KaoChisa: That Day, You Could've Save Me!

KaoChisa: That Day, You Could've Save Me!

283 9 10

The cover may seems dark but it kinda is but to be sure, it's just another drama romance story. Buckle up…

Breads and Flowers (MocaRan)

Breads and Flowers (MocaRan)

1,060 22 5

A story where "i cant make an description cuz everything will not go as the decription say..."…

Team Galaxy and The Gaang (English)

Team Galaxy and The Gaang (English)

630 6 2

Note: This Boboiboy is from Malaysia (My place)Boboiboy is the greatest heroes in Earth but one day he and his friends saw the light coming from a floating island. When they were there, they realized it was a portal. The gang saw there was 5 person who looked almost same as them. Are they Freinds or Foe?Team Avatar was having a lot of fun and Aang decide to play hide and seek. When Aang became the hider he accidentally bend the small spirit that were reject by anyone and by doing thing Aang created the new world that they don't know. What could it possiblely happend to Gaang?…

Team Galaxy and The Gaang (Melayu)

Team Galaxy and The Gaang (Melayu)

47 5 1

Boboiboy adalah hero yang terhebat di Bumi tetapi pada suatu hari dia dan kawan-kawannya melihat ada cahaya dari pulau terapung. Apabila mereka datang, ia adalah portal. Geng Boboiboy nampak 5 orang yang kelihatan hampir sama dengan mereka. Adakah mereka kawan ataupun musuh?Kumpulan Avatar sedang berseronok dan Aang memutuskan untuk bermain sorok-sorok. Apabila Aang menjadi penyembunyi, dia secara tidak sengaja terserang spirit kecil yang ditolak oleh sesiapa kerana kehodohannya dan dengan melakukan perkara ini, Aang telah menciptakan dunia baru yang mereka tidak tahu. Apa yang boleh berlaku kepada Gaang?…