Human Recast

Human Recast

1,015 59 3

#1 in noticed 2024'And the poisons' bottle rolled out of her hand. 'A headstrong girl who wouldn't go down without a fight. The strongest alpha wants his mate for a premonition and he would do everything to keep her but not for love. Join this unpredictable journey of two stubborn people. The existence of your being becomes invalid. You become incoherent.Take on as it comes or show it what you got. You bend according to it or you bend it. Warning: It's original story so don't you dare copy it.#1 in werewolf (10 Oct 2019)…

Pure Busi-Mess

Pure Busi-Mess

4,102 632 60

#1 in bestseller 2024If you are looking for cliché, go search something else because not even a single plot in this book is cliché. An event manager faced with such life events that could be hard to manage especially when an iceberg is involved. One who doesn't know about his first Love's existence while the other keeps memory of their first love buried deep. What happens when they collide, Again. This is a sequel to Minding My Own Business, you have to read it first if you want to understand this book, because of some characters and some plots.…

Minding My Own Business

Minding My Own Business

9,428 802 21

#1 in introvert 2024 A girl who remains nonchalant to others because she just doesn't want to involve with others. Find out how fate plays an important role in the life of a normal high school girl who avoids socialization at all costs. She just doesn't want to get involved in anything. What happens when she meets a guy who tries to find himself through her.Tired of same old nerd, slut, rich guy CEO, werewolf stuff. Well relax this is a brand new refreshing story. Enjoy.Warning : you might get addicted to my stories, I would love it.…

Silent Nerd

Silent Nerd

27,730 1,516 14

#1 in silent 2024#1 in noticed 2024"Why are you staring ?" he asked making a straight face. "I was just looking around ,wasn't staring at you particularly "I said looking at his forehead. "I'm not an idiot "he snapped. "sorry, but I wasn't staring and if you can't understand that, then yes you are an idiot"I snapped back and left. See what happens when a silent girl can just stare at her crush from far away and imagine little images with him that'll never happen. This isn't your Cliche story, it's full of humour and plot twist. See how a girl who is s an introvert ,intrigued the school's heartthrob.It's a simple short story so no over exaggerated chapters will be there.#1 in Teen fiction on 9.1.2022…

Courageously Kind

Courageously Kind

1,270 299 37

#1 in bestseller 2024It's a surprise. Lethal. You can't even imagine what it's about. After all, original rules. Some events are real. Humour, thrill, romance,all included.NEW YEAR 2024 gift for you all. Enjoy this virtual reality.Warning: Don't you dare copy my story. No scene. It's original.…