Moon's Descendant (KNY Fanfic)

Moon's Descendant (KNY Fanfic)

202 3 5

Tokitos' are assumed to be far-fetched descendants of the Tsugikunis', but what if I tell you, there is a person from direct line of Tsugikuni?Tsukiko Tsugikuni is direct ancestor of the well-known (during golden age of demon slayer) Moon Hashira, Tsugikuni Michikatsu. However, after his nauseating act of turning into a demon, his lineage (his wife and children) were casted aside. But the marked slayers died at age of 25, sparing them and they were able to be demon slayers again.I don't own DS or DS characters. This is my second attempt to write, so enjoyy!Note: Story will be Updated on Saturdays.…

Delicate Darling (JJK x OC)

Delicate Darling (JJK x OC)

3,179 117 26

"KUNA KUNA KUNA KUNA!"What pain it is to be little Gojo's favourite...The art doesen't belong to me...BTW it's my first try writing. So please be patient, the first chapter is kinda lame. But the second chapter is much interesting.Update: On Sundays…