Fifteen year old Elle moves from New York City to a small town called West Monroe, Louisiana. Her life gets turned upside down when she meets Cole Robertson. Even though things between the two don't get off to a good start, the two of them together are in for an adventure.…
An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police DepartmentIncident Supplement Report File: 3742937________________________________________________________Case Title: Misuse of Conduct Location: Mullingar, IrelandDate/Time Reported: 12/01/2012 12:13:00Offense: Disorderly Conduct/Delinquent Behavior________________________________________________________Person(s): OneName: Darcy StormAge/Sex: 17 FPhone: N/AAddress: N/A________________________________________________________Offenders:Name: Sex: Age: Phone: Address:________________________________________________________Basic Information:Agency: Garda CA Incident: 3742937 Report: One Date: 12/01/2012 12:13:00 Case Title: Misuse of Conduct Incident Offense: Disorderly Conduct/Delinquent BehaviorMy name is Darcy Storm and welcome to my wonderful life.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Notice: Please take note that this is a fictional story. The description above is a created police report by me about the main character. Also, shout-out to @NidiaGraphics who made the cover!© All Rights Reserved…