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Ben Solo was the epitome of an Alpha Male. Tall and strong, with a body that looked like Michaelangelo's David, carved out of solid marble. He was solid and in control, commanding respect by his very presence. He had proven himself to be a lethal killing machine in Iraq. His new job at NYPD SVU, put him in touch with his nuturing side, especially toward women that had been abused. He could never understand how someone could harm their own mate, when all he had ever dreamed about was finding his.Rey a hopeless romantic, hoped that she had a True Mate out there somewhere waiting for her. She dreamed of the day when they would meet "just knowing" they were made for each other, the blue sparks that would appear on their skin as they touched confirming that knowledge. Until then, she would resist any other males. It was something that was becoming more and more difficult, due to her rare Omega genes.Could Rey remain unclaimed long enough to find her True Mate?…