Kimi's POV
The week spent waiting for my next date with Hawks had seriously flown in (no pun intended). The students had returned to school, Aizawa was released from the infirmary, though still looking like a mummy, and I had researched the best hints and tips for go-karting in preparation.
Just as I had gotten changed into leggings and an oversized jumper my doorbell rang indicating the presence of my second favourite bird brain (Peanut will always come first).
"Well hello there kid, don't you look cute today!" Hawks said with a grin moving aside to let me out before throwing his arm around my waist and placing an affectionate kiss on the top of my head.
"Hey H- what are you wearing?" I asked unable to contain my laughter as I looked at his racing overalls. I'll admit, they looked damn good on him but I didn't think we had to dress up as rally racers to go-kart.
"Aww don't pretend you don't love it Babybird! Besides I want to look the part when I kick your ass out there!" He said with a smug smirk.
"Trust me it'll be me kicking your feathered ass!" I mock sticking my tongue out at him playfully.
"Mmmm as nice as that sounds I think I'd prefer you spank it" Hawks smirked as I felt my soul leave my body. Why would he say something like that?! My poor innocent mind!
"Aww did I flustered you? Sorry Babybird, I'll ease up on the teasing for now. You look like you're about to have a nose bleed" He laughed as I pulled my collar up to cover my red face.
"I wonder why!" I mumbled still trying to recover from the embarrassed glow that was still resonating from my cheeks.
After an excessive amount of flirty statements and trash talking about our upcoming bet we finally made it to the track, being greeted by a large man with shiny lime skin.
"Hello and welcome to Go-Kuruma, have you pre-booked?" He asked us loudly, a permanent grin etched across his face. His voice was on par with Present Mic's, most likely from being used to talking over the roar of go-karts and screaming children.
"Yes sir, we're booked under Kimiko Kita!" I reply trying not to stare at my clear reflection in his shiny skin.
"Ahh yes, you requested one kart with extra space?"
"That's right" I say awkwardly indicating to Hawk's large wings.
"Right this way!" He smiled leading us further into the racing grounds.
"Aww look at you being so thoughtful about my wings, thanks Babybird. But I'm still going to win." Hawks grinned holding my hand and giving it a squeeze.
"I actually requested a bigger kart to fit your huge ego" I smirked flicking his head and watching him let out a snort-like laugh.
"My ego isn't the only thing that's big baby..." Hawks whispers before our green skinned host comes back with helmets and starts to talk us through safety measures and how our go-karts operate.
*** Time skip past the safety lecture***
Hawks and I stared at each other from our individual Go-Karts as we waited at the starting line. We had been given helmets however the visor was clear, allowing us to glare at one another, trash talking like angry teenagers in a basket ball game.
"You are so going down Hawks!" I shout preparing to hit the accelerator as soon as the buzzer goes off.
"Only if it's on you Babybird!" He calls back with a wink. I choke on air at the statement and am too caught up to notice that the buzzer has already went and Hawks is gaining distance. Oh no you don't!
I put my foot to the ground and speed off down the track swearing under my breath at the bird brain for making me flustered. I refuse to lose to him! The track consisted of a large figure 8, lined with tires and bright green flags. We would be forced to break harshly at the bends to avoid crashing, though I noticed Hawks trying to avoid applying the brakes at all costs. Allowing my go-kart to slowly creep up on his I began to trash talk.
"Slowing down a bit huh? I thought Hawks were supposed to be fast!" I shout as we approach a bend.
"You wanna see fast Babybird?!" Hawks shouted back, placing this foot firmly on the accelerator and turning the steering wheel harshly to the right. As I expected, he lost control and ended up crashing head first into the tire lined barriers. I braked as my kart made the turn and managed to pull off into first place, leaving a pouting Hawks trying to figure out how to reverse.
After another three laps I raced to the finish line, Hawks coming up behind me with about five seconds between us. We came to a stop and I couldn't help but burst into laughter after catching Hawks' still pouting face.
"Aww don't be a sore loser!" I laugh patting his head as we leave our karts and remove our helmets.
"Haha don't get me wrong, you won fair and square Babybird, and I like a girl who can take charge. But I did want that kiss!" He laughed with pleading eyes.
"Theres always next time! Now you just need to get me that book." I say with a wink looping my arm through his as we pack up our things, thank our host and head off to get some lunch.
We decided to stop by a fast food place that wasn't too far from the racing track. It was a place popular amongst UA students for it's cheap prices and close proximity to the school, but the food was actually pretty good. After more fighting with Hawks over paying, a few of his fans managed to distract him long enough for me to pay and achieve my second victory of the day.
"Well if the nurse thing doesn't work out I could always be a race car driver! May have to learn how to drive a car that requires actual keys though!" I laughed munching on my fries as Hawks devoured some chicken nuggets.
"Well, you don't need car keys to get my heart racing!" Hawks winked unable to stop himself snickering at the cheesy pick up line.
"Well, you don't need gears to drive me crazy!" I say back with an exaggerated wink before we both began to laugh loudly.
"Okay Babybird, even I'll admit that one was pretty bad. Cheesy pick up lines aside, if I'm getting you a book, what genre do you like?" He asked making a start on the popcorn chicken which he also ordered. Honestly I don't know how much chicken this man can consume in a single day.
"Any really, I don't mind. As long as it isn't one of those self help books, they always make me feel ten times worse after reading them." I say stealing one of Hawks popcorn chicken pieces.
"Mmm, I think I'm going to go with something steamy then. Give us some inspiration for the future!" He smirked back watching me cover my face with a moan.
"That's exactly the noise you'll be making when we try it out!" he laughed as my face grew scarlett.
"You'll be screaming that too!" He chuckled as I slapped his arm, about ready to pass out.
"Okay, okay. Sorry, you just bring out the bird of prey in me!" He laughed, his hand reaching for mine as he interlocking our fingers.
"I really do like you Kimi." He smiled, all traces of that cocky smirk gone. I gave him a small smile back and squeezed his hand lightly.
"I like you too".
Dabi's POV
Why am I here again? For the second time in the past week, I found myself on the outskirts of Kimi's apartment complex. I had kept her locket from when I was first there and knew that I had to return it. On the surface I told myself returning it would ensure she wouldn't become suspicious. But on a deeper level I know it's because I just don't want her to forget me. It's selfish I know, but my relationship with Kimi had always been a saving grace. I clung to Kimi like a drowning man clings to draft wood. A part of me still prays that one day I'll float back to her and be held above the ice water of this world, even if only for a moment. But I know she's moving on and I should let her. But knowing that she might think of me, even if I'm only a passing thought as she tries to fall asleep. I'll be happy, because the memory of me will still be with her, even if I can't be.
It's the weekend but she is usually home by now. She must be out with that feathered idiot again. Though I should be thankful, it gives me a chance to get into her apartment and get out as soon as possible. I climb up to her window but notice that it is firmly shut. Guess I won't be going in that way. Just as I was about to try to pick the lock of her front door, the sound of Kimi's musical laugh could be heard. I moved back, hiding in the shadows cast upon the tree outside her window.
"And then I said 'for someone with a light quirk, you're not that bright'!"
That winged bastard said making Kimi laugh loudly.
"No way! Was he still wearing the tutu?" She asked wiping the tears that had started to fall from her eyes.
"Oh yeah, and the heels! Honestly, it was the best arrest ever." He chuckled.
Their laughter slowly died down and he pulled her into a tight hug, burying his face in her hair. I watched on, shaking with jealousy as his arms wrapped around her waist and settled on the small of her back. Her hands were clasped around his shoulders as they started to sway aide to side. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but could guess that it was a whispered goodbye.
As they pulled away he held her hand and brought it up to his lips placing a delicate kiss to the back of it as she blushed lightly at the action.
I used to be able to make her blush like that. Seeing her with someone else. Seeing her without her locket. It felt like being hit by 40 bricks. I bit down on my lip, feeling the rough texture of the scarred skin between my teeth. Looking at my Kimi now ... I don't think I have ever regretted leaving as much in my life. I left as quietly as I came, clutching the locket tightly in my hand. I don't know where I'm going, just anywhere away from here and the bitter taste of jealousy.
Author note
Hiya lovely readers! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the support/favourites/comments on the story so far, it means so much to see that you're enjoying the story!
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