Pressed Flowers

Pressed Flowers

29 2 2

"You're a jagged little pill aren't you?" Clay huffed. He swung his taser again, only to stumble into the empty spot where the elusive Wild Rose had just been. "It's not as if you've given me the chance to be anything else but." Her retort and smirk played with his oddly flirtatious attempt at catching her unaware. She thought she saw a blush rise to his cheeks. ... The Wildflowers are three vigilantes who have been targeted by a syndicate of assassins and mercenaries for preventing their recent attempt at bombing a newly opened train station. Dandelion (Opal Collins, 21), the leader, Forget-Me-Not (Diane Russell, 19) Opal's second, and Wild Rose (Rosemund Park, 18) the rooky. Each are assigned to an assassin who's mission is to bring them back dead or alive.A/N: I started writing this back in 2019, look how the time has flownπŸ˜‚ it's based on a dream I had so I hope it's as fun to read for everyone as it was as fun for me to write!…

Thorns and Other Baubles

Thorns and Other Baubles

138 4 20

Prick your fingeron nothing but hot airand gasoline~Β°*Poetry & Lyrics…



16 0 1

Teagan-Marie Lenor (Marionette) has just fled to San Francisco searching for sanctuary with the X-Men. Upon arriving, she finds them in the midst of their own conflict(the revival of long dead mutants), which leads questioning into her past and relapses into old habits she has been desperate to leave far behind her in leaving her old "home". This is based on a different "Astonishing X-Men" series I stumbled upon when searching for the Joss Whedon one "Ghost Box" and "Exogenetic", where basically the Mutant population is faced with extinction due to the discontinuation of the Mutant Gene where there are no more new mutants and there are weird Sentinel creatures and Brood.…



91 1 3

(Inspired by Florence and the Machine's "Hunger")A siren prince becomes more than acquainted with one of the kind who have murdered and hunted his race for centuries. A human girl. -CarrickA warrior in her court's personal guard is targeted and on the run from her own kingdom after saving a siren from execution. -AideenA rogue Fae mercenary is sent on a hunt by a corrupt human court that could soon lead to his demise as he falls for the very bounty he was sent after. -EirninA friend turned foe by her loyalty to the crown. -LotusAll this is the calm before the storm. There's an inter-species war on the forefront.(Warning: Strongly suggestive content in the chapter labeled "Carrick II" , if it was a movie it'd be PG-13 but not so bad that you'd have to skip anything)…

A Bit of Something Random to go with your Tea?

A Bit of Something Random to go with your Tea?

114 0 7

So... I don't actually know why I'm making this "book". There will probably be one-shots from different fandoms, most likely ending in the death of one of the characters. I really like writing stuff like that. It's probably going to be really bad. I'm kind of tired right now. Oh well.…

X-Men: Civil War

X-Men: Civil War

352 1 24

Maxi is back, again, and Nightwing has gone back to his dimension, forgotten until the end. Kurt's still dead and deciet lies around every corner. Book 1- Clone(an x-men fanfic)Book 2- Gryphon…



52 3 2

Deep in the voids of time lies the consciousness of the dark one. At the peak of Sauron's demise, he was awakened slightly. And now he has whispered venom and death into an enemy, who cannot be destroyed by a mere ring. "Melkor..." his name no longer remembered by any except the Valar. When OromΓ« and Yavanna, two who love the forest, see the threat before anyone else, they form an alliance and convince AulΓ« to forge another Silmaril to protect the land from a force more powerful than Sauron.…

Inhuman (Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)

Inhuman (Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D Fanfiction)

330 7 2

Aisling (pronounced as Ashley) Clearwater is only 15 when Lash comes to kill her. Instead of getting to her first, he encounters her family and slaughters them where they stand. She runs, and ends up in a closet with her pet, waiting, listening, and hoping that Lash won't find her. When she thinks she's safe again, her door opens to reveal a mysterious man by the name of Coulson. This is during season 2 and before Maveth, so that episode with Jemma will be in there. Disclaimer: I don't own any marvel characters except for Aisling, who I made up.…



2,071 101 20

A new vigilante in Gotham leads Nightwing on a fiery trail winding down into arms. Although Firefly doesn't want anything to do with him, she finds herself trusting the man behind the mask.(Cover image credited to Sachin Teng, who is an amazing artist, and the rest I made on Canva, which is a great website and app that I've recently discovered in trying to make a cover for an actual book that I am currently in the process of writing)…



122 0 10

Maxine Lehnsherr, now passed on, has left behind a new legacy, Eleanor Lehnsherr. Her mutant powers to see the memories in objects that touch her skin, and having the ability to replace memories, cause some trouble when she finds out about her mother's past, present, and her own future. Sam Grayson, is very much like his mother, in so many ways. He has wings, blue-gray eyes and dirty blonde hair. Although his ability to morph into an Owl is a large difference. He holds on to his past memory of his mother's loving touch before she died and tries to live a fairly... "Normal" life, as normal as any New Avenger can get. Until he collides with the other, more chaotic part of his past.THIS IS THE FOURTH BOOK TO THE "Clone" SERIESPlease read the books below if you haven't already. BOOK 1: Clone (an X-Men fanfic)BOOK 2: GryphonBOOK 3: X-Men: Civil War…

Gryphon (Completed)

Gryphon (Completed)

632 18 19

(Book Two Of Clone)Takes place during the Wolverine and the X-Men distopia future series, and also after Nightcrawler died in the comics.Book 1- Clone(an x-men fanfic)Please read book one first, there will be plot holes.…

Clone (An X-Men fanfic)(Completed)(Editing)

Clone (An X-Men fanfic)(Completed)(Editing)

11,009 205 29

This book starts off after Nightcrawler joins the X-Men and the team is given detail from the professor that there is an overlooked project called "Point Opposite" made by the same scientists who made Wolverine the way he's now. When Jean, Cyclops, and Storm arrive at the destination they realize that Maxine's background may be even more difficult to understand than they thought.…