Phoenix Guild 14.0 | July Assignment

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Welcome to the Phoenix Guild, Assignment 14.0!

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☆ Congratulations to June's Readers of the Month!

1. JustAWannabeWriter30 - 138 points

2. lobo1989 - 57 points

3. AziaElga - 46.5 points

☆ Our Discord server, The Writer's Hoard, has a new initiative: The Six Month Novel Challenge! Participants will be encouraged to write a novel within six months, and rewards and workshop opportunities are also available. You can choose to write something shorter than a novel, if you wish, and you can even work on an ongoing project. It's all up to you! See our server for more information! An invite link is available in our bio on our profile. We hope to see you there!

☆ As a reminder, the Club Book of the Month is determined by either (1) the member with the highest amount of points from the previous two months combined, or (2) a story selected by the staff, usually written by someone outside of the club. For the second option, the writer has no knowledge their story is being featured until the assignment is posted. When reading these stories, please ensure that your comments are respectful, and that you represent the Astania Community in a positive manner. Thank you!

☆ Don't forget to add the #astaniabooks tag to your story! Doing so makes it eligible to be included in a future community announcement. See our latest announcement for an example of what this may look like!

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An assignment runs for the entirety of a month (from the 1st to the last day of the month); there will be two assignment chapters per month (e.g. 1.0 and 1.5) to update points and add new members.

You must read at least 4 narrative chapters each month with at least 4 quality comments per chapter. The comments must be made during the duration of the assignment for the chapter to qualify for credit. You can choose which book you want to read. Some books may offer bonus points; see "Points" below to find out more! At the end of the month, the member with the most points will be featured on the Reader of the Month Leaderboard.

Reports must be submitted in the inline comments within 7 days of reading. This will make it easier for our admins to check. You'll have to submit your assignment before 11:59 pm EST on the last day of the assignment.

Please make sure to tag the people whose books you've read, specify what type of book(s) you've read (Normal, Staff, Partner, Club BotM, Discord BotM), and make sure to get your reports in on time. Reports done after the deadline will not count, unless there is a legitimate reason. To avoid this, tell us you can't do your assignment ahead of time via a comment here or DMs.

Example report: Read chapters 61 and 62 of Daybreaker by @Aptionia (staff).

Let us know if you have any questions or see something we missed!


You earn points when you read, and reading certain books will give you an added bonus! The member with the most points will get an honorable mention on the Reader of the Month Leaderboard. (Please only read books from club members who are active and not on hiatus or in probation.)

New Chapter (at least 4 quality comments per chapter): 0 points per chapter

Intermediate Chapter (at least 4 quality comments per chapter): 0.5 points per chapter

Normal Chapter (at least 4 quality comments per chapter): 1 point per chapter

VIP Chapter (at least 4 quality comments per chapter): 1.5 points per chapter

Staff Chapter (at least 4 quality comments per chapter): 2 points per chapter

Partner Chapter* (at least 4 constructive comments per chapter + 1 constructive outline comment per chapter OR at least 10 quality comments): 3 points per chapter

Club Book of the Month Chapter (at least 4 quality comments per chapter): 3 points per chapter

BONUS - Discord Book of the Month Chapter (at least 4 quality comments per chapter): 3 points per chapter (See server for details. These will not count for the minimum assignment requirements.)

*NOTE: We cannot guarantee you will receive a partner each month, if at all, but the best chance of getting constructive feedback is to give it to other people as well.


If you like a member's story, you can ask them to be your partner. Partnering with another member will ensure you receive reads. You may have a maximum of three partners.

To ask someone to partner with you, leave an inline comment in your section under "Partners" and politely tag them with your request! If someone refuses, please respect their decision.

Any reads and comments made before a partnership is formed will not count as partner chapters.

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To see all stories sorted by genre, please see the chapter "Member Books."

Club Book of the Month

Congratulations to our first two-time Book of the Month featured writer: Kate! Kate was first featured in March with her story Anna, and once again, she has earned the most points in the previous two months combined. Thanks for being such an amazing member of our community, Kate!

✎Username: JustAWannabeWriter30 
Nickname: Kate
Pronouns: she/her
Book: Bay's Wish
Genre: Young Adult
Mature: No
Trigger Warnings: Pet death
Logline: There's no bond like a girl and her first dog. And, once it's all said and done, there's no loss like it, either.

Remember to join our Discord server, The Writer's Hoard, for access to the Discord Book of the Month for bonus points! Find the invite link on our profile.

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New Member Books

✎Username: glorygust 
Nickname: glorygust
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: N/A
Book: N/A
Genre: N/A

Partners for glorygust:

Reports for glorygust:

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Intermediate Member Books

✎Username: JTHarlequin 
Nickname: JTHarlequin
Pronouns: he/him
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: The Fairytale Chronicles
Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Partners for JTHarlequin:

Reports for JTHarlequin:


✎Username: Carpathia 
Nickname: Carpathia
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Peerless
Genre: Historical Fiction

Partners for Carpathia:

Reports for Carpathia:


✎Username: MysticalElf08 
Nickname: MysticalElf08
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: The Lab
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy

Partners for MysticalElf08: AnonymousLoveTales 

Reports for MysticalElf08:


✎Username: AnonymousLoveTales 
Nickname: Leah
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Love, Leah
Genre: Romance, Drama

Partners for AnonymousLoveTales: MysticalElf08 

Reports for AnonymousLoveTales:

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Staff Books

✎Username: Aptionia 
Nickname: Zoe
Pronouns: she/they
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Dark Divide

Genre: High Fantasy, Romance, Adventure

Partners for Aptionia:

Reports for Aptionia:


✎Username: AziaElga 
Nickname: Wei
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Nobody Like You
Genre: Romance

Partners for AziaElga:

Reports for AziaElga:


✎Username: laurendoubleu 
Nickname: Lauren
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Food Courting
Genre: Romance

Partners for laurendoubleu:

Reports for laurendoubleu:


✎Username: erifnidne 
Nickname: Coda
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book 1: Salvation
Genre 1: Fanfiction
Book 2: A Failure of a High Elf
Genre 2: Fantasy

Partners for erifnidne: AnaqatRaschid 

Reports for erifnidne:


✎Username: MilaForLife 
Nickname: Mila
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: The Lethal Encounter
Genre: Action, Romance

Partners for MilaForLife:

Reports for MilaForLife:

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VIP Member Books

✎Username: JustAWannabeWriter30 
Nickname: Kate
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book 1: Anna
Genre 1: New Adult
Book 2: Bay's Wish
Genre 2: Young Adult

Partners for JustAWannabeWriter30: 

Reports for JustAWannabeWriter30:


✎Username: lobo1989 
Nickname: Luis
Pronouns: he/him
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book 1: Rise of Kings and Queens
Genre 1: Action
Book 2: Pietrofalls
Genre 2: Whodunit, Mystery

Partners for lobo1989: chroniclesoftatiana | Gaiabamman 

Reports for lobo1989:


✎Username: SnowWhite249172 
Nickname: Snow

Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: A Summoner's Story
Genre: Fanfiction (Kingdom Hearts), Romance, Drama, Adventure, Tragedy

Partners for SnowWhite249172:

Reports for SnowWhite249172:


✎Username: LadyMaryAverman 
Nickname: Mary/Lady
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Nevergolden (Screenplay)
Genre: Historical Fiction, Teen Fiction, Screenplay

Partners for LadyMaryAverman:

Reports for LadyMaryAverman:


✎Username: reindolfwrites 
Nickname: Jnr KC
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Life Within The Halls
Genre: Teen Fiction, Mystery

Partners for reindolfwrites:

Reports for reindolfwrites:


✎Username: Gaiabamman 
Nickname: Hard Blue
Pronouns: they/them
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: More Than a Pretty Face
Genre: Romance

Partners for Gaiabamman: chroniclesoftatiana | lobo1989 

Reports for Gaiabamman:


✎Username: chroniclesoftatiana 
Nickname: Tatiana
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book 1: Falling By Design
Genre 1: Romance, Slow Burn, Chick Lit
Book 2: What's for Breakfast?
Genre 2: Romance, Slow Burn, Chick Lit

Partners for chroniclesoftatiana: Gaiabamman | lobo1989 | brinkofforever 

Reports for chroniclesoftatiana:

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Normal Member Books

✎Username: SheilaCid 
Nickname: Sam
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: The Uncrowned Lord Of The Sea
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy (Epic/High Fantasy), Historical Fantasy (Pirate Ages RPF, Sengoku Era RPF)

Partners for SheilaCid: AnaqatRaschid 

Reports for SheilaCid:


✎Username: OhhMira 
Nickname: Omira
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes, but please go easy!
Book: Bunny
Genre: Romance, Mafia Romance, Crime, Action

Partners for OhhMira:

Reports for OhhMira:


✎Username: SillySn4ke 
Nickname: SillySn4ke

Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: The Short Demon King
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romance

Partners for SillySn4ke:

Reports for SillySn4ke:


✎Username: Sybel-Monroe 
Nickname: Sybel
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Tears of Love
Genre: Romance

Partners for Sybel-Monroe:

Reports for Sybel-Monroe:


✎Username: DeejayDJ010 
Nickname: Deejay
Pronouns: he/him
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Ricochet
Genre: Action, Adventure

Partners for DeejayDJ010:

Reports for DeejayDJ010:


✎Username: AnaqatRaschid 
Nickname: Ana
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Of Plots and Mischief
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

Partners for AnaqatRaschid: erifnidne | SheilaCid 

Reports for AnaqatRaschid:


✎Username: brinkofforever 
Nickname: Fiona
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: The Show Must Go On
Genre: Romance

Partners for brinkofforever: chroniclesoftatiana

Reports for brinkofforever:


✎Username: shytabby 
Nickname: S.BRUWAA
Pronouns: she/her
Critique Wanted: Yes
Book: Unexpected Encounter
Genre: Romance

Partners for shytabby:

Reports for shytabby:

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Reading books from the following members will not fulfill the minimum requirements and will not earn you points.

ganbaruby - July

OliviaEGlory - indefinite 

hannahGE_ - July

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Last month, we did not receive enough reports from the following members. Your book will not be available to others to read for credit until you complete the assignment from the previous month. If you do not complete the missed assignment from last month as well as this month's assignment, you will be removed from the club for inactivity. If you wish to leave the club, please let us know.

If you complete the assignment from the previous month, you will be added back into this assignment as a normal member.

✎Username: OhhMira (Probation lifted!)
Nickname: Omira
Pronouns: she/her

Reports for OhhMira: Needs 3 chapters


✎Username: EEe0342 
Nickname: Mockingjay
Pronouns: she/her

Reports for EEe0342: Needs 2 chapters (see notes from Assignment 13.0)


✎Username: akaTheKnight 
Nickname: akaTheKnight
Pronouns: she/her

Reports for akaTheKnight: Needs 8 chapters


✎Username: Iloveoriginal34try 
Nickname: Qwerty
Pronouns: they/them

Reports for Iloveoriginal34try: Needs 4 chapters

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