Sharper Than an Axe, Larger than a Shark by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Sharper Than an Axe, Larger than a Shark by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Sharper than an axe, larger than a shark,The light of courage guards us from the dark.Dynamic healer of tremendous pain,Courageous wisdom overcomes disdain.Sagacious love overpowers fright,Devours hate and wicked spite by might.An acceptive proposal to obeyIs godliness, including no dismay,Along with virtue, having vice entombed,The peace of God in every mind resumed. - Joshua Aaron Guillory…

Arid Officials in their Drudgery by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Arid Officials in their Drudgery by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Arid officials in their drudgery,Being closely aligned with Big Brother,Stay closing the door on Benthamism.The people dare not whistle in the dark.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

The Days Are Hovering High by Joshua Aaron Guillory

The Days Are Hovering High by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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The days are hovering high,Looking forward to the night.Time has given the decree,So come now to meAnd delight you will see,The feeling is so free.Wretchedness has died;Only rest does arride.Tranquility is our friend.Honest hearts have no end.Notable is the soundOf having you around.I hear it in the wind;I know you comprehend.The days are hovering highAnd have reached the sky.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

When Worldliness Decays by Joshua Aaron Guillory

When Worldliness Decays by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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When worldliness decaysAnd evil fades away,The good that God conveysWill all the world allay.Noteworthy every manInside the Lord will be,Renewed, and much more thanThe sinner that was he.Will love with all his heart,Will live his life brand-new,And strive to stay a partOf God, will that man do.Forever shall he liveAnd dedicate his lifeTo God and to forgiveAnd overcome all strife.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

God Truly Perfect is by Joshua Aaron Guillory

God Truly Perfect is by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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God truly perfect is.He made the earth to beA place of happiness.Munificent is He.Sagaciously He showsHis splendor great and might.He radiates and glowsThroughout the day and night.His power is precise,We see it perfectly.He's Lord of paradise,And lives in you and me.Famed for His graciousnessAnd taciturnity,God is the spaciousnessThat permeates in me.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

He Greets Me With a Kiss by Joshua Aaron Guillory

He Greets Me With a Kiss by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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He greets me with a kiss,Protects me day and night,He's kind with gentleness,And loves with all His might.God pleases me aright,And does so with delight.And through His love I seeTrue magnanimity.I understand His heart,And so I don't depart.I search Him and perceiveHe's all that I believe.I'm sure He will sustainThe heart inside of me.I'm sure He will remainAlways a part of me.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

He's Gracious All the Time by Joshua Aaron Guillory

He's Gracious All the Time by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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He's gracious all the time.God shows His love for real.His mind is so sublime.I call Him my Lord still.I care for Him in truth.I cherish Him as art.I've loved Him since my youth.I see Him in my heart.He tells me I arrideHim with embellishment,Because He sees insideMy heart no devilment.Delighted by my love,He knows I am for real.It's fun with Him above;Sweet love is what I feel.Through dedication true,With shamelessness and zeal,The best that I can doTo please God is my will.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

Brand New Are You to Me by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Brand New Are You to Me by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Brand new are you to me,And so am I to you.Briskly I run to thee,My soul and heart accrue.Swiftly you come to me,When both we meet inside.The truth is where we seeWhat narrow is and wide.True to the life we know,That love is what is real,You and I overflowAnd follow love uphill.Zeal blessing us with skill,And bringing us up high,Spills us into the sky,And greets us Adonai.God giving us His love,And facing her and me,In paradise above,Proclaims that we are free.Asserts that we are His,And proves it in His heart;We cherish Him with blissAnd never do depart.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

Ambition's Not a Crime by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Ambition's Not a Crime by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Ambition's not a crime,Nor ambivalence sin,Nor what I speak in rhyme,Because I always win.And always do I feelThe will to never quitAnd seek with kindness stillTo always be legit.To learn what better willBest lead me to successAnd fully will fulfillMy life, and nothing less.Such is my present state,And still my life is great,The best that it could be,So good, and so kingly.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

The World is a Peaceful Place by Joshua Aaron Guillory

The World is a Peaceful Place by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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The world is a peaceful placeFor everyone to explore.When evil is in your face,Ignore, but do not ignore.See the good that God has made,And receive it with delight.Let His love in you pervade,Knowing virtue is still right.Just as Jesus still is true,So is Justice in God's sight.Give your heart to Him, and doWhatever you know is right.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

From Year to Year I See By Joshua Aaron Guillory

From Year to Year I See By Joshua Aaron Guillory

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From year to year I seeMy life is full of love,So precious and comely,Sent to me from above.I know the Lord is here;He's happy and alive.His love won't disappear;He loves to see me thrive.He loves to see me win;He knows I will survive.Protecting me from sin,To Him I do arrive.He likes it when I win,Triumphing over sin.He treats me like a friend,His love won't ever end.Always lovely and true,Never alters His ways;True beauty is His hue,The love which He displays.The love that He displays,And faithfully to me,So graciously it savesAll of humanity.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

This World That We Have Here by Joshua Aaron Guillory

This World That We Have Here by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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This world that we have hereCreated was by peace.In God there is no fear;His Grace will not surcease.Obey Him from the startOf this your holy day.Do not from Him depart,For God must have His way.From Him do not deceiveThe world with wicked ways;But in Him do believe,And lengthen your sweet days.Today may you decideTo follow God in soothAnd gladly to abideInside His noble truth.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

Through Perfect Love and Light by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Through Perfect Love and Light by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Through perfect love and light,God leads us to delight.With sight to see the day,The truth will guide your way.Fulfill His will, and startTo view within your heartThe youth that in you lives,That truly the Lord gives.Learn to discern His face,The beauty of His mind;And gracefully with grace,Amazingly be kind.A place replete with care,True love is His design.Sweet peace pervades the air,His home is so divine.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

The Son of God Was Sent by Joshua Aaron Guillory

The Son of God Was Sent by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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The Son of God was sentInside of man to beThe one who would concentBring to humanity.His righteousness is kind.His joy is harmony.His love is unconfined.His heart is always free.From day to day He isThe Tao destined to be.Now give your heart to His.May you live boundlessly.Munificent in grace,Nurturing you and me,Deserving all the praise,Almighty God is He.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

Thy Peace is More Than Pain by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Thy Peace is More Than Pain by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Thy peace is more than pain:For love's above disdain.The meed of life is this:That happiness is bliss.Repose plus joy is life,No jealousy and strife,Nor fear to block or pain,But goodness to be gain.True happiness will healThrough peace and a good will.God is not less than right:He's joy and true delight.These words of mine are thine,And as the stars they shine.Your wishes may be trueAnd more than just for you.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

Behind Me Came a Dame by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Behind Me Came a Dame by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Behind me came a dame,Whose beauty was benign.And with her voice of fameShe whispered I am fine.And very kind was she,With caring love to give.And in her voice of gleeDoes freedom gladly live.Where prudence has a place,Where gentle words are might,Marvelous is her graceAnd true is every wight.And with a merry voiceShe boldly told her name.And with bright words of choiceWisdom she did proclaim.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

Were Pain the Price of Love by Joshua Aaron Guillory

Were Pain the Price of Love by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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Were pain the price of loveAnd worth the right of skill,They would not rise aboveThe peace of a good will.It would be less than right,Since gifts are made to beA source of true delight,For skill and love to flee.May skill then not departFrom sweet tranquility.And may love too in heartBefriend both peace and glee.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

What Do I Believe? by Joshua Aaron Guillory

What Do I Believe? by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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What do I believe?What do I desire?What do I achieve?What do I conspire?Peace and only peace;Joy and only joy;Life which will not ceaseThat all may enjoy.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

When Love Meets Desire by Joshua Aaron Guillory

When Love Meets Desire by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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When love meets desire,And wisdom leads the way,What will then transpire,Except joy every day?Peace will come along,Fulfilling every plan,Canceling each wrongFrom any evil man.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…

As Lily And a Rose by Joshua Aaron Guillory

As Lily And a Rose by Joshua Aaron Guillory

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As lily and a rose,Whose fragrance in the fieldDelights each smelling noseAnd makes each fellow yield,Including you and I,So does God's law apply,That He alone is true,Despite what you may do.Remember this alwaysAnd lengthen your sweet days,Which would without Him dryAnd as a flower die.- Joshua Aaron Guillory…