After Taesan and y/n confessed to each other they decided that they'll date each other for a few months so that they can know a lot more about each other. Taesan was succeeding in his career. He was getting continuous song projects as a lyricist one after another as if he won a lottery and he eventually became rich. One day Taesan told y/n about his past completely. He said " I also used to have a girlfriend but she used me as a timepass. It was her birthday since I was a waiter I didn't have much money the money which I saved for my food I used it for buying a gift for her but you know what she did? When I went to her home to give that gift! She was with another boy and she ordered her bodyguards to kick me out of her house. They beat me a lot and kicked me on my stomach harshly. They broke that gift. I was badly injured." Taesan gets sad. Y/n hugged him and said," Taesannie! Whatever happened was in past! I know it's hard to forget but I am with you now I promise I'll never ever make you sad Taesannie ! Your happiness is my happiness! Please don't be sad or I'll be sad too." Taesan smiled listening to her words and hugged her back .
Now y/n is 5 months pregnant. Taesan and y/n are still dating. It's been 4 months since they started dating each other. Taesan was at his workplace writing some lyrics and getting things sorted out for the song. Y/n had taken maternity leave as it was difficult to work during this time. Y/n was sitting on the sofa reading some books. Suddenly her stomach was paining. Y/n was crying in pain while holding her stomach. She realised that the pain is normal but still she was scared because she was so much worried about her child's health. She took the medicine but still she was so frightened by the fact that anything will happen to the child as the pain was too intense. She couldn't bear the pain so she ended up crying. She called Taesan and said while weeping," Hello ? Taesan!". Taesan said," y/n? What's wrong honey? Why are you crying? Everything alright?". Y/n said," Taesan my stomach is hurting so much." Taesan said," y/n! Did you take medicine?". Y/n said," Taesan I have taken them but can you come to my home please! I need you right now I am so scared." Taesan said with a worried voice,"Yes yes I'll be there in 15 minutes y/n! Please don't cry! Be strong! Your Taesannie is coming!". And he cut the call. He rushed towards the music director for taking permission to go home. He said," Sir! Can I go home ? It's an emergency my wife is 5 months pregnant and she told me she's experiencing pain in her stomach! She's scared!". The music director said," If it's an emergency you don't need to ask me Mr Han it's really fine! Also congratulations because you'll be a dad soon." Taesan thanked him and rushed towards y/n's home.
On his way, he bought chocolates for y/n as she loved to eat them. He finally reached her home. He saw y/n laying on her bed. He went running towards her and said," Y/n! Are you okay? What's wrong with your health? Everything okay?". Worriedness was completely visible on his face. She held his hand tightly and said while mourning in pain," Taesannie, please stay with me don't go anywhere for now! I need you so much right now". He gave her a comforting hug, her head was on his chest and she was hugging him very tightly. He said," Yes yes darling I am not going anywhere please don't worry." Y/n said," Taesannie it's normal for a woman to have a little pain during her pregnancy but I am just scared because I don't want anything happen to my child. Every woman is afraid when she gets pregnant for the first time. It's really hard to bear this pain Taesannie. It's making me difficult to move." Taesan said," Ahh y/n! I wish I knew how to help you but I am extremely sorry I am unable to understand what should I do to make you feel better! But I brought chocolates for you! Let me bring them for you". He was getting up to bring the chocolates for her. She stopped him and said," Taesannie please don't move stay with me I don't want anything right now I just need you." Taesan said," Okay okay darling as you said I am here only." He checked her forehead and he learnt that she has high fever.
He said," Oh my god y/n! Your head is burning. I need to put wet cloth on your forehead." But again she stopped him and forcefully made him sit beside her. She said while sighing," Taesannie you know what? When you're not well and the person whom you love the most is right beside you then you can fight with anything. Your presence is my best medicine Taesannie. Just stay with me I'll be fine. Just this pain will make me suffer for a while but now you're with me so I am not afraid." Taesan smiled and kissed her forehead. He said," Yes yes I am here with you always y/n! I'll be always there for you everytime you need me forever. I love you so much y/n!". Y/n replied," Me too Taesannie." She fell asleep after a while. Taesan saw that she was asleep. He got up and went to check her kitchen . Everything was untidy and the dishes were left uncleaned. Taesan washed all the dishes and did all the household work . After a while Taesan came and checked her fever again. It was eventually gone. Y/n woke up after a while and she said, " Taesannie see! I told you when you're with me I can fight with anything. I am really fine now." Taesan said," I am so happy that finally my y/n is okay". He came and again sat beside her. He placed his hand on her womb and said," Are you really feeling better now?". Y/n nodded like a small child. Taesan patted her head and said, " Good girl." Y/n giggled.
Taesan said," Would you like to eat chocolates now?". Y/n said," Of course!". He fed y/n chocolates and he even baked a cake for her when she was sleeping using some chocolates. Y/n said," Taesan you made it for me?". Taesan said," Yes darling." Y/n got so happy and she said," Aww oh my god you're the best boyfriend a girl could ever have! Thank you so much Taesannie!". Taesan smiled when he saw y/n being blissful like that. He said," I really love it when you're happy." Taesan said," y/n if you don't mind can I cook the dinner tonight?". Y/n said with a hiss," Such a crazy boy you're ! You're not a servant Taesan you don't need to do anything! You're my boyfriend not any servant! So no need of it ." Taesan said," well a boyfriend can be a servant too when his girlfriend needs him the most! Y/n I know it's difficult for you to even move properly now so why can't I help you? I'll cook the food! No more discussion. " Y/n gave up and said with a frown," Fine." Taesan cooked the dinner within an hour. He cooked some healthy food for her and again fed her with his own hands. He was taking care of her every single second. Y/n got overwhelmed. She was crying, Taesan said," Ah what happened y/n! Why are you crying? Please tell me I am so worried." Y/n said with a smile," Taesannie I am so lucky to have a person like you in my life, you accepted me the way I am! Even the child growing in my womb isn't yours but you take care of me as if it's your own child, Taesan I love you so much you're even precious than the diamond."
Taesan said," y/n! And you're the best girl in this whole universe! I love you for who you're and since it's your child it's my child too as I love you and I am going to marry you soon too." Y/n said," I can't wait for our wedding day." Taesan said," Me too y/n!!! That will be the bestest day of my life."Taesan and y/n attached their foreheads and smiled at each other. Taesan said," I love you so much my darling." She said," Me too my love."
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