

1,369 128 19

This is a story about a alternative ending. Where Sauron gets the one ring and takes dominion over Middle Earth.A small group pushed through to survive these drastic times. Now, evil's arms reach has lengthened and they're forced to move. How will they defeat Sauron? Or will they not survive long enough to get close to saving Arda?…



42 2 1

Well, the title is pretty self explanatory. Here I shall write things people tag me in! Woohoo!…

A Forgotten Elf

A Forgotten Elf

1,029 74 9

Legolas is sent on a mission to find the three guard members that have been missing for eight days. He gets to choose two people to accompany him, he chooses the twin sons of Elrond, Elladan and Elrohir. They travel to a town called Stone Broke, a town that hates, and kills any elf that enters. When they arrive Elrohir slips up and reveals that he his pointed elven ear, to en unsuspecting human named Ghymnkash. The man? Follows them and tells them that he is an elf too. He takes a potion to conceal his elven features. He helps them find their three companions, but are all three alive?…

I Will Not Lose Them

I Will Not Lose Them

590 26 1

Little Legolas can't find his Ada and Nana! Where are they? What will the small elfling do?…

The Darkness Within Us

The Darkness Within Us

1,237 52 10

An elf is taken in by a small Mirkwood patrol, she cannot remember anything about her past, or about her. She's not on good terms with The Elven King. Will she ever find out who she is? Or will her past stay a mystery?…