Hetalia x reader (Alexander Hamilton AU)
some words in the songs will be changed to match the story. (I do not own the browway play Alexander Hamilton or the anime Hetalia)charters roles in the play:Y/n as Alexander HamiltonAmerica as aaron burrFrance as Marquis de LafayetteEgypt as John LaurensEngland as King George IIIJapan as James Madison2p Japan as Hercules MulliganGermany as Eliza HamiltonPrussia as Angelica SchuylerChina as Maria ReynoldsRomano as Peggy SchuylerItaly as Philip Hamilton2p France as Thomas Jefferson2p america as George Eacker2p russia as Charles LeeRussia as George Washingtonukraine as James Reynolds2p England as Samuel SeaburyStated: 1/23/21…