Chapter 8

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•Bella's POV•

He watches me as I decide what answer is best. Is it really worth knowing everything about him, for him to know everything about me? I mean I could just lie to him about my life, but for some reason that doesn't sit well with me. Then there's the possibility that I could get close to him and then on Friday, I won't want to- No that definitely is unquestionable. Friday has to happen, no matter what. Whether- Jashin forbid- I'm head over heels in love with him or our 'friendship' ends here. So I guess why not? I might as well give whatever this is a shot. Add a little ripple to my lake.

"Sure. I'll tell you everything you ask, if you tell me everything I ask." I tell Arthur. His eyes lock with mine, and for a moment I'm scared that maybe this will turn into something more.

"Okay, it's a deal." Arthur brings out his right arm for me to shake. Well there's no turning back now, I bring out my right hand and we both shake. "It's official." He says a light grin playing along his lips. Everything else radiating off of him is fear.

Arthur must fear his life, but I can't blame him. I fear mine too.


•End Chapter 8•

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