super cool, as far as she's concerned. What she also knows is that she isn't special. Not one bit. There isn't anything that can change that. Still. Her dad's pretty great, though. And so's his friend. You know. The guy with the metal arm. Too bad she's supposed to be staying out of trouble.โ€ฆ

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3,130 203 2

To Matty Winchester, there are three perfect things in the world. Cowboys, cheese sandwiches, and his big brothers. Other than that, everything kinda sucks. The thing that sucks the most, in his opinion, is this stupid demon business he's caught up in. It's all his dad's fault. If Matty was a normal kid, he wouldn't have to live in a car or shoot at evil spirits, or eat cold Spaghettio-s out of the can. But he's not. According to his dad, actually, he's pretty ๐˜ข๐˜ฃnormal. Or the technical term for it, which is called being a freak. So, when Matty's dad vanishes one day, he's secretly kinda relieved. It's nice to get away from all the stress. And hey, it even means he gets to see his brother Sammy again. One of his three perfect things. But, just like everything, it all comes with a price.โ€ฆ

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226,753 8,924 43

In the spring of 2014, HYDRA-occupied SHIELD is in full swing, working underground to power the monster that is the Winter Soldier.Following in his shadow is their latest creation. Immortal, obedient and a murder machine, the child known simply as 'The Faceless Girl' cleans up any loose threads the Winter Soldier may have missed. She is a ghost story inside of a ghost story.With the fall of SHIELD, however, The Winter Soldier and The Faceless Girl run from HYDRA. They are now defectors of everything they know.It is simply James and Isabell on the road, now. James and Isabell, and the many, many ghosts that haunt them.โ€ฆ