Character Bio

Character Bio

45 0 3

here is the bio for my 23 million year old general. hope you all love it:)…

Personified US States and Federal District

Personified US States and Federal District

10,247 117 52

So this was an idea I've had for a while now concerning the capital and states. I started out with Alaska, then moved to New York and it just snow balled from there. This book will start with Delaware, end with Hawaii and will put D.C. in middle with the rest of states from the 1700s.And if anybody wants to create fan art for them feel free to do it and if you want your art displayed here, I'll make a separate book just for the art.Please be mindful of the fact that these are my ideas on how they all look and act. Before anybody gets on me about Pennsylvania, I've read other stories where Penn is albino and can switch from acting like Prussia to Austria and back again with either a trigger word or song. I've done it so that even though Penn mainly acts like Austria, he will switch to Prussia if AND only when the family is being seriously threatened.The only countries who know about the capital and the states are as follows:1. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus- reason is because of the purchase of Alaska back in 1867 and that New York decided to follow his grandma to meet this new potential sibling2. Lithuania- we all know that he lived with Alfred for a time, so he one day literally ran into Alaska and from there meet the 50 of Alfred's children3. Prussia- two words people VALLEY FORGE, it was not a good winter that year at all4. Canada and Mexico- Mexico knew already because the states along the southern border are hers (yes, here Mexico is a girl named Esperanza) and Canada found out shortly after the war of 1812Hope you all enjoy reading the book and as a pre warning, all and any flames will be used to roast marshmallows on bayonets (don't tell Gilbert about that last part) over backyard fire pits.…

States and Federal District- meaning of names

States and Federal District- meaning of names

1,048 11 53

This is a companion book to my Personified States and Federal District book, so its best to read that before reading this one. As you can guess by the title this book will be dedicated to their first and middle names. Some of you were probably confused by the names of some of the states, so this book will hopefully help you understand some of them a bit more.…

Ask Leonidas13

Ask Leonidas13

38 4 2

Hello my fellow readers. I decided to make a book where if you have questions for me I answer them. If you have any questions post them on my home page and I will answer them. The questions can range from if I'm a boy or a girl, how old I am, my plans for my stories, where I go to school, what grade I'm in, and if you have ideas for my stories or for future ones you can email me at [email protected]

Idea Time

Idea Time

11 0 4

Here I will post a question about a story I going to post and the number of comments for yes or no will determine if I make it real.…

The Generals story

The Generals story

19 0 4

I just got the random idea of Hannah talking to Rome (or Romulus as I have started to call him) about the future of his legacy. Hope you all like this.This is the first time that I have ever written a full on Hetalia fanfiction of the style before.…

My Question/Rant/Picture Book

My Question/Rant/Picture Book

3 0 2

basically me asking questions, me randomly ranting, and me showing off pictures I have found on either the Internet or Pinterest.…

The Day Percy Jackson Died

The Day Percy Jackson Died

8,559 117 14

The story tells it all!!!!!…

A demigods guide to prophecys. By: Hannah daughter of Poseidon

A demigods guide to prophecys. By: Hannah daughter of Poseidon

250 33 10

Hello all demigods out there is you are reading this it might help you understand the mythological world better. In this guide we go through ever prophecy the oracle gave Percy. From his first quest all the way down the 2 Great Prophecies. Hope this keeps you alive and keep adding new guides as well. May the stars watch over you young demigod and please stay in one piece.…

After The War

After The War

354 18 5

Hello there my great readers! This is a story based off another story I read and really liked but when I went back to read it one day it wasn't there any more. So most of the story is the as what I remember but adding my own twist to it. Remember I don't own PJO and Eragon they belong to the amazing people who wrote them. Leonidas13 out…

Argetlam, Bjartskalar, Shur'tugal

Argetlam, Bjartskalar, Shur'tugal

134 9 2

Thanks to every one who reads my story. If you guys and girls out there can please read my story, vote, and comment so I can update and make this my best story yet.…