War of Hearts [OS&BM4] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

War of Hearts [OS&BM4] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

2,496 87 11

"If you knew just how much I adored you.. Would you love me back?"Dark Magic. Heartbreak. Secrets. When you come back to Hogwarts for your 6th year, a lot of things have changed. As you battle with the ever growing question of how to make use of the gift of Ancient Magic, there are feelings old and new alike that throw you for a loop. Which path will you choose, and who will you choose to walk it down alongside with?PART 4 of OS&BM. It is vital to have at least read part 3.…

Bringer of Death [OS&BM3] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

Bringer of Death [OS&BM3] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

6,819 170 7

He gifts you another smile as he takes a step closer to you. "Of course. I shall see you tonight, then." His hand reaches up and brushes your cheek ever so softly. "Take care of yourself" is the last thing he says before his lips plant a soft kiss on your forehead.While you try to survive your encounter with Rookwood and his followers, save Wizardkind from impending doom and stop your entire world from falling apart, there isn't much time to even enjoy the few moments of respite in the form of a perceptive Slytherin boy with endearing beauty marks who is determined to make you hold on to life for just that little bit longer. But Merlin be cursed if you didn't at least try.PART 3…

Murky Waters [OS&BM2] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

Murky Waters [OS&BM2] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

1,008 31 2

He says your name. So softly, and so full of anguish, that you feel your body break apart. You never thought it was possible to feel such overwhelming grief and hurt that you wanted nothing more than to just vanish, escape the pain and the endlessness of it. His outstretched hand finds yours, and you weave your fingers together, like you had always done. Like you would always continue to do. It was like a lifeline, holding on to him.PART 2…

Someone Beside Me [OS&BM1] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

Someone Beside Me [OS&BM1] - Ominis Gaunt x Reader

2,192 76 3

A week after the events at the catacombs, you still have not spoken to Ominis. He refuses to come near you or hear you out, so you start one last, desperate attempt to explain yourself and fix the situation. And who knows, maybe you will be able to walk away with more than you bargained for..PART 1…