

57 0 1

"Your Next""Watch Out What You Say Karma's A Bitch."WARNINGS: Blood and Gore. Homicidal Acts. Everyone always makes story's about Harry S. so here is my version of insane Louis. Some people are put in an insane asylum because they are thought to be insane. Some of us deserve to be there. Some of us Need to be there. Some of us roam the hallways of your school and you would never know. Louis was allways bullied, in stead of blaming him self of why people called him names, he just got rid of the source and the only way to do that...... Death. INSANEby N_E_O_N_G_I_R_L…

Josh Styles (Jacob Skelton) (Harry Styles)

Josh Styles (Jacob Skelton) (Harry Styles)

395 14 5

Josh Styles; son of Harry styles and Carmon smith. Josh is a demon and has very bad anger issues. Being a teenage boy, he gets into fight and does drugs. But that all stops when he meets a certain someone. Rose.…

Dark Dark House (one direction fan fic)

Dark Dark House (one direction fan fic)

77,532 1,286 23

Kate brown, a normal teenage girl, finds herself catching the eye of the strongest vampire alive, Harry Styles. And is force to stay with him, but does she really love him, or does she have a thing for his slave? His cook? His best friend? Or his workers?…

my BFF (Louis Tomlinson fan fic)

my BFF (Louis Tomlinson fan fic)

11,690 362 14

Finished. Louis and Katie have been BFF forever and there mothers have been trying I get them to date but there fathers disagree but that dose not stop Katie and Louis…