Vows from a Starlit Heart

Vows from a Starlit Heart

424 49 15

Charlotte is a 19-year-old girl from Earth, but she will become a legend known as the Blue Horse. A legend throughout history. And it all started with one meeting and a mystery man called 'The Doctor'. There will be love, there will be loss, and there will be one last promise that seems impossible to keep. So sit tight, get a sonic screwdriver, and dive in. This is a Doctor Who fanfiction, by the way. Hope you enjoy.…

Torchwood And The War (Second in the Blue Horse Series)

Torchwood And The War (Second in the Blue Horse Series)

328 1 16

The Doctor has loved Charlotte ever since his ninth regeneration. And Rose and Andrew have been together for a while and they love each other very much. Charlotte and the Doctor are having a child- on top of that, the word 'Torchwood' has been following them around. Who are they and what do they want?Find out in Series Two of the Blue Horse Series.…

Here Come The Drums (Third in the Blue Horse Series)

Here Come The Drums (Third in the Blue Horse Series)

306 0 18

Harold Saxon. Who is he and why do we hear his name?Well, here comes another mystery for the gang to solve. Rose is in another universe, leaving Andrew heartbroken and wishing for her return. One day they met Martha Jones, who saved the Doctor's life and the Doctor is taking her on 'one trip only'. Martha falls for Andrew and the Doctor and Charlotte become more close, they have their child and name her Rebecca. Will we find out who Harold Saxon is? Wait and see in Series Three of the Blue Horse Series.…

This Song is Ending, But the Story Never Ends

This Song is Ending, But the Story Never Ends

156 0 26

(series four / special of doctor who and blue horse series) Andrew has been the doctor for a long time and he seen a lot of things. But nothing was going to surprise him then this Charlotte dies and Rebecca regenerate for the first time. Donna comes back and we get to see Martha again but as rose is returning with Charlotte and the tenth doctor ending coming closer. What is in store for Andrew, the doctor and his friends least find out in series four/special of doctor who and blue horse series…

The Blue Horse Rises (Doctor Who Series Five)

The Blue Horse Rises (Doctor Who Series Five)

74 1 29

Andrew and clone Rebecca are back after they disappeared before Andrew brother regeneration and Andrew regenerate and they crash landed in the small village of leadwoth. They gets a job and become a sort of brother and sister to a girl called amellia pond. One day they both looking after her when the tardis lands in the garden and Andrew brother and clone Rebecca dad is back with a new face. But no Charlotte where was she well she feel out the tardis and is now in hospital but he dose not know that . So the doctor promise to be back in five minutes but comes back 12 years later and she called amy. She got a boyfriend Rory, Andrew got married and him and clone Rebecca are still amy best friend so they save the world together and they get reunited with Charlotte. But what are the crack in the wall and who is making them least find out in series five of the blue horse series and Doctor who hope you enjoy thank you allonzy and geronimo.…

Honeymoon & Skyler's Revenge

Honeymoon & Skyler's Revenge

58 0 40

(Doctor who series six and blue horse series) Charlotte is now a time Lord and the blue horse legend is finally here. But what goes up must come down skylar is back with Rebecca by her side and they ready to cause more trouble to this tardis team. Andrew is the doctor again as Charlotte and the doctor are married and on their year long honeymoon. Amy is pregnant or is she Andrew dies or dose he who is river song, who did she kill and who is the child in the spacesuit least find out in series six of the blue horse series and Doctor who hope you enjoy thank you allonzy and geronimo.…

The Battle That Has Lasted Longer Than Time

The Battle That Has Lasted Longer Than Time

86 1 33

(doctor who series seven part one and two of doctor who and blue horse series) The tardis team have been through a lot and have suffered under skyler revenge. Now it's time for skyler plan that could either brake them or bring them together. Charlotte and the doctor are back from their honeymoon and they join the others on their adventures will the blue horse fall under her power or will she rise to win the battel that has lasted longer then time least find out.…

The Doctor & The Reporter

The Doctor & The Reporter

74 0 13

Viki is a reporter she loves doing her work but one day things change when she reports something that falls to the sky. She meets a mystery man called the doctor, his friend rose, her ex boyfriend Micky and her mum Jackie this day was something she never thought she see but it will lead to more adventure and weird going on.Can she hold her nurve and stay strong for the years ahead least find out.…

Mystery Name

Mystery Name

9 0 6

Sequel to: The Doctor & The ReporterViki and the Doctor are back and after Rose turned evil, they are traveling together. Then they meet Martha and her family and things don't go according to plan: someone is running London and they know about the Doctor. Who is it?…

Series One Review

Series One Review

72 1 10

Welcome back to my review of Doctor Who. This is Series One so if you haven't seen it, this is your spoiler warning. Hope you enjoy it!…

Series Two Review

Series Two Review

36 1 14

Welcome to series two of the reviews hope you enjoy and allonzy…

Series Three Review

Series Three Review

40 3 9

Hi everyone yesterday I started watching series three again and I thought i might do a review of each episode its been a while but ik glad I got back into it merry Christmas…

Series Four Review

Series Four Review

36 1 13

Hi everyone yesterday I started watching series four again and I thought i might do a review of each episode you probably wondering where series one, two and three are well I do them after I finished series four lol.…

Secrets And Time Travel

Secrets And Time Travel

303 12 17

The Doctor is back with a new face and new adventures through time and space. She falls to Earth again and meets Sam and Nate, who become her friends. There will be secrets and love with this TARDIS team. And there will be more aliens that will face the team wherever they go. Let's see where the time winds take them.…

Give Me Adventure

Give Me Adventure

28 2 7

Hi everyone so I wanted to do series six of my made up version of how I would write doctor who lol I'm so happy on getting back into this. But don't worry the Christmas story will be out soon I want to write it near Christmas lol so hope you enjoy this series lol.What the series is calledGive me adventureWhat it's aboutThe doctor is back with a new face and new adventure. One day the doctor meets Mary and they save the world together but something has happend to the doctor she forgot about the blue horse. And thinks it's a legend but what happens when the doctor learn the truth once more and will it change her life least find out.*********************…

Best Friends

Best Friends

11 1 8

The doctor and Mary are back and this time they meet Lilly by crashing in her house after that they all travel together and become good friends. But what danger awaits them and what aliens will return to brake this tardis team apart least find out.…



12 0 6

The doctor has meet Lilly and hannah now and sadly Mary is dead or so she thinks. Their adventure has just begun and there's more to come that will shock the doctor even more. Can this family stick together or fall apart from the dangers of the past least find out.…

An Adventure Like No Other

An Adventure Like No Other

11 0 7

The doctor has now changed his face and is now falling to earth once again to meet his tardis team. But there are more secrets to follow and more history the doctor never new happend this is one regeneration he never forget.…

Revenge in the Family

Revenge in the Family

9 0 7

The doctor is back with the tardis team but thing are not going well max is the doctor son and new friends are on the way. John and layla but as revenge comes closer for the tardis team how long can the doctor last least find out…

New Era, New Doctor

New Era, New Doctor

7 0 5

The doctor is back with Lilly, charlotte, unit and torchwood return to help save the world once more from the many people from the doctor past and even more secrets to follow and a new doctor will arrive.…