Remember Me This Way (Prequel to the Megan/Derek Series)

Remember Me This Way (Prequel to the Megan/Derek Series)

466 13 7

Finding each other again was hard enough. But how hard was not being able to tell one another, everyday growing up that they loved each other? The story of Derek Hale and the love of his life, Megan Jones, now Hale, didn't start when they saw each other after two teenage boys were running through the forest. No. It started long before. Right around when they both were born. -"DEREK STOP CHASING ME!" Megan yelled, her 9 year old legs trying to run as fast as they can away from her best friend. Her laughs filled the back yard of the Hale property. "NO I WANT TO SEE WHAT YOU HAVE!" The little green eyed wolf yelled back, desperately wanting to know while a smile tugged on his lips. He got close enough to his best friend to pounce and tackle her. Her eyes were closed almost as tight as her hands were around the secret object. He slowly opened her big brown eyes to meet the prettiest green eyes she ever saw. Derek couldn't breathe when she opened her eyes. They mesmerized him. A smile broke out onto Megan's face and she could only giggle. Derek, saddened by the moment ruined, started laughing too, only because hers was contagious. 'Most girls might be gross, but this one is far from it. I think I like her.' He thought. -I don't own teen wolf, just Megan, her family, and my own story line.…

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek hale

Are you leaving me? Again? ~derek hale

177,455 3,517 24

Megan and Derek go back to since they were babies. They were in love with eachother since they understood love. They were both born werewolves so they understood eachother and their families were great friends as well. But when Derek meets Paige, what will happen? Megan didn't let that get to her. She welcomed Paige to make Derek happy. But then an alpha,Ennis, bites Paige, the bite didn't work. And she died. Then Derek trusted an Argent. They dated for awhile then they broke up. The next day the Hale house burned down with Megan's family in it. The only 4 people that are left from the families are Megan, Derek, Laura Derek's sister, and Peter Derek's uncle. They leave in different ways. Megan went to a small town in Kentucky, Derek and Laura went to New York. Peter was in a coma back in beacon hills. What if Laura was killed in Beacon Hills to find clues to the fire? What if Derek and Megan meet back up again? Will they feel the same about eachother? Or will Derek shut her out too?UNDER MAJOR EDITING…

Almost Home [sequel to Bumper Cars- d.h]

Almost Home [sequel to Bumper Cars- d.h]

34,301 851 36

Cadence Argent and Derek Hale have been through it all. Or so they think. Before they can move on from this place, like they always thought they could; they have one final battle. Someone from there past is trying to ruin everything they've conquered. They almost made it. They almost made it home. Is almost enough?…

Love Me 'Till The End// Derek Hale- sequel to 'Are you leaving me? Again?'

Love Me 'Till The End// Derek Hale- sequel to 'Are you leaving me? Again?'

29,351 778 20

It's been 3 years since Derek and Megan welcomed Peter Jacob and Talia Marie Hale to the world and brought them home. But it was in the middle of Beacon Hills. The Beacon for supernatural creatures. Can they all survive after everything they've been through? Will they ever settle down and not worry about Alpha Packs? Or Crazy monster alphas? Kanima? Oni? Nogitsune? The benefactor? A were jaguar?The 'doctors'? No one knows. Yet. They've been through a lot? What else is there?…

Bumper Cars    [Derek Hale]

Bumper Cars [Derek Hale]

188,993 3,543 30

Cadence Argent. Fearless werewolf hunter. 21 years old. Has lived with her aunt Kate since she was 14. But she's finally moving back in with her parents and sister. She's out for blood. There's a reason she is moving back in with her family. An alpha slashed her aunts throat. The person who's been like a sister to her for 6 years. She has returned with her grandfather, Gerard. They are in the same side, until a guy comes along. Derek Hale. Fearless werewolf, new alpha. 23 years old. Has lived with his sister until his uncle killed her to become an alpha. Derek killed him and became alpha. He and his new beta's have to be careful. There reinforcements coming because his uncle killed a hunter. Not just any hunter. Kate Argent. Master mind behind the Hale house fire. Sister of the famous werewolf hunter, Chris. Daughter of Gerard Argent, more dangerous than Kate. Yet, there's a bigger threat than hunters. Disclaimer: I Do not own teen wolf. Teen wolf belongs to Jeff Davis and MTV producers. I only own Cadence and any character I decide to put in there.…