Alive. Free. Healthy. Well.

Alive. Free. Healthy. Well.

64 3 1

Well, this kind of started because I typed a few words into Google Translate and loved the effect. I then wrote it trying to comfort myself, but slowly realized what a faliure I actually am and thus the poem grew dark. The words were:I am alive.I am free.I am healthy.I am well.The formatting got messed up though. Left a note.I hope you enjoy! :)…

Letters to Alya

Letters to Alya

26 0 3

Varya, a young- or at least, when she died- rusalka has decided to keep a diary named Older Sister Alya. She decides to use it whenever interesting things start happening to her, which turns out to be soon; she is forced to attend a high school for the creatures of myths and similar beings!…

haiku to my country
Untitled poem

Untitled poem

54 5 1

i found this poem in an old notebook of mine, it's written about a girl i used to have a crush onit's not much but the emotion is there, it's nice of you to read it :)…



25 1 2

The unruly manuscript of my NaNoWriMo novel, coming out fresh and raw. Probably not very good. Oh well.…

Stories of two stubborn ass kids who won't accept that the world isn't theirs

Stories of two stubborn ass kids who won't accept that the world isn't theirs

70 0 2

We had to write some stuff about memories so these are some of my early ones about a certain friendship of mine. Done in 10 minutes so yeah.…

Poetry from mystutteredwords

Poetry from mystutteredwords

154 2 15

These are the better poems I post on my poetry blog, mystutteredwords.tumblr.com. Follow me if you like this sort of stuff :)…

Karkat Is A Good Character
Why do people even enjoy my company
Rant on the Very Idea of Sexuality: Forcing People into Boxes Like We Always Do
Intellect (Belldom? What?)

Intellect (Belldom? What?)

830 33 1

Please don't judge me. I can't type and it's midnight and my brain hurts from trying to be creative. Sorry everyone. :(…



33 0 1



17 1 1

Because of all the formatting, this actually came out a lot better in Word. I'll try to create a .txt version so I can show you all the formatting, but yeah, sorry.…



174 9 3

This is the story I'm doing for NaNoWriMo, so pardon the rough bits of writing in it. Basically, the universes of videogames and the Internet collide with reality, and fourteen-year-old Valve and her friend Flash have to fight off various characters as everyone fights for territory. Meanwhile, Valve has to train the members of Muse and their families to fight for themselves. Or something like that. I honestly have no idea where this story is going, which is bad, considering it's NaNo, so let's hope I can sustain a plot for the next month!!! :D…

Isolated system

Isolated system

34 1 1

One-shot about the Doctor witnessing the end of the universe. Who'd have ever thought Armageddon would be so beautiful?…

Enigma (One-shot)

Enigma (One-shot)

25 0 1

Let me explain something. For homework tonight, she said to study our vocabulary in any way we chose. I, of course, decided to do some warming up for NaNo and write a one-shot using all of the words.Thus, it's not my best writing, but I've put the vocab words in italics so you can see which ones I was forced to use and maybe even tell me whether or not I used some right (the proper usage of "annul" still kind of confuses me, but "sustain" I shouldn't need help with, at least hopefully not xD)It's about a little girl with a dark, mysterious history, which she chooses not to completely reveal. She flat-out states the problems with her nation, though she doesn't tell exactly what nation that is.…



189 6 3

After the nation of New America runs out of energy, everything transcends into chaos. The Government tries to regain power after a massive rebellion, but their people are officially out of their control. As society collapses, people begin to question life, death, religion, science, good, bad... everything.Inspired by the Muse song Unsustainable, I bring to you my story of how order transcends into chaos after the fall of New America. Enjoy! :D…



77 4 1

Muse of Power: strange Matt Bellamy one shot
The end to Ink, my epic-fail NaNo novel.

The end to Ink, my epic-fail NaNo novel.

32 0 1

Ink was a novel I gave up on in December, after NaNoWriMo had taken the soul out of the story. I got bored and decided to finally finish the story, just to get the characters out of my mind.…