Hiraeth // draco malfoy
It's been 7 years since the battle at Hogwarts. Life has long resumed for the wizards and witches of Great Britain, under new jurisdiction of the great dark lord Voldemort. Harry Potter is dead, and his allies are in hiding, trying to strategize new ways to defeat the dark lord, but hope is running thin as the years continue. Draco Malfoy has been sent on a mission to North America, where he's to capture, question and kill any of the resistant members who have fled there for safety. But everything changes when he meets a sweet muggle girl, who he seems to not be able to get away from. And when a tragedy leaves him returning to the home he hasn't been to in some time, his new friend joins him, only to discover the world is full of a lot more mysteries than she could have ever imagined. She has secrets of her own, some of which, even she doesn't know of. And she may just be the key to everything. TW// this is a dark fanfiction with smut & violence. Readers, be advised. 18+, and read at your own risk.โฆ