I'm a Cyborg's Pet
After being banned for being too edgy, WE ARE BACK! Feisty, Jenny Banks lives a dystopian nightmare as a robot uprising run by dark AI (Artificial Intelligences) takes over the world. Captured and slave collared by robots, Jenny is sent to slave school and then sold to the notorious but mysterious cyborg called Lord Rockwood. Can she survive being 'up cycled' as a pet, encounters with feral Roombas, moronic human slave owners, fashion-conscious robots, vampire cyborg-etts, dangerously addictive perfumes dealt by rogue members of OneDirection and werewolf marines? With little more than a pair of stiletto heels, a smart ass slave collar, and a sassy wit, sharp enough to give you a paper cut, can Jenny hold on to her humanity long enough to bring out Rockwood's? With the extinction of humanity in the balance no pressure.🤖🤸♀️Think, Terminator meets 12 years a slave ( @JuliaExplodes ) Warning: a PG13 Science Fiction dystopia including scenes of romance and satire. A sense of humour advised. #1 in SciFi HOT , #6 in Humour HOT. #5 Vampire HOT71% of the people who read the first chapter finish the book. This book hasn't been stolen and republished on Amazon (come on guys what's wrong with you nearly 2 Million reads not enough?) -------------- Praise 100% genuine ------------- My empty room is the only witness to my laughter.@Birdy1121. I'm hooked. This story is basically word cocaine. @Panicatmychemicaldw I absolutely love this book @Broken_Window OMG I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE CHAPTER. @JustZeena I feel like my fingers are compelled to click on the little star icons. @KaranSeraph "Robot apocalypse now"actually earned a genuine guffaw. I love the smell of cyborg in the morning. And it smells disconcertingly like... lavender. @ClipperDown This book is addictive! Every time the book comes to an end for the week, I almost cry! @Sapphiregirl232…