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Barely a day before his departure to Hogwarts for his first year, Harry decides that he wants to take a walk. His situation at the Dursley's had become dire, and Harry knew that any longer in their presence and his eleven-year-old body would start to deteriorate at an even faster pace than it already was. Eventually arriving at a park, Harry takes a seat at one of the park benches until he is approached by an older woman. The woman couldn't have been younger then seventy, but she walked with straightness in her back that made him shiver.Foolish and filled with desperation, Harry reaches out to take the slice of bread from her hand, she had probably wanted to feed it to the birds instead, only to drop it when he felt something slithers its way up his arm. However, when he raised his sleeve, there was nothing there. Hours later, after Harry's annual five-minute shower, he passes the mirror and takes a quick glimpse at himself, only to yelp in surprise.That wasn't him in his reflection.This book covers the first two Harry Potter books/movies.Now with Russian Translation by @lavrova55!!!!!!!!…