Unlikely Lovers

Unlikely Lovers

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Quinn and Alp were making there way from the forest creating light conversation."Thanks for coming to the beach with me today, I've wanted to show you for awhile because you live in the desert but you say no usually everytime I ask you." Alp says soberlyQuinn huffs not even bothering with eye contact flicking his tail with annoyance "Yeah, yeah. You wouldn't shut up about it how 'great' a beach is."The two men get soon make it to the edge of the forest having a great view of the wide of the beach, shore and ooean the waves crashing up against it. Quinn has never seen such a sight and gazes apon it with awe"Wow.." He quietly mutters"Impressed?" Alp askes in a cocky 'I Told you so' toneThe two men walk down the beach and start getting up an umbrella putting down there stuff"Hey I'm going to go explore a bit, I'll be back" Quinn hollers to Alp already walking with the shoreline walking for around fifteen minutes out getting a good distance from alp and the spot, then he sees something thrashing in the sand of the beach in the distance. Slowly approaching it he sees what it actually is....…