The last Horcrux

The last Horcrux

7 0 2

Nineteen years after the battle of Hogwarts Hermione's younger sister Emma Elizabeth is finally Eleven but when Harry has a strange dream about the returning of the Dark Lord Voldemort and when he is introduced to Emma she might just be the answer to the reason his scar is burning after nineteen years…

Those Who Stayed Loyal To Him

Those Who Stayed Loyal To Him

21 1 5

This story is going to show all those who remand as loyal and true to Harry and Dumbledore, this will be the stories from the members of The Order Of The Phoenix and all of those at Hogwarts During Harry's year.…

The Seven Elements

The Seven Elements

17 0 4

when the world first began the Greek Gods ruled on Mount Olympus where Zeus grew tired of sitting on the mountain with no mortals to help so he found his most powerful Lightning bolt.Then he searched the world below to find Six Stones that would hold great power he searched all the places for the perfect stones to become the Elemental Stones. Little did he know that these stones would become a generation of magical beings and would be the first of the Elemental Masters......…

Pocahontas: Myth V.S. Fact

Pocahontas: Myth V.S. Fact

3,102 43 6

This is the truth Behind disney…