
1 0 1

Corporate AU. Fluff. Kogami Ryoken, who works in the IT department at SOL Technologies, has caught the attention of a new hire…

Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave

6 0 1

Falling in love is like a tidal wave, being betrayed is like drowning.…

I will play the swan, and die in music

I will play the swan, and die in music

3 0 1

She's a conundrum, Kusanagi Jin. An anomaly. She's too much of a contradiction in and of herself for even Lightning to figure out.…



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The boy shifted and tried to look up at him, but Ryouken panicked and immediately covered his eyes. "You can't," he said, quickly. "If you look at me you'll turn to stone." "Oh."…

You Complete Me

You Complete Me

4 0 1

Fujiki Yusaku seemed fairly happy, but the truth was, he wasn't. He thought nothing could ever fill the hole in his heart that the Hanoi Project created. That was, until he met Him. And suddenly, his dark, dreary world become bright, and full of hope and love.…