Colors Don't Mix | Fillie
Where she was Blue, I was Grey.…
Where she was Blue, I was Grey.…
Honestly just random shit depending on how I feel lmao.Read if you want.Most of it might not make sense.…
I can't help but think that our roads might take us down different phases.…
"I'm definitely not one for revenge, babe."…
Bad press is still press.…
He passes the tree everyday.Every day she's in it.☆☆When the girl in the tree finally decides to speak up, Finn is automatically intrigued by her odd way of carrying herself and the way she looks at the world. He's her first friend in a while, and there's reasons for that that Finn is unaware of. Can he handle the secret (or not so secret) that is Millie Brown?…
Fake it 'till you make it.…