MJ Fantasy- Traveling Soldier

MJ Fantasy- Traveling Soldier

1,785 65 29

Alice, a 16 year old girl, has to deal with feelings that are exposed after she meets a strange, but intriguing boy at her work. At first she keeps her distance from him, but soon her curiosity gets the better of her, and she offers him a walk on the beach.They talk about life, and each other. One thing leads to another and she finds herself falling for this mysterious boy. Falling hard in love. But there's one problem... he's leaving for boot camp the next morning.Also another problem, weeks after he leaves, Alice finds out she's pregnant. With Michael's baby. How does she cope? Especially when she soon gets a letter revealing that Michael had gone missing at boot camp. Will Michael meet his child? Will Alice ever see him again?What about Jacob? How will he get caught up in the mix?Lots of teenage drama and angst.…

MJ Fantasy- Loving Me Is Like Loving A Curse

MJ Fantasy- Loving Me Is Like Loving A Curse

6,104 133 26

You know, it’s hard enough when someone is fighting the disease, they don’t need you talking shit about them because of it! Leave us alone!!! We are humans just like you and we shouldn’t be treated any differently. No one cares though… no one ever did.You get teased, you get bullshit EVERYDAY because of it! The reason I would know about it is because I’m one of those people. I’m one of those people that get teased and hurt everyday by harsh words and even sometimes physical contact. I cant get rid of those horrible people and I cant get rid of the pain they cause me, every single day of my life. It just hurts…A young girl has undergo harsh bullying throughout her high school years... until a gorgeous looking gentlemen witnesses her getting hurt and he butts in to help her. After that incident, the young girl's life changes... forever and for the best.Can she let this mysterious boy in her life? Can she trust him enough to let her hidden feelings about him be exposed? And... can this boy be the best thing that has ever happened to her?? Find out in the upcoming series, "Loving Me Is Like Loving A Curse".…

MJ Fantasy- For The Love Of A Daughter

MJ Fantasy- For The Love Of A Daughter

275 7 4

Inspired by "911 remix Heaven" and the 911 incident. Margaret- Peggy- Jackson has to go through life without a father when Michael dies in one of the towers. It wrecks the five year old's life when she realizes her fathers not coming back home after leaving for New York the week prior. She goes to his grave a year later and explains all the amazing things that have happened since his death. Family fluff! Tragedy! Sadness! Sarah/ Michael; Michael/ Peggy daughter-father bond.…

MJ Fantasy- Living In Hell

MJ Fantasy- Living In Hell

876 50 7

Moving is scary for everyone right?? Especially teens who have to leave everything behind and everyone they love. Well when Michael and Annabella, his baby sister, move away from their life in L.A and into a new life in Indiana, they don't realize what horrors awaits for them at their new house. And not just regular fears, actual paranormal activities starts happening that he never thought were possible. And soon the truth about the house he lives in will start to unfold and he'll know what actually happened in the house his family and him are currently living in.He's actually living in hell.…

The Poet Sings

The Poet Sings

45 0 1

Inspired by the song "The Poet Sings" by Randall Stroope.…

MJ Fantasy- Happy Birthday Daddy

MJ Fantasy- Happy Birthday Daddy

268 5 1

Paris, Blanket and Prince have a heart to heart on the balcony of Paris' bedroom on the night of Michael's 56th birthday. It's the fifth birthday they've spent without him and Paris isn't handling it too well. Michael's family is wild and alive with celebration for his birthday, but unfortunately Paris, Blanket nor Prince weren't in the mood to party. So when Paris goes off on her own to get fresh air and clear her mind, her brothers soon follow her.It's during their little talk that Paris realizes that, even if she may not have her father, she still has her brothers. Despite her wanting her 'daddy' back, she'll take what she has. And what she has is her older and younger brother and they're all she'll ever need.Happy Birthday Michael Jackson. This story is dedicated to you my love on your special day and I wish you were still here to celebrate it with us all. I hope you're finally resting in peace, you deserve. I love you my love, happy birthday. (:…

MJ Fantasy- There One Day, Gone The Next.

MJ Fantasy- There One Day, Gone The Next.

363 13 3

Michael has to deal with such a horrible heartache when he comes home and finds his wife, Lisa Presley, in bed with another man.He juggles with having to deal with filling for divorce, taking care of his three children AND rehearsing for his upcoming ending tour, This Is It, that it all becomes too much for his body to take. One more thing added to his plate and his mind will soon snap. But unfortunately, his body wasnt the same.On June 25th, 2009- exactly a month after Michael and the kids left her- is the day Lisa finds out her, now, EX- husband had died due to cardiac arrest. She's filled with so much guilt that all she can do is lie in bed replaying the last words Michael had said to her the day he left."One day you will realize how much I was there for you, when I'm gone."…