Gloomcaller (The Legend of Zelda BoTW/ToTK x Male Reader)

Gloomcaller (The Legend of Zelda BoTW/ToTK x Male Reader)

1,393 87 1

(Cover designed by @Imitoni)All, without exception, look back to the days of the Calamity with dread. Over 100 years ago, when Calamity Ganon awoke despite the best efforts of four Champions, a legendary swordsman, and a brave princess with only a power she had yet to unlock. Of those days, everyone could only look back with horror at the fates of the four champions, locked away and killed. The Swordsman meant to face Ganon, slain in a field. The princess, locked away in a Hyrule Castle now held by the same monsters it once drove away, Of those days, people only remember the slain... Now, 100 years later, a harbinger of the death that once came still roams free. An agent of the Calamity, frozen in youth, forever roaming at the will of the Calamity that brought him in. You, the Calamity's own warrior, nearly forgotten by legend. Drifting from town to town, stable to stable, alone with your thoughts, all until the same swordsman of days past somehow rises again, leading you to your greatest journey, both across the great lands of Hyrule, and through the depths of your mind, in painful reflection. Either way, your goal was clear: You needed to kill Link.(Character ages will be adjusted as necessary for story consistency and moral purposes. Changes will not be listed here, but they will be stated as they become relevant)…

A World Once Familiar, Redux (Splatoon/Subnautica x Male Reader)

A World Once Familiar, Redux (Splatoon/Subnautica x Male Reader)

4,744 137 3

New cover is designed by Tumblr user @nalina-nwIf you had to summarize the previous five years of your life into one word, to encapsulate squidnapping, murder, imprisonment, survival, and forced evolution in order to see the next day, it would simply be "torment."You were supposed to just be the average inkling, Y/n L/n, known by many as the secretive, small-time singer Seaside, known best for his hidden identity and performances by the street, in garages, bars, wherever one could stop to listen and give money.Those days came, and before you could learn to appreciate them, they were gone, just like you were that fateful day you woke up away from home, just like the day you were banished to the oceans and the dangers of the planet 4546B, and just like the day you finally returned home, five long years later, to a world once familiar...In case it's not obvious, this is the rewrite to A World Once Familiar. I plan on expanding upon the main character (who I call Harbor Maria in place of Y/n L/n), Agent 3, and improve several scenes, as well as give the whole story some much-needed polish and a touch of my more modern writing.…

A World Once Forgotten (Splatoon/Subnautica x Male Reader)

A World Once Forgotten (Splatoon/Subnautica x Male Reader)

29,921 796 20

This is a sequel. While not required, it is recommended to read 'A World Once Familiar' before starting this story.Cover made by @Imitoni You were Y/n L/n. An Inkling, survivor of kidnapping by humans and stranding on the planet 4546B, eventually conquering the planet at many costs. A long battle with PTSD, caffeine addiction, and trauma awaited your return home, a battle aided by new friends and a love of your life. It was enough to fill a book. But it was not enough. New situations located in the outskirts of the Splatlands called you from home to new people, new situations, and new mysteries swarming you alongside old passion and that inexplicable gap in your memory from 7 years ago...... You were Y/n L/n. An Octoling native to the Splatlands just hoping to make a steady earning by salvaging scrap alongside your lifelong partner, affectionately called Little Buddy. A single movement in the nearby town of Splatsville, however, disrupts that dream of thriving. Before you can help it, you are sucked into a group dedicated to saving the lands, leading you deeper and deeper down a spiral into the pasts of others, and the traumas locked deep inside your own mind. Maybe, just maybe, they would lead to the days before you woke up with no memory, and a crippling fear of the water...…

Pitch-Black Passion(Kyoka Jiro x Venom Male Reader)

Pitch-Black Passion(Kyoka Jiro x Venom Male Reader)

17,489 765 8

Cover art by the one and only @ActuallyAleister"What single event changed the course of your life forever?" A simple question with a million answers, ranging from 'finding my quirk' to 'getting saved by a hero' to even 'waking up with the realization of what I really yearned for.' Not many people would say 'almost dying from getting hit by space debris at a young age.' Not even you thought that answer would be the one given by anyone. An aspiring hero from the day people started getting quirks in kindergarten, to even now, backed up by your closest friend and companion. Sure, you weren't the best in school, but even you knew that meteorites never hit people. So, what single even changed your life? For you, Y/n L/n, it was wandering away from your mother in a park, to an alleyway where a man was guarding a glass canister holding the strangest black fluid you had ever seen...…

A Bizarre Tale, Part 1: City Of Darkness(Male Reader Insert)

A Bizarre Tale, Part 1: City Of Darkness(Male Reader Insert)

3,065 147 7

This is a work of fiction. There is no connection whatsoever to any existing people, groups, or events.Cover art by Aleister Crowley (@ActuallyAleister)New Carthage, Michigan was supposed to be a home for the happy, a utopia. Crime Rates have soared since it's humble beginnings, and a once proud city now stands desolate, with its activity ranging from hurried trips to stores or work, or gang wars. The only thing the average citizen has going for a life in this nightmare is the low rent, and high demand for capable workers in its stores. Police forces stand just as corrupt as the gangs that roam the streets, ranging from the growing groups with no names to the dreaded Army Of The Night, who holds the city in it's dark grip. Yet, the city's dark skies and high death counts don't deter the foolish, especially recent-graduate Y/n L/n, after being kicked out of home by his father. Your story begins in a rainy night, with you pulling your beat up old car into an apartment complex, and exploring the safer side of the city. Chance brings you to an antique store, run by a kind old man. Kind enough, in fact, to sell, at a discount, that peculiar golden arrow that caught your eye.A Bizarre Tale is (meant to be) a growing series in which the main Character goes on adventures reminiscent of those portrayed in "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure," written by Araki. This is not a mockery or an attempt to mooch off of him or his work. I will use his concept of Stands, and make a few references to his characters and stories, but ultimately, this is my story. No characters or stands originating from the currently written 8 parts shall appear. As such, any resemblance between my works and any other event or person, real life or otherwise, is purely coincidental unless stated otherwise.…

Blood of the Ancients(Overlord x Great One Male Reader)

Blood of the Ancients(Overlord x Great One Male Reader)

55,567 1,784 9

(Cover art by ActuallyAleister. I appreciate you making these, man)Yggdrasil: Year 11 PatchAn update long hyped up for the massive player base of Japans largest DMMORPG, planned to add new enemies, two new sectors to the world map, new stats, new races, and most of all: Great Ones. Six massively powerful beings that had a number of exclusive abilities, including multiple bodies, god-like stats that scaled with the number of Great Ones online at the time, control over two new monster types, and perhaps most exciting to the many guilds that held high power in the game: the ability to create their own realms called 'Dreams' for small hubs, and 'Nightmares' for larger domains, wherein foes dwelled, and guilds kept their treasures.The Lake, The Formless, The Cosmos, The Amygdala, The Nurse, and The MoonIt was around this patch that the powerful guild called Ainz Ooal Gown gained a powerful, 42nd ally. A lycanthrope by the name of Y/n, who met their strict specifications. With their new ally and friend, a raid was launched on the player who held domain of the Moon, and working together, seized that power for their own guild, eventually handing that strength to their newest asset, who brought Nazarick, their tomb and home base, to new heights. The Nightmare of Nazarick was created, a massive, dream world parallel of the tomb, accessible only by special creatures and keys scattered around the tomb. Using this new strength, Ainz Ooal Gown became one of, if not the strongest, most influential and feared names across Yggdrasil. Until, a year later, the game came to it's final day. The servers were shutting down, and of forty-two great beings, only two remained. Momonga, the elder lich and great leader of the guild, and you, a lone doll that housed power incomprehensible...…

Crocodile Tears (Tenko Chabashira x Male Reader)

Crocodile Tears (Tenko Chabashira x Male Reader)

143,525 3,206 33

Cover art by @ActuallyAleister, sprite edited in by meThe Ultimate Academy for gifted juveniles. A strange, almost foreboding place. A place where a grand total of 17 students have been gathered. A place where hope thrives, and talents are nurtured. A place where despair rises, and talents are murdered. Meet Y/n L/n, the outlying 17th student. A boy who hides his talent away from the prying eyes of his peers, while struggling against the odds and staying alive as those around him are slowly brought to untimely deaths. Deaths that must be solved, lest you face it yourself.…

A World Once Familiar (Splatoon/Subnautica x Male Reader)

A World Once Familiar (Splatoon/Subnautica x Male Reader)

265,774 5,427 34

Cover designed by @ImitoniA world of water is the worst an inkling can ask for. Then again, so is being kidnapped by a species long thought extinct. Many misfortunes have fallen upon rising singer Seaside, known also as Y/n L/n. All that's left of those days now is a battle-worn, quiet inkling, bearing grisly scars unheard of in his kind's history. He survived, keeping several years of logs in the PDA he received, eventually returning home, to a society he was unfamiliar with. Living in a hostile environment on your own is hard, but living in a society you are a stranger to may just be harder, without the right help.…

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)

Moonrise(Rising Of The Shield Hero x Great One Male Reader)

372,050 9,052 27

A Great One is a superior being, above all levels of existence a human could even hope to achieve. Merely learning the eldritch truth around these great beasts could drive a man mad, so that his mind could be used to help another begin to learn that same truth. Insight is a measure of knowledge of the unknown. The more you know of this, the more you can hear, even see things that weren't normally there.Creatures seems to gain a voice, babies begin to cry in the abyss, and lord forbid you pass a certain point, creatures like the Amygdala become visible. You are a Great One, more specifically, you are the Moon. You were rebirthed in this state after slaying Flora, the one previously in this position. Now, you watched the years-no, the millennia pass, as you grew, clueless of the world outside, and growing more and more. It seemed you had been forgotten by the humans you were once one of. Then, one day.... somebody prayed to you…

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)

Akin By Acid(BNHA Mina Ashido x Male Xenomorph Reader)

333,965 8,654 33

Your name is Y/n L/n. You live in Musutafu city, in the apartments with your mother and father. You used to want to be a hero, until your quirk manifested. Acid Immunity. Almost useless, except for the lack of a need for safety in science class at school. With this, the best course you could take in life was a simple businessman, which you took. You started taking business courses, learning of the law, and preparing to take the same jobs as your parents.Until one Sunday, when dinner is interrupted by a few visitors, in suits and ties.Even without a useful quirk, anyone can be a hero(Placeholder Cover Found Here: Cover Found Here:…

The Last Crusader(Ram X Male Stand User Reader)

The Last Crusader(Ram X Male Stand User Reader)

151,324 3,944 48

(Cover Art by DiamondFreddy29[])(PREVIOUS COVER ART FOUND HERE: One Begins In Chapter: In The Blink Of An EyeSeason One Ends In Chapter: A Hero's RequiemSuns Fall Arc Begins In Chapter: A Bizarre Adventure Of Your OwnSuns Fall Arc Ends In Chapter: The True Might Of RequiemSeason Two Begins SoonIt all started with a high fever. You almost died, but you survived, with a strange power to call your own. Years passed, learning of this stand power, and in the middle of a job, delivering some very important cargo, you had stopped to buy some snacks to keep you awake during the trip, before you found yourself.... not on earth. And so the story begins, to find your reason to be brought here, and to stop whatever threat was rearing it's ugly head…

The Pain, Redux(Ivy x Abused Male Reader Rewrite)

The Pain, Redux(Ivy x Abused Male Reader Rewrite)

40,528 699 15

(Cover Art Found at up, get hit. Go to school, get hit. Go home, get hit. Go to sleep.Your life followed a simple schedule, from abusive parents to relentless bullies, to teachers who seemed to turn a blind eye. Your reputation wasn't the best either. Criminal records, being shut in, everything. You thought it was your life, just how you were born. Just your luck. And to tell the truth, you were used to it. Since a child, your abuse started at age eight, and being a child, you only thought it natural. Now, a little more than half a decade later, something happened, and your life started to rotate, to take that 180. Towards salvation. But light is a difficult thing to grasp, to see without going blind. All you need, is a push.…

The Silver Scaled Warrior (Minecraft Diaries Katelyn x Male Reader)

The Silver Scaled Warrior (Minecraft Diaries Katelyn x Male Reader)

1,347 21 3

You and Katelyn emerge from the darkness of the clock tower's underground chamber, to the surprisingly bright light of the sun, shining over the wrecked city of Frost. You're both changed, Katelyn watching her secret crush get killed, then come back to life, and you, the new host of Bahamut, lord of the metallic, good dragons. It's time to return home, to rest. To wait before evil rears her ugly head, forcing you to take action. Soon, you, Y/n, find not only yourself and your group, but all of Phoenix Drop, and the land beyond in danger, as new threats arise, thirsty for the blood of a traitor. The call of evil grows strong, and it's up to you to silence it.(Alright, if you decide to read down here, then heed my words real quick. This story is the sequel to Son Of A Drake, meaning if you want to understand what is happening, you should probably read that first.)…

The Sound Of Silence (Phoenix Drop High Kawaii~Chan x Mute Male Reader)

The Sound Of Silence (Phoenix Drop High Kawaii~Chan x Mute Male Reader)

85,105 1,415 26

You've been mute most of your life, resulting from an injury in a car accident that basically severed your vocal cords. You eventually got over it, learning sign language and Morse code to help with your communication, if no means of writing was nearby. You had been homeschooled most of your life, due to your parent's fear of you being teased and bullied for your muteness. However, your parents eventually got over their own fears and made the executive decision that you would be joining Phoenix Drop High two months late. Now, it's just how you decide to greet this new opportunity for friends, fun, and maybe, perhaps, POSSIBLY, some love? It's not guaranteed, but maybe some Love? Possibly.…

Left Behind (Fnaf/Rwby x male reader)

Left Behind (Fnaf/Rwby x male reader)

28,323 251 7

Y/n once knew pleasure. He was one of the main attractions at Freddy Fazbears Pizza. He kept switching locations, and got upgrades for his model, so he always met new people.Those days are gone. As days passed, children were murdered, and brought into the once great buildings. Now, as the only animatronic with an aura, Y/n sets out with the animatronic rabbit puppet Bonnet to find the one responsible for all the killings before running into the most prestigious school in Remnant, where he meets many potential friends...or potential enemies.*Cover Image found here*…

The Pain.... (Phoenix Drop High Ivy x Male Abused Reader)

The Pain.... (Phoenix Drop High Ivy x Male Abused Reader)

33,954 538 12

Pain. All you felt was pain. Pain inflicted by your school bully Ivy. Pain inflicted by your parents, who had gotten into drinking. Pain felt from old friends leaving you and new ones ignoring you. All you knew was the pain, the hurt, the neglect. Nothing could change that........But perhaps, maybe if you were given what you lacked in life, you could make up for your mistakes.…

Son of a Drake (Katelyn x male reader)

Son of a Drake (Katelyn x male reader)

23,882 315 17

Y/n. A dragon shifter of the blackscale guild. He is extremely skilled with the bow, but will fight with blades if needed. All his life, he wanted to help in a village raid. Get food and supplies for the guild come home in glory. But his wish came true. He went. He raided. He slaughtered. He was forced to kill people who didn't deserve it. after coming home to the underground blackscale guild, he packed what little he had, and ran. Ran from the evil that was home. Ran from his superiors. A week passed, and he ran into a girl. Little did he know how much that girl would change his life.…

Love comes first, life comes second (Nicole x Male reader)

Love comes first, life comes second (Nicole x Male reader)

28,864 313 15

Disclaimer! Cover does not belong to me! It belongs to its owner!Y/n, a handsome young man who had been living in a rich family until his parents were assassinated. Afterwards, he had to live with his aunt, who was a terrible person to him. When he came of age, he legally received the money left for him in his parents Will. Using it, he left his home to start a new life elsewhere. After months of searching for a house, he finds one in a place called mystreet. After moving, he soon meets new friends, including a red-head he ends up falling for. REMEMBER! Characters belong to aphmau, unless it's y/n. He belongs to you. If you're a girl... Switch the pronouns to fit you.…