It's back... (td gc)
Basic td gc because I have motivation to writs again uhmmm 🥵🥵🥵🥵😍😍😍👹👹yippeeeeeeei cant help it i love the silly little cartoon characters they make me giggle…
Basic td gc because I have motivation to writs again uhmmm 🥵🥵🥵🥵😍😍😍👹👹yippeeeeeeei cant help it i love the silly little cartoon characters they make me giggle…
the book of gay toyal drama messes with m realisig after releasing half of it that i hate mos of the ships ive been writing in…
this is the book where i rant about gweather. maybe there will be some oneshots or smth idk. i have a lot of opinions on this ship…
Basically just my opinions and ranting about the characters and other shit like thaT…