On the Run: A Michael Clifford Story
A Duck Dynasty Story: Love Sparks ON HOLD

A Duck Dynasty Story: Love Sparks ON HOLD

7,644 99 13

Fifteen year old Elle moves from New York City to a small town called West Monroe, Louisiana. Her life gets turned upside down when she meets Cole Robertson. Even though things between the two don't get off to a good start, the two of them together are in for an adventure.…

Back To Black (A One Direction Fanfiction) ON HOLD

Back To Black (A One Direction Fanfiction) ON HOLD

822 8 3

An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police DepartmentIncident Supplement Report File: 3742937________________________________________________________Case Title: Misuse of Conduct Location: Mullingar, IrelandDate/Time Reported: 12/01/2012 12:13:00Offense: Disorderly Conduct/Delinquent Behavior________________________________________________________Person(s): OneName: Darcy StormAge/Sex: 17 FPhone: N/AAddress: N/A________________________________________________________Offenders:Name: Sex: Age: Phone: Address:________________________________________________________Basic Information:Agency: Garda CA Incident: 3742937 Report: One Date: 12/01/2012 12:13:00 Case Title: Misuse of Conduct Incident Offense: Disorderly Conduct/Delinquent BehaviorMy name is Darcy Storm and welcome to my wonderful life.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Notice: Please take note that this is a fictional story. The description above is a created police report by me about the main character. Also, shout-out to @NidiaGraphics who made the cover!© All Rights Reserved…