EveryOne Has A Half{A Harry/Edward Twincest}
They say that everyone has a half,your love and your best friend.It's just easier to not have to look-when they were always there.This is a Harry/Edward Twincest.…
They say that everyone has a half,your love and your best friend.It's just easier to not have to look-when they were always there.This is a Harry/Edward Twincest.…
You will never untangle the circumstances that brought you to this moment.Embrace Your Fate.…
Sequel to EveryOne Has A Half! Finally up!…
Sequel To I Ship It! So now that we have Zienourry slowly forming what happens when Ethan's management finds out that modest has been hiding the relationship from them for more publicity.Who is Mark really?With Max back and Mark in the picture what's going on with poor Siva?Jealous lovers undercover but it's not Siva I'm talking about.Penny for your thoughts? I thought so.And what's going on with Liam Nathan and Harry.Was there one time thing more than a one time thing? Oh and we never figured out who knows about it.Prepare for Drama,too much feelz,I recommend tissues and prepare for a HUGE plot twist.…
All he wants is for someone to look at him like the stars shine out for him…
You guys think you know the real One Direction but you don't.You only see what management portrays us to be.So here's One Direction from my point of view.…
'We're never coming back down,yeah we're looking down on the clouds'It is 2015 and the boys are at the top of the charts still,never have they ever been at the bottom. They are living life and having fun. They have lost people on the way but they dont dwell on that, they are above everything and their adreneline is pumping through their bloodstream and it isnt stopping. They've got eachother and in the end thats all they need. Eveyone else is completely and totally under the clouds and as long as they're at the top, there is never going to be any 'going back down'.…
"What are you saying?Take two steps back and come forward.Harry and Louis are platonically straight.The only homo they are, are homosapians"Or the one where Harry is bisexual,and Louis is semi-straight because saying Bi is just gay,and he isn't,never that.Or is he.They say that everyone is born with a sexuality and sometimes it takes 'the one' to bring you back from so far in Narnia that you couldn't even see the doors to the wardrobe.Harry and Louis meet,Harry talks and Louis,is well,Louis.…
Where Zayn leaves One Direction.…
Just proud to be a directioner.…
It has been five years since Harry Styles passed away,and Louis Tomlinson{Now 24} can't seem to get over his love.They were the cliché high school sweet hearts,but they were the ones who made it.Their love stayed strong,and everyone thought no one could separate them;little did they know-they were wrong.Louis stays at home,never goes out,only for food;he spends his days reminiscing.He misses him,but he can't let go.Harry watches over Louis-with a permanent frown etched on his face,dimples never showing,eyes never glowing-all he wants is for Louis to let him go-live his life until they meet again.There isn't a time limit on heaven-they say.So,to Louis,it could be him waiting for 60 years,but to Harry,he could be waiting for just 6minutes.…
'I promise I won't panic''But if the walls are caving in,and everything around you is slowly fading,it's just a matter of time before you freak out and Panic''I wouldn't be able to help to it,sometimes I just can't help but panic'Where Harry has Panic Disorder and he can't help but Panic at all times.He feels out of control of his life,he feels useless,worthless.He needs control,or someone to help him gain control.That's where Louis comes in.He runs into Harry one day,Louis,having OCD,wants everything to be in place;with Harry panicking,it irks him,so,Louis takes it upon himself to make Harry normal.He didn't sign up for this,but he can't help it.Along the way relationships will brew;and Harry might just find control,or maybe Louis is his control.Larry Stylinson If you didn't already know.Coming Soon(Like Two Weeks Soon).AU…
The words were abuse,his hands,the ones that used to glide over my body so effortlessly now cause bruises on my pale skin.But it isn't his fault ,he isn't stable,he loves me and I know it.He hurts me because I deserve it,because I am a freak.But it's okay,because my sweet precious love,still loves me;how he engraved it in my arm,tells me so.…
This will not be your typical Sterek fanfiction~When all is bad,and when everything goes wrong-there love is the Silver Lining~There happy ?…
A One Direction one shot.Larry/Ziall.…