Fragments of a broken family...

Fragments of a broken family...

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This poem explores the enduring longing and deep sense of loss experienced by the speaker due to the absence of a loved one. It reflects on the pain of going through difficult times alone, reminiscing about happier moments when the family was whole. Despite the yearning for things to go back to how they were, the poem ultimately acknowledges the irreversible nature of the past and the need to find acceptance and closure.…

unrequited love

unrequited love

5 1 1

a short poem about a girl and her unrequited love for a boy who she regrets not confessing her feeling to....…

Family Burden

Family Burden

1 0 1

This poem explores deep feelings of despair, rejection, and a longing for escape from an oppressive environment. The speaker expresses a desire to disappear from the world, feeling burdened by constant blame and criticism from someone close to them. Despite their efforts to please and gain approval, they feel unappreciated and unseen, leading to a profound sense of disappointment and hopelessness. The repetition of the wish to be "gone" emphasizes the intensity of the desire to escape the suffocating situation. Overall, the poem captures the emotional weight of feeling unvalued and misunderstood.hope ull like it…