Chapter 9

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•Bella's POV•

"Ask away, Pendragon." I lean back in my seat and I face the sky. Not daring to look to my side and see Arthur's face.

He clears his throat as he tries to add a dramatic effect then asks his first question, "What's your favorite color?" Well that question leads to absolutely nothing.

Is he bullshitting me right now?

Nevertheless I answer, "Blue." My fingers begin to subside from the nervous twitching they have been doing since this conversation started. Then before Arthur is given the chance to ask another question I speak, "What's yours?" And I thought he was bullshitting me, when here I am asking the same damn question. I can't help myself though, it kind of just slipped. Like a roll of the tongue.

I hear Arthur chuckle beside me, "Not a very original question, don't you think." I hear a smirk in his tone. The playfulness from a couple minutes ago being picked up by the small breeze.

A small smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, "No, I guess not." I then lower my head so I can face him, masking the smile. He just stares and smiles at me, like always. "Okay, um, why'd you choose this place?" I question motioning towards the scenery surrounding us.

"I really like how it looks out here. I also wanted to share it with you." The way his eyes twinkle when he says it has my stomach going in cartwheels.

It takes everything I have to act unaffected by his words. Years of training and one statement made by some random guy who I'm going to kill, causes for me to feel emotions. It's not like I'm emo or something, I just never thought that feeling anything was really important.

"But why? I mean you've only known me for what 2 days." I ask. Arthur's eyes reflect a pinch of hurt at my words.

He scratches his head as he tries to think of answer, "I don't know. I think..." Arthur's words trail off, his uneasiness radiating off of him. He starts to say something else, but trails off again. He looks like he's having a quiet debate with himself on what to say.

I don't realize I'm staring intently at him. That is, until he begins squirming under my gaze. So I quickly look away. We then both sit in silence. Me embarrassed for being caught staring, and him second guessing himself.

"I feel something with you. I know that sounds stupid and weird and dumb. But, I just do. It's like in those 2 days I felt something. I don't even know how to explain it, but I just do." He finally rushes the words. My eyes never look up from the glass table I'm staring at.

What is happening right now? Why is this man saying that I make him feel something, how can the emotionless cause emotion. Or, whatever that something is. And besides that, don't you need to know someone for a long time before you can feel anything that associates with them.

"Oh." I reply, not wanting to continue with the topic. The levels of uncertainty within both of us have raised noticeably.

I finally risk a glance at Arthur. He looks flustered. But then again so am I.

My eyes stay locked on him, noticing how the sun setting behind him causes it to look like he's glowing. His medium length Auburn hair has his hand running through it. Then there's his eyes, the kind that you can spend hours looking at.

I shake my head trying to get the thoughts out. What am I thinking, who the hell am I right now?

Then a waiter appears, one I hadn't noticed enter. He doesn't make eye contact with either of us, instead he just places the meals on the table. Gives Arthur a rushed bow and hurries out of the room.

Thankfully his awkwardness allowed for us both to laugh when he exited. Throwing all past conversation out, with the slam of the gigantic glass doors that shut when the waiter exits.

After that our conversation drifted to more lighthearted things. I asked him about what most of his favorites are, and in turn he asked about the places I've been. Of course I didn't tell him my reason for traveling so much, just that I did. Which had come up when he asked about what I did before I became a servant. I learned so many small things about him that caused my fascination of him to grow. We didn't ask anything that would cause an awkward conversation. Instead we both tread lightly.

But after a couple of hours, we begin to let loose. Not really asking deep questions, but meaningful ones.


"Do you like being King?" I ask as we sit in a flat grass area. After we finished eating we somehow drifted to sitting in the grass. Staring at each other while we talk. By now the sun had set and the only thing illuminating the garden are lampposts that have candles inside.

"Sometimes yes, I love it, and then sometimes no, I hate it." When he speaks his eyes are looking at me, but they also look so distant. My head tilts to the side as I try to analyze his answer.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused. "How can you love and hate something?"

Arthur chuckles, "Love and hate are the same thing. There is a tiny line between them. When you love someone your bound to eventually hate them, and when you hate someone it's the same thing, eventually you'll end up loving them."

"Are you a philosopher now?" I question, smirking.

Arthur shakes his head and gives me his signature smile, "Of course I am. You didn't notice before?" This time I laugh, I laugh at his idiocy. And damn is this guy an idiot.

"Why don't you laugh like that all the time?" Arthur questions after my laugh has just turned into small chuckles. As soon as he asks, my laughing dies immediately.

Then the silence is back.

I sit squirming, moving my gaze from Arthur and focusing it on the grass in front of me. "Too much?" He asks after he finally gets that I really don't want to answer. I shake my head, fearing that if I say anything my voice will falter.

We sit in silence for a moment longer, then the silence becomes overbearing. Silence and Arthur don't mix, at all. I've learned that in these past hours that we've spent together.

"Hey, you never answered my question from earlier." I state, trying to break the silence.

Arthur looks at me confused his eyebrows scrunching, like how they do when he's confused or thinking. The fact that I know that...

"Remember, I asked if you liked being King. Then you said you love and hate it. And I was like what do you mean." I elaborate for him. He nods his head to show that he gets it.

"Oh yeah well, it all really has to do with how you look at it. I love it, because I get to train and become stronger. Then there's the entire king part of it, I can't really do anything I want. I can't travel. I'm over protected. There's a lot of bad sides, I never get a break. It's infuriating."

I offer him a small smile of pity, one that I know shows no use. But there is really nothing I can do about it. When people say they feel sorry for you, they don't really. People are cruel like that.

So I just continue sitting here looking at the man in front of me. Offering him absolutely no help. There's nothing I could possibly do to help him, nothing except.

End his misery.


•End Chapter 9•

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