Tale Of Two Avatars

Tale Of Two Avatars

27,150 701 56

In a raging war that has spanned over the course of a hundred years, all hopes of ending it and bringing balance to the world lay on the shoulders of the Avatar but when he disappeared, all hope was lost. Waking up in an iceberg with Avatar Aang, the only thing Suzume could remember was her name, everything else surrounding her identity still remained a mystery to her. And as if that wasn't enough, she finds out something everyone thought was impossible for centuries, she was the second Avatar, forcing her to take on the onerous task of bringing balance to the world with her other Avatar counterpart, Avatar Aang and conclude the Hundred Year War. With the hopes of the world now rekindled and lying on both their shoulders, will Suzume truly embrace her new role and work together with Aang to save the world? Find out in this thrilling tale of adventure, identity and destiny as they travel side-by-side with companions they meet along the way and unravel mysteries in their quest to conclude the Hundred Year War once and for all.Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the OCs (Original Characters) in the book.…

Through The Triplet's Eye: A Gravity Falls Fanfiction

Through The Triplet's Eye: A Gravity Falls Fanfiction

51,432 1,875 82

A lot of people tend to ask me: Could you imagine being reborn into your favourite cartoon show? Well, that was exactly what happened to me, an 18-year-old boy who was on my way to London, ready to enter my dream university when all of a sudden, everything turned tenebrous. The next thing I know, I was standing next to some oddly familiar twins at a bus stop, the male twin wearing a vest while the female twin donning a flamboyant sweater. Could this be? Am I really in the fictitious world of Gravity Falls?With a new identity and new siblings, secrets are revealed and new relationships are forged as I, Magnus Pines, ventured through the mysterious and enigmatic world of Gravity Falls. And with the knowledge I possessed, I knew I had to protect my new family from Bill, but at what expense? Huge shout out to xHowToLoveADragonx for the idea.Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in the book except for the OCs (Original Characters) in the book, namely Magnus Pines and Casey Carter.…

The Flame's Eye

The Flame's Eye

342 12 11

What happens when the fiercest flame meets the brightest eye? Will they shine in one accord, or crash down in flames together?Magnus Pines, the Chosen One, has only two goals in my mind, taking down Bill Cipher and protecting his family, no matter the cost. Jasmine Okumura, a demon from birth but an exorcist at heart, aims to defeat a villain of her own, that being the devil himself.Everything goes to plan for both of them until one fateful day, everything changes for both of them and things take a turn into an unpredictable and perilous avenue. Presently In a universe where anything can happen, will Jasmine be able to find her feet in her new surroundings in time? On the flip side, with the arrival of an intruder now on his already-snowballing list of things to worry about, will Magnus be able to attune to his new surroundings? Or will Bill finally get his way?This is a story written by both Wattup 3214 and Erica_2020. OCs (Original Characters) in this story, namely Magnus Pines and Jasmine Okumura are owned by Wattup3214 and Erica_2020 respectively.…