Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.
As soon as Law decided where their next destination would be, they took off while being submerged underwater, having no one to stop them.
Their next destination wasn't that far from them, they should be able to arrive within a few hours if nothing blocked their path.
Throughout the duration, Law spent his time in the Control room with Jambarl and Bepo, having someone bring them their lunch while they discussed what type of island it was as well as discussing potential islands afterwards.
Once they had neared the island, Law had ordered Bepo to gather everyone on deck for further orders.
"Okay Shiki, if someone says 'please kill me now' in a not so serious look, you can't kill them, it's just a verbal expression. They are not asking for someone to kill them, alright? Do you understand." Reika explained beside the smaller woman, walking towards the exit.
"What if they're annoying." Shiki asked as they neared the exit, carrying Captain in her arms.
Reika shook her head, "Still can't." she replied nonchalantly, "Unfortunately." she sighed, pushing open the large metal door to the deck.
What started up this conversation was when Skiki had left when she was asked to deliver the food to Captain and the others (an escape to transfer her meat onto Bepo's plate). She began exchanging stories about Shiki to Leo and when he told a particular story, the one when Shiki didn't understand verbal expressions. Which got Reika to think about her friend's social skill.
As a child, Shiki didn't talk to anyone but her at the orphanage and sometimes to the Sisters there. Growing up, Shiki stuck to her and once again, mainly spoke to her and no one else.
Then came their mentor.
Reika grimaced at that.
The problem was that, for most of her life, Shiki was exposed to very straight forward people that never used sarcasm, but were brutally honest to her face throughout most of her life.
Being a Vice Admiral, a serious position, didn't seem to help.
As they were the last two to step on to the deck where the Heart Pirates were and a irritated-looking Law due to their late arrival.
Law inwardly grumbled, seeing as everyone was now gathered, he proceeded with his orders, "According to the sea chart, this is an uninhabited island." Law stated, "However, I still want you to stay on your guard, got that?"
"Aye, Captain!" the crew responded.
Ren walked up to Law once the others leaned against the railings, excited to see the island.
"Captain, since the weather is nice, do you think we could have an outdoor barbecue?" Ren asked.
Law glanced at his smiling crew before settling back to his chef, "I don't see why not." he answered, "Set it up while the others look for supplies."
"Yes, Captain!" Ren grinned and turned around to gather some helpers to come with him to carry the equipment.
Law let out a grin before turning around to see the incoming island.
As Leo and Shiki were helping set up a mini barbecue by creating a mini bonfire, Reika was flying over, carrying two baskets filled with pre prepared meats and vegetables by the attached strings with her talons while Ren was carrying pans, plates and wooden sticks for the kebabs he was going to serve.
While some of the pirates went to explore or gather supplies into the thick forestry, some stayed on the sandy shore, a game of beach volleyball was set up with most of his crew cheering.
Law was resting against his snoozing first mate, observing his men, nodachi in his loose hold. He then tilted his head at the sleeping black kitten resting on his first mate's heaving stomach, the place where Shiki had placed before she had went to gather wood for the fire.
Turning back to comfortably resting against the polar bear, Law couldn't help but inwardly sigh that his resting place is now being officially shared as this was not the first or second time he had caught Shiki or the cat using his first mate as a pillow or bed.
Law sighed at that.
The bear used as a pillow twitched his nose with a scrunched up expression. He eventually opened his beady black eyes, shifting his soft round body, getting Law's attention.
"Bepo? What is it?"
Kyle and his group scavenged for food supplies in the in the lushes forest, finding luck when they stumbled upon trees of fruits in various colours and sizes.
The group had spread out, but not too far from each other.
Kyle dutifully climbed a tree baring pears, plucking them into his sack.
Others did the same with a different tree, grunting as they climbed onto a branch.
One of the guys near Kyle's tree, glanced at him with a slight concern. The once loud mouth guy was unusually silent for the past few days and many others have noticed. He had stopped shouting at the black haired woman, opting to keeping his mouth shout with a frustrated expression, as if he wanted to say something.
"Yo, Kyle." he called out, leaning against his tree, a small break from plucking oranges, "Anything bothering you?" he questioned, his grey beaning obscuring his eyes.
Pausing in his task, Kyle hazel eyes stared off blankly, thinking back to the time Shiki saved him. Shutting his eyes with a groan, he roughly scratched the back of his grey hair, "It's nothing." he grunted out before opening his eyes to an apple tree. Without looking at his crew mate, he extended his arm towards him, "Hey, chuck me the extra bag."
As the supply team gather back together once they filled up their bags, they began their way back to the beach, only for them to quickly duck behind some bushes when they noticed they were not alone on this island.
"Hey, isn't that-?!" one of the pirates harshly whispered, his eyes wide.
Kyle gritted his teeth, "We need to report this to the Captain immediately." he whispered lowly, carefully taking out a den den mushi.
As military boots stomped pass where the group of pirates were hiding, Kyle made sure to dial his Captain's number once they were in the clear.
As soon as Law picked up, Kyle quickly explained the situation.
"Captain, we have trouble here."
"You're not the only one." an annoyed voice came from Law.
"What's going on?" he asked with a suspenseful face.
Instead of giving him a straight answer, Law gave the group an order, "You and the others are to return to the ship, quickly."
"Aye, Captain!" the whole group responded. Kyle hanging up as they headed their Captain's order.
Standing right in front of the Heart Pirates with an army of marines standing behind him, stood a man with shades in a black suit and tie, and a marine coat fluttering behind him on his shoulders.
Law glared at the Vice Admiral that appeared before them, gripping his nodachi tightly while Bepo stood a few step beside him, standing in a kung fu pose, mini Captain laid bored on the polar bear's head. His men standing alert, their guards up.
"Hmph." the Vice Admiral smirked, crossing his arms, "It seems I was right to have predicted this is where the Heart Pirates were heading." he said to know one in particular, "But I've got to say that even though we stationed many other marines on the island you might go, I got the lucky one." he grinned obnoxiously.
This was the time for him to shine! Finally, some actions and show the others just how powerful he-
"Stalker." a simple voice broke his inner monologue.
His eyes darkened, eye twitching as he recognized that voice.
Growling, he turned his dark eyes, along with the rest to the one who utter such insult.
Over to the mini barbecue area, sat a crossed-legged Shiki, leaning her cheek on her supporting right hand. Beside her, a delicate featured young man with black hair had his jaw dropped to the ground, blues eyes bulging from his head.
A red haired woman who was standing on her other side let out a hum, "I can finally see your point now."
"I somehow feel relieved that we never had to chase after someone." Leo let out a relieved sigh. While other marine squad had have some rough time capturing pirates, in the past, Shiki's squad simply showed up and captured on the spot.
Everyone sweatdropped at the casual conversation in such a situation but one growing angry man and a chuckling Law.
"To think that I would meet you here, Shiki." he spat out, the sun radiating off him, highlighting his superior position, "I see that you don't have your weapon, what a rookie mistake." The Vice Admiral narrowed into her unblinking ones, just knowing that she was calculating all her escape route.
"You..." Shiki spoke after a minute of silence.
A smug grin made his way on his rough face, knowing that it was such a shock to see her once co worker.
But a simple question shattered his delusions.
"Who are you?" Shiki said with a straight face without even an ounce of shame that she forgot the name and face of someone she had worked with.
Leo quickly walked over to Shiki, leaning down to her ear in a hushed whisper, "You know." he tried jogging her memory, "That's Vice Admiral Sukanku. Our squads once had a mock battle together."
"Sukanku..." Shiki trailed off, staring at the seething Vice Admiral. She stared at the shaven sides of his head, leaving only a scruffy mo-hawk in the middle that ended with a rat tail.
"Hmph! I'm glad that you remember." Sukanku-chujo said sarcastically.
To be honest, Shiki had no clue who he was.
As Sukanku-chujo began his speech on how he would capture the Heart Pirates and Shiki without fail and how they had no chance of escape, Shiki blinked boredly, looking to her right only for her eyes to widen slightly in realization.
"Sh-Shiki!" Ren's panicked hushed voice entered the Vice Admiral's ear, "I-I don't think this is the time for this!"
"-Heh. To think that we were once in the same rank just makes me want to lau-eh-OI!" he eyes bulged when he noticed the ex vice admiral wasn't even listening but was focused on the meat.
Nonchalantly turning the meat kebab to prevent it from burning, sizzling sounds filled the atmosphere before a casual conversation broke out between the ex marines and the red haired, hovering over the barbecue.
"Hey, Shiki, hurry, that one is starting to burn." Reika pointed out.
"Shiki, do you want roasted vegetables or a salad with it?" Leo asked, holding a woven basket of vegetables.
Ren had paled at the audacity of them, "Hey, Leo, I kinda expect this from Shiki, but not you!" he whispered in horror. Here they were, continuing the barbecue while marines are standing before them!
"Well, if you want to catch up to Shiki, you kinda have to adapt to her pace, otherwise you'll have mini heart attacks." he laughed good heartily, remembering the memories of his marine days, "Haha, such good times." a sort of peaceful acceptance on his face.
"Ah, tell me about those next time!" Reika enthusiastically asked.
"Sure." Leo smiled.
Everyone once again sweatdropped. This was not the time.
Shaking in anger, Vice Admiral Sukanku exploded, "HEY! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he hollered, veins throbbing tensely.
"It would have burned and become inedible." Shiki casually answered, focusing on the one in front of her, "Besides, Reika said that you shouldn't waste food, you know." she muttered, distracted. Picking one kebab up by the wooden end, she handed one to Reika and then another to Leo, she nodded, "They're ready to eat." and began plating up the others.
Reika happily accepted, proud that she has taught her well.
"Should I eat now or later?" Leo asked, looking very unsure. There was a chance that this snack could go to waste.
Shiki shrugged.
The more they continued on like there wasn't a powerful being standing just a few feet before them, the more he turned red in furry, not noticing a blue transparent film enveloping the field.
As Shiki wrapped the plate of food with foil, she turned around with a straight face, "Relax. It's just another part-time job I left, no need to get angry, Soup-can-chujo."
"It's Sukanku-chujo, bitch!"
Reika snapped a glare at his direction.
"Does it matter?" she muttered under her breath, placing the covered plate down on the table.
"Part time?" Leo questioned, tilting his head.
Shiki shook her head, "Another time." promising to tell him later.
Enough of this shit, Sukanku snapped and whipped his hand out, "Every one, charge!" he commanded in a booming voice before his eyes widened and in a split second, jumped into the air using geppo. His eyes widened when half his screaming confused men's body were chopped in half. Snapping his head to the culprit, he eyes turned into a deadly glare as he caught a smug grin directed at him, "Trafalgar Law." he growled.
Smirking up at the man, Law tapped his unsheathed nodachi on his shoulder, "I suggest you take your own advice and not ignore me," he tilted his head towards the vice admiral, his steel eyes glinting, "Skunk-ya."
Sukanku cursed at him.
Sukanku: Skunk
I'm going to see if I can deliver a valentine chapter on time or just make an update on the day. We'll see!
Hope you enjoyed this and if possible, keep the names coming for Reika, there are some that I like but I'm open to more.
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