Episode 2 // "Ketchup Please!" Pt 2

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"Alright, so when you find a challenge you wish to skip, hand the main person your task pass, and they'll hand you your next travel tip!" Chris explained, and handed over the task passes.

Merida and Cath nodded, and Merida yelled, "TAXI!", waving her hand wildly.

"Do you even know how to hail a taxi?" Cath asked, an eyebrow raised.

Merida shook her head. Cath laughed a bit, and calmly stuck her hand out, immediately causing a taxi to pull up. Merida rolled her eyes as Cath got in, and followed.


Harvey glanced over at Layla, who was flirting with the Spanish guy while the Asian girl gave her the evil eye, which she ignored.

"So, you wanna sit together on the van?" Layla asked the Latino, a playful smirk plastered on.

The Spanish smirked back, and replied, "I'd love too, but I'm afraid that I have Mi amour over here to take care of!", putting an arm around the Asian, which she shrugged off, mad.

Harvey turned his attention to his phone, as he texted Andrew.

H: Hey, u seen Cath lately?

A: No, unless you count when we saw each other yesterday!

H: How...?

A: I'm an intern on your show!

H: Cool! Where r u?

A: I'm on the first plane going to DC!

H: Luckey! Me and Layla waited behind for Merida and Cath!

A: But... never mind. Anyway,

Harvey raised an eyebrow at the cut off text, but shrugged it off.

Well, that was unproductive.

Harvey looked over to the entrance, then to the gift shop, to the terminal, to Layla. Layla had always been a good friend of his even thought he liked her more than that, but when they had dated for a while, it ruined it all. It was his fault. He had broken it off harshly, which had been a big mistake.

"WE'RE HERE!" A familiar voice called from the entrance. Harvey looked over to see the fangirls walking in, both wearing matching flannels. Harvey smiled a bit at them, and looked away before they could notice.


Cath and Merida plopped down on a couch a few away from his own, and both pulled out their phones at the same time.

Layla took notice of her ex-friends almost immediately, and strutted over, smirking malevolently. "Ah, the lamegirls. Girly and Girlier!" She taunted, pointing her fingernails, or claws, at Merida and Cath.

Merida raised her eyebrows, but didn't look up. Cath rolled her eyes, but also didn't look up.

Layla laughed. "You two can't ignore me, I'm your best friend, remember?" She said, her tone changing to a Girlier voice.

Merida looked up and snickered, amused. "Um, no. And why the heck do you want our attention, when you've got your own boyfriend to take care of, hmm?" She asked.

Layla rolled her eyes. "Really? Last I checked, Harvey was simply a teammate! Besides, I've got better to do them chase him! Like winning this race."

Merida simply laughed, and grinned as the secretary called for their plane. She quickly gathered her things, and gestured for Cath to follow her.Layla walked back to Harvey.

"Hey, Mer, alliance?!" Harvey yelled as he got the approval by Layla. Merida turned around in surprise, and replied, "Yeah! But our plane is leaving, so hurry up!"

Cath simply laughed, smiled, and followed Merida into the entrance.


Merida sat down in her seat, a small smile on her face. She glanced over at Layla, who was still flirting with Alejandro, and silently laughed at Heather, who was fuming from a distance.

"Hey, Cath, what do you think is up with Layla?" She asked her fellow fangirl, her smile turning to a frown.

Cath looked up from her book, frowning. "I dunno," She replied. "It seems as if she's trying to hide her attraction for him, but at the same time, it's just that.. what if she really has dropped her attraction for Harvey?"


"OH MY GOSH GET AWAY FROM ALEJANDRO!" Heather suddenly screamed, shooting up from her seat in anger.

Layla laughed. "Mhm, and why, exactly? I don't see you holding his hand, or making any romantic actions with him, showing that you're dating him!" She fired back, a malevolent smirk on her face.

Heather blinked rapidly. "HOW DO YOU NOT SEE ME FUMING OVER HERE?!" She raged, throwing her cookie at Layla.Layla easily caught the cookie and tossed it to Alejandro who had an amused smile on his face.

Layla shrugged, whispered something in Alejandro's ear, and left the room, a satisfied grin on her face.

The room was silent for a moment, before Heather cheered, and moved to Layla's seat, pecking Alejandro on the cheek before getting on her phone.

Merida and Cath both exclaimed at the same time, "NO WAY!", spilling their popcorn.

"What does this mean, Cath?"

"Illuminati confirmed?"


Cath laughed, stopping the video, posting it on vine, with #Heatherisjelly!

Merida slouched back in her seat, a frown returning. "So what does this actually mean?"

Cath was silent for a few minutes, before randomly standing up and leaving.


Layla laughed as the spa person worked on her foot. First class came with all sorts of presents, it almost felt like christmas, which she could relate, seeing as it was almost christmas.

"Oi, Brooks, over here!" Cath shouted, grabbing Layla's attention. She thanked the person on her foot, and walked over to Cath. "What do you want?" She asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well, I'd just like to say," Cath began, grabbing her shirt collar. "Touch Harvey and you die. You know that Merida's crushed on him since sixth grade, and you have no reason to take him from her." She threatened in a deathly calm tone, her eyes an icy blue.

Layla's eyes widened as she suddenly threatened her, but quickly narrowed into her famous glare. She pulled away, an angry expression on her face. "Um, no. I can chase Harvey all I want, and you're not stopping me. And besides I've already told you I do NOT chase boys especially my ex-best friends crush."

Cath laughed, an evil gleam in her eyes. " Oh really." Cath says with evil smile on her face."I already have stopped you. Harvey thinks that you're simply his friend, seeing as you've already broken up with him once. Heck, he should hate you, but no, he forgave you!" She ranted.

Layla shrugged, and said, "Well, forget it," and walked back over to where she was, and started her foot rub again.

Cath raised an eyebrow, but left anyway.

When the door closed behind her, an evil laugh was emitted. "Yeah, right!" Layla yelled.


Merida smiled lazily, humming along in the luggage area of the plane.

There's nothing I want but money and time

Million dollar bills and a tick tick tick tick

There's nothing more cruel

Than only nine lives

A limit in spite

Will do the trick trick trick trick

"Hey, what's that song?" a familiar voice asked.

"Million Dollar Bills, by Lorde." Merida replied with a shrug.

"So what are your favorite artists?" Harvey asked, sitting down beside her.

"Lorde, A Great Big World-"

"REALLY?! I love them!" Harvey replied. "And when you're scared and alone-"

"Just know that I'm already home!" Merida finished singing.

The two looked into each other's eyes, a look of happiness in each other's blue tint. It seemed as if the world had stopped. Merida screamed in joy- in her head, for the satisfaction of knowing for sure that Harvey liked her.

Harvey looked away quickly, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

You could try and take us
But we're the gladiators

Merida sat up and danced around gracefully as the music played. She didn't mind Harvey, he had seen her dance.

Everyone a rager
But secretly they're saviors

Harvey stood up and took her hand, and the two danced around hand in hand, letting the beat flow through them.

Glory and gore go hand in hand
That's why we're making headlines

They were a cliche, but who cared?

You could try and take us
but victory's contagious.

"Merida? MERIDA?!" A familiar voice yelled.

Merida's eyes opened, a dreamy expression on her face. She blinked, a confused expression on her face. She frowned at Cath. "What? I was having a really good dream!" She whinned.

Cath smirked, an amused expression on her face. "What was it about?"

"From your expression, I think you know!" Merida replied.



When the plane landed, Merida stepped off, her red scarf flying in the wind. She quickly glanced at Harvey, a small smile on her face.

"Alright, the last five teams have arrived!" Chris announced, smirking.

Merida looked behind her to also see the Players, Sisters, and LARPERS. She put on a straight face, and glanced back over at Cath, who seemed to have finally ended her conversation with Andre.

"For the next part of this week's challenge, the singing fraction, the teams will be singing christmas carols in front of the White House!" Chris explained, putting on a black top hat with a red stripe across it, mistletoe glued to it.

Layla raised an eyebrow, a small smile on her face. Christmas carols were her favorite songs to sing, and the fact that Harvey was there too was all too good.

As the whistle blew, Alejandro and Heather ran for the carriage, cheering happily. Merida snickered as the two ran off. She wasn't surprised about the mood lift, christmas did that to people.

As their carriage rode off, Alejandro driving, Merida and Cath were sitting on a bench, Cath speaking on the phone. "Hey- Yeah! We're in DC right now, and need some transportation, you around?" She asked.

A few moments later, Cath smiled, and said, "Yep, that'd be perfect!" She hung up. "Alright, Peri will be here in thirty." She explained. Merida screeched in joy. Peri was a fellow fangirl, that the two had met on Instagram. Since then, the threesome had become the best of friends, and met twice a year in person to hang out.

Thirty minutes later, a limo pulled up, and Merida and Cath hopped in. It turned out that Peri was a millionaire in the fashion industry. Merida had been asked to be her secretary, but she turned it down.

"So, where are we going?" Peri asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"The White House lawn, please!" Merida replied, smiling.

Peri nodded, and the limo drove off.


When the limo pulled up, Merida and Cath thanked Pari, and the limo drove off. Merida and Cath ran over to where a stage was placed. Currently, the sisters were singing. A bit off tune, if you asked Merida's opinion.

"All I want for christmas is you, baby!" Emma sang, causing Merida to cringe. Beside her, Cath tapped her foot to the beat.

When the sisters were finished, Chris announced, "Alright, 8th place!"

Merida and Cath gasped, and shoved through the crowd, they had somehow gotten behind. "I knew the limo wasn't a smart move!" Cath cried.

Merida rolled her eyes, and kept going, Cath limping behind her. Merida forgot about her broken leg, and ran ahead of them.

When she reached the stage entrance backstage, she gasped in realization. She cursed, and asked Chris, "Is this a solo challenge?"

When Chris nodded, Merida took Emma's mike, and ran onstage. "Alright, so I'll be singing Jingle Bells!" She exclaimed. When the music started, Merida exhaled, and began,

Dashing through the snow

On a one horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go

Laughing all the way

Bells on bobtail ring

Making spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh!

As the crowd applauded, she smiled, and wiped the sweat off her forehead, a tired grin on her face. When Chris awarded her 9th place, Merida smiled apologetically at Cath. "Sorry, Cath!" She said, hugging her.

Cath simply smiled, "Alright, Chris said that we get two weeks off for christmas, and to report to the Hard Rock Cafe January 3rd to start the next challenge!" She explained.

The two cheered, and walked to the nearby Starbucks to grab some victory Coffee.When they got there they sat down on a far table in a corner so they could talk.

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