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Tim and Lucy share a past, but that past isn't exactly the prettiest. And Lucy carried away from it the most beautiful gift, but also a lot of demons.Lucy is freshly 25 years old and has become the youngest sergeant in America. She has been transferred to LA as help. She herself helps victims of bullying and people who hurt themselves. And that tells us about the past of Tim and Lucy. Lucy didn't have it easy in high school. Even though she was beautiful, she was a victim of bullying because she was a nerd who didn't go out much, but rather studied and read. All of that changed when Tim started showing interest in her. I wish she had told him to go away.Nolan and Bailey are married, as are the Wopez, Harper and James as well.L: LucyT: TobyTi: TimA: AngelaW: WesleyN: NolanB: BaileyH: HarperJ: JamesTam: TamaraG: Grey…