Despite being home and away from the babies, things became better in great amounts. The first week home was hard for Troye, and at times he would simply sit in bed and pump bottles because he couldn't fall asleep. Jacob always would wake if Troye was up, and he'd sit up and click on the bedside lamp so Troye could see what he was doing, and then he himself would either talk softly to his boy to keep Troye's mind off of things, or he'd read.
They visited their babies each day, and during the times when the nurses would ask them to leave the NICU for a bit, Jacob would take Troye out to meet his father for lunch, or they'd go shopping for baby clothes. Upon seeing Dua at the only place Troye liked shopping for baby clothes, the woman both hugged the life out of Troye and scolded him and Jacob for letting her find out about the babies via the newspaper. They apologized, and in return she sent them away dozens of the smallest baby outfits she owned, demanding that they put them on their babies and send her pictures the second they got the chance.
The paparazzi seemed to be completely avoiding them, and Jacob figured it had something to do with the warning he'd had his lawyer send to some of the major companies informing that if Jacob or Troye's name appeared negatively in a magazine or newspaper one more time, that Jacob would take each and every participant in the article wrote and try them in court for libel. During NICU visits, Troye's spirits both lifted and fell depending on the day.
Blaine was doing so well, he'd switched from formula to Troye's milk through his feeding tube. Brielle's progress was a bit slower. For one day about two days after Troye left the hospital she came off the ventilator only to be put right back on it after a few hours when her breathing had become so weak that her lips turned a scary blue. It was an instant that neither Jacob nor Troye liked to think about. But about five days after she officially came off of the ventilator, screeching at the top of her lungs in a way that assured both men that she was indeed okay when it came to air supply.
It was also the first time that they were allowed to hold her. Jacob picked her up first, just as he had with Blaine, and cradled her close as he lowered her down to Troye, crooning to her in the baby tone he had developed the entire way. Even Jacob had cried that time, because it had nearly taken a month, but they were finally getting to hold both of their babies. Both babies no longer squinted around blankly either, but instead would stare deeply at whoever held them. Blaine would even turn his head to hear voices, especially when it was Troye speaking.
Troye held Brielle and Jacob sat beside him with Blaine, and it made them even more eager to finally take their babies home. And luckily enough, the very next day they returned to the hospital only for Hari to already be holding Blaine, completely without a feeding tube, and handing him over to Troye. "It took a month, but he wants to try a new form of eating I believe," Barb declared happily. "He took very graciously to a bottle, so hopefully he does the same to you. Usually they prefer one more strongly over the other. Let's hope he chooses you, hmm?" Troye gaped at her, turning to look for Jacob who was attempting to find a place to set down his laptop case. He had started back up working after the first two weeks, but it was only from his laptop, so he simply took it to the hospital with him and would use it when the babies were sleeping.
It was already September, and Troye still hadn't started back up school, but he and Jacob had discussed it and he was to start mid-October. The Dom was behind Troye in a moment however, his hand settling gently on Troye's lower back and nodding encouragingly, "It'll be alright, sweets, you've been wanting this for quite some time. You always tell me how special it is, how it forms a bond and what not, hmm?" Troye swallowed hard, but he graciously took Blaine into his arms and nuzzled him up close momentarily. Both babies were still so tiny, but they were so soft. Troye loved rubbing his nose against the curly fuzz on their heads or against their soft pink cheeks. They no longer looked like tiny aliens, they had light pink skin that was always warm to the touch, their veins weren't as prominent, and they were slowly but surely putting fat on their fragile little bones.
Their umbilical stumps had long since fallen off, leaving them with cute little belly buttons that were covered with far too large onesies since they didn't need heart monitors placed on their chests anymore. "Hi baby boy Fuzzy," Troye cooed. "Are you hungry?" The Dom pulled up a chair for Troye, frowning a bit, "It might be easier in this case if you had a chair with arms. I'll see if I can get a desk chair from the front desk." Jacob strode off only to return almost instantly with a cushiony desk chair he had snagged from someone. He offered it out to Troye, holding it still as Troye carefully sat with the baby clutched to him gently.
Troye removed his shirt, almost like he would for kangaroo care, but Blaine was clothed this time. Barb gave them a blanket to swaddle up in, and gradually Troye coaxed Blaine into eating. It was bizarre and felt much different from his pump, but he favored it extremely over the machine at home that he'd been using to produce milk for his babies. Blaine seemed a bit confused at first, but he eventually latched on and was eating so fast and messily that Troye was a tad afraid he'd get bubbles in his tummy. Yet even better than the feeling of accomplishment Troye felt from being able to finally feed his baby himself, Blaine gazed up at Troye almost the entire time.
However, he only ate for about seven minutes before he conked out with Troye still in his mouth. "Can I burp him?" Jacob asked hopefully. Troye nodded, reluctantly pulling Blaine free with a slight suctioning sound. He giggled, "He really latched on... it's like he's been breastfeeding the entire time rather than just having started today." Hari had been idly standing by, giving Troye his privacy but keeping close to offer help if he needed it, and she chuckled, "He's a strong little guy. I'm slightly surprised that he's a little sub with how Dominant he seems, usually you can tell almost right away with infants. But then again everyone is different, I shouldn't be so stereotypical! Forgive me." Jacob had Blaine tucked up against his chest with the baby's head on his shoulder and little bottom in his hand as he patted at Blaine's back.
"I can't wait until Brielle is off the feeding tube," Troye murmured, watching his Dom sway with Blaine as he burped him. "Twins are a handful," Barb warned, but upon looking to Jacob as well she smiled. "I think you two will have it covered, though. We plan on trying to switch Brielle over to your milk now that she's off the ventilator, but as for Blaine, he's cleared all of our milestones... so tonight if he eats well from the bottles and maintains his body temperature all on his own, would you want to check him out tomorrow?" Both Jacob and Troye froze at that, and Troye was the first to splutter, "Like... to take him home?" "Mhmm," Hari smiled. Like always, Troye turned to Jacob, "C-can we? Jacob can we-"
"Of course, silly boy, we're taking our babies home the first chance we get!" Jacob declared, and his nose scrunched a bit as Blaine burped up a bit of spit-up onto Jacob's shoulder. "Oh!" Hari exclaimed. "You all seem so skilled already that I forget you're new daddies. You'll want to use a spit-up rag while burping them. They get so much more air in their tummies eating on their own than they do from being tube fed." Troye stood carefully, as he was no longer as sore but occasionally twisting incorrectly or jarring himself too sharply would cause a bit of pain, and he accepted a rag from Hari to wipe off Jacob's shoulder as he sniffled happily, "He's asleep again. I can't wait to take him home, we'll have to invite my dad over and Luke and Tommy will love getting to see him for the first time- I bet it'll make them even more excited for their own baby. And of course I'll finally have my baby home where I can care for him and snuggle him all I want."
"When do you estimate Brielle being able to come home?" Jacob asked. "I say three weeks more," Barb replied. "They'll be seven weeks old, yes?" Troye thought hard, but he nodded, "Yeah, roughly. In two days they'll be a month old. But why so long, that's almost another month..." "She's been our fragile baby," Hari chuckled. "Blaine has gained three pounds and Brielle has only gained one. He's 6.4 pounds now and Bri is 4 pounds." "She won't even have her brother for company anymore," Troye realized in slight horror. "I'll feel so bad leaving here entirely alone." "I'll look out for her when you're gone," Hari promised. "I'll be working double shifts this month. I'm sure she'll get plenty of attention from the other nurses on duty as well. Your twins are favorites around here. We think it's the curls." That made Troye feel much better knowing that even when they were gone their babies weren't ignored the majority of the time. He sighed, kissing Blaine's head where it rested against Jacob's shoulder.
Being able to take one of his baby homes seemed like it would make things almost completely better. But since Blaine seemed very content with sleeping on Jacob, Troye asked Hari to help him situate Brielle's feeding tube so he could snuggle her too. They left later than usual after Troye had fed Blaine again, already loving the short amount of time where their gazes would be locked as Blaine happily suckled away. Hari said that either baby could start smiling at any time as well. The entire ride home Troye gushed about bringing home Blaine.
"We'll have to put the car seat we bought in the car and make sure it's safe and-" "We'll switch over from the Mustang to the Cadillac CTS so there's more space as well. It's behind the house in the car garage," Jacob replied. Troye blinked in surprise, as they'd only ever used the Mustang since they'd been matched. He briefly wondered how many cars Jacob had, but then he decided to ask about slightly more serious matters. "Also, that one lady at the CPS... she still hasn't contacted you?" he chewed his lower lip. "She hasn't," Jacob agreed. "Maybe they've just dropped the case. I'd call and ask, but I'd rather not put ourselves back into the limelight when we've just gotten out of it. There's no reason for us to be there in the first place, we haven't done anything out of the ordinary. These are our babies. We potentially get to bring Blaine home tomorrow."
Arriving home, they found Luke and Tommy eating dinner. Troye looked at Jacob for permission before he hurried as fast as he dared with his healing stomach and sat across from them, "We have news." Luke spluttered a bit, shaking his head, "You're not pregnant again, right?" "No, we haven't- for another month I can't-" Troye blushed hard, turning to see Jacob hanging up his coat and placing his laptop on the coffee table in the living room before coming to Troye with a sigh.
"You didn't take your coat off, pet, let me see it," he held out his hand patiently, and Troye quickly shrugged out of the pressed wool and handed it over nervously. "Sorry... I was excited," he murmured. "I'm excited, too," Jacob replied, the corners of his mouth twitching up to show Troye that he wasn't cross. "Wait for me before you tell them." Troye was practically squirming in his seat, but he smiled at Tommy, "You're fourteen weeks now, right?" "Yeah!" Tommy agreed. "I'm starting to get muscle cramps and I want to eat like all the time now that I'm not throwing it back up right away." Troye giggled, "Soon you'll be showing, too. I don't think you have a bump yet, that I've noticed but... I've also been out of the house a lot lately." "You've got two little babies that aren't in your belly to think about," Luke pointed out kindly. At that moment, Jacob slid into the chair next to Troye and kissed his cheek, "Luke, Tommy." "Hello," Luke smiled. "How was the hospital visit?" Troye squirmed, nuzzling towards Jacob hopefully, "Can I tell them? Please, sir- Jacob?" Even after a month it was still hard to adjust considering he'd called Jacob sir for nine months prior. Jacob laughed softly, but he cupped Troye's face in his hands to brush their lips together once, "Go for it." Troye gave Jacob one last peck of thanks before he turned to Luke and Tommy, excitedly leaning forward and crowing, "We might get to bring Blaine home tomorrow!"
"That's fantastic!" Luke grinned, and Tommy's entire face lit up. "Do I get to hold him? I haven't even seen him aside from pictures! Oh I bet he's absolutely adorable," Tommy gushed. Jacob hummed in agreement, his hand settling on Troye's back where it rubbed gentle circles into the skin, "Troye's father showed me a picture of Troye when he was a baby. I think Blaine looks quite similar to Troye, he's such a perfect little baby." "Generally I think babies look like tiny old people," Tommy admitted. "And Brielle and Blaine kind of looked like aliens for a bit but they were cute aliens! I bet they're lovely now."
"Oh!" Troye exclaimed. "I also got to feed Blaine for the first time today. He's off the feeding tube. It's so much better than pumping... although I've been reading online and I hear that chafing isn't fun." Tommy laughed, wincing in sympathy and rubbing his own tummy as if thinking about how he'd be experiencing the same thing a few months down the road. Tommy and Troye talked about babies while Jacob and Luke talked about an assortment of things. Eventually however, Jacob stood and stretched.
"Well, I'm thoroughly exhausted and I've got some emails to make early tomorrow morning before Troye and I head to the hospital for our babies, and I wanted to make sure we get the car seat in correctly tomorrow when it's light enough out there for me to see. So I'm off to shower," the Dom explained. Troye stood as well, smiling at Luke and Tommy, "What Jacob said..." Jacob gave Troye an amused look, but he led the way upstairs and into their bathroom, leaving Troye to shut the bedroom door before he hurried carefully through the large double doors after Jacob. He was already stripping to reveal his muscled skin, a bit paler with the fall season, and Troye was very much reminded on how long one month without intimacy with Jacob had been.
"Are you going to shower with me, sweets?" Jacob asked. "Yes please," Troye flushed a bit, but he nodded as he moved to strip off his clothes. Like always, Jacob helped Troye into the shower as if the small ledge was something that Troye couldn't step over easily with his slightly injured state. Troye's tummy was nearly flat again, but it was scarred at the bottom, and he had a few stretch marks here and there from the result of his babies. He attempted to hide it with his hands as he turned to face Jacob under the spray the Dom had started, but Jacob gently seized Troye's wrists to stop him. "Does it hurt?" he asked. Troye shook his head, "No, it's just not very nice looking." "It looks fine to me," Jacob assured. "You always look good to me, I've thought you were the most beautiful thing since I first set eyes on you." Ever so softly, Jacob ducked down to kiss Troye, cupping his jaw. It started off sweet, but after a few simple lip brushes, Troye sighed happily against Jacob's mouth.
Almost instantly Jacob was slipping his tongue in questioningly, slipping his thumbs behind Troye's ears to kiss him firmer. Troye's lips parted so Jacob's tongue could lick inside, and Troye whimpered a bit as he willed himself not to get hard. Jacob pulled his lips away, kissing down Troye's jaw, nibbling on the soft skin of his neck, and Troye gave a breathy, "Jacob-" Jacob groaned at that, pulling back to look at Troye, "I always found it a turn on when you would say sir, but when you say my name... Christ, Troye." A glance down told Troye that Jacob was certainly turned on, and he gave a punchy little whine, "I feel like I haven't kissed you like that in ages." "We haven't kissed like that for quite some time," Jacob agreed. "We've been so busy worrying about the babies."
"Will you kiss me some more?" Troye pleaded. Jacob gave the boy a sad look, but he shook his head, "Not like that... we still have a month left before we can do things, and I'm already in a bit of a situation." "I can help you," Troye said shyly. "I can suck you off, or-" "You'll hurt yourself, absolutely not," Jacob disagreed. Troye chewed his lower lip, "I'll tug you off then?" "Sweets..." Jacob groaned. Troye blinked up at Jacob, sneakily sidling forward to make Jacob back out of the shower spray a bit, "Please, Jacob?" Jacob nudged his nose down against Troye, but he tilted his head to nibble Troye's lower lip as well, mumbling against the sub's mouth,
"I really shouldn't let you have your way all the time. But you're too cute to resist." Troye grabbed the shower gel then, taking Jacob's kiss and statement as an acceptance, and he slicked up his hand just enough for a sort of makeshift lube. Even with the water he knew the slide of his hand could cause a bit of discomfort. In all honesty he had felt bad that Jacob had been refraining from sex too,
Troye was the only one hurt. It wasn't fair to Jacob to have to pleasure himself all the time, but he hadn't mentioned anything about it to Troye. Troye made a quiet vow to himself to start helping Jacob out to the best of his ability. Almost instantly, Jacob's hips were pressing forward into Troye's hand. Troye twisted with two hands down Jacob's dick, thumbing over the top occasionally to make Jacob give a surprised huff. "You're so hard," Troye mumbled in slight awe, wondering how long it had been since Jacob had gotten off. Jacob's breath caught as he replied in a strained tone, "It's been a week or two. Too busy."
"Is it okay with the shower gel?" Troye asked, glancing down at his slightly sudsy hands and Jacob's hard cock to find that Jacob's toes were curling against the shower tiles. "Mhmm," Jacob grunted. "Feels great, sweets... faster?" Troye obliged, trying not to watch his hands move up and down Jacob's dick, because it would simply make him think about what that dick felt like inside of him, and he was already half hard as it was. Luckily, Jacob grabbed Troye's face to kiss him, making the rhythm of Troye's strokes falter a bit, but it was a distraction from looking at Jacob's cock until it twitched in his hands. Jacob moaned into his mouth as Troye felt something different from the water spill onto his hands, mixing in with the soap as Troye stroked Jacob through his orgasm.
As Jacob pulled back a bit, resting his forehead against Troye's and panting hard, Troye shyly used the spray to clean up his hands and Jacob, "Was that alright?" "Perfect," Jacob breathed. "Are you okay, it didn't make you sore did it?" "No," Troye assured. Jacob placed a soft kiss to Troye's forehead, "Good... now, let me wash your hair sweets, so we can head to bed." After a bit more kissing, but chaste kissing that was, they finished up their shower, dressed, and Jacob helped Troye into bed. Troye could lay on his side once more, and he loved being able to snuggle up to Jacob's chest again. As they snuggled close, Troye asked softly, "Do you think Blaine can sleep in here tomorrow? There's this thing called co-sleeping-"
"Mhmm," Jacob said immediately. "It'll be easier for us to get up and down to take care of him. Once Brielle comes home we'll let them sleep in their room, but it'll be our first night
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