
" Summer Vacation" ( IzuOcha)

3,586 119 10

Class 1A decides to go to a Hotel by the beach for summer vacation! Everybody has to share a room with one other person. when Deku and Uraraka both get paired up, what will happened? will there be confessions of more? This is a hmmm actually idk what to call this....there will be mostly fluff but there will be some umm "interesting" scenes so yea....I hope you like this other book!…

"Roomates" ( TadaKomi)

2,178 38 4

It's summer break and Komi wanted to call her friends to hang out with her for a bit. She calls Tadano and they hang out for the day but when Tadano leaves to go home he's shocked to find out his family left him for a summer trip! Komi offers him to stay at her house for summer. How things go? Confessions? Maybe more, Find out!…

"Out Sick" ( Izuocha)

16,017 378 21

It's a normal week until deku finds out uraraka is sick?!?! This is a fun cute "iNtErEsTiNg" story about our favorite not so "iNnOcEnT" cinnaminrolls that we love! deku will stay over to take care of uraraka while she's sick will anything else happen? Yes everything thing will happen-oh btw I added it to mature becuz it will have so language and I little bit of..how to I say this? ummm "Adult-ish things" like kIsSiNg,hIcKeYs, hAvInG "iT' sTuFf LiKe tHaT....soooo read at ur own risk it's not my fault if your a kid and your parent(s) walk in and sees this... ( P.S : I know I said this was going to be "fluff" butt...they are teens and i'm a big perv soooo..…