First Four Winners/Charlie's Present

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The next few days at work have been great and I've been writing all the excitement in my diary. But they were also weird too. Right as Aunt Bucket flipped on the television, it's been revealed that the first golden ticket has been found. 

George was so right about the kid being fat! 

 A kid from somewhere in Germany named Augustus Gloop is shown with face stained with chocolate, while crowds of paparazzi were snapping his picture. The Newsman interviews him.

 "I am eating the Wonka bar, when suddenly, I am tasting something that is not chocolate! Coconut? Nougat? Walnut? Peanut butter? Cocoa butter? Caramel? Sprinkles? Nein! So I look, and I find the Golden Ticket!"

 "Augustus! How did you celebrate?" The newsman asked in a German accent.

"More candy!" He replied. 

"We knew Augustus would find the Golden Ticket. He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one!" Said what looked to have been his mom.

"Told you he'd be a porker." George said and I couldn't agree more.

"What a repulsive boy!" Grandma commented. 

"This is no Roman Empire Octavian!" I replied. 

"Only four Golden Tickets left."

"Now that they've found one, things will really get crazy." Grandpa replied.


He could not have more right! It was not too long before a second golden ticket was found in some other part of UK as seen on the TV just now. 

"Veruca Salt? Veruca? Can you spell that for us, please?" Asked the newsman.

"V-e-r-u-c-a. Veruca Salt."

Her father spoke. "Soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these Golden Tickets, I started buying up all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. I'm in the nut business, you see, so I say to my workers, "Morning, ladies! From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts, and start shelling the wrappers off of these Wonka bars instead." Three days went by and we had no luck. The wait was terrible. My little Veruca got more and more upset every day. She just kept begging me-

"Where's my Golden Ticket! I want my Golden Ticket!"

"Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. My employees were dropping like flies. Paper cuts everywhere. You know, some of them were getting gangrene in untreated cuts, and dying on the job? I don't like to laugh, but it's funny. Well, ironic more than funny. British humour, you know. Finally, I found her a ticket."

It's said that she demanded another pony after finding the ticket. 

"She's even worse than the fat boy." George commented.

"I didn't think that was really fair- she didn't find the ticket herself." Said Charlie.

"Don't worry, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter, and no good ever comes of spoiling a child like that." Grandpa replied.

"I just don't understand!" I said still feeling annoyed. "Why doesn't anyone discipline their kids anymore??"

Aunt and Uncle Bucket entered.

"Charlie, your mum and I thought maybe you'd want to open your birthday present tonight."

They handed him a Wonka bar.

"Here you are."

"A Wonka Whipple-scrumptious fudgemallow delight! I think I'd better wait until morning." Said Charlie.

 "Like hell."


"If you add our ages together, we're three hundred and eighty-one years old. We don't wait!" Grandpa encouraged him. 

 "Charlie, you mustn't be too disappointed if you don't get one."

"Whatever happens, you'll still have the candy."

From there Charlie carefully opened it and no luck.

"Drat!" I said quietly. 

 "Ah, well. That's that."

"We'll share it." Charlie suggested.

"Oh, no, Charlie. Not your birthday present."

"It's my candy bar, and I'll do what I want with it."

"That's very nice of you, Charlie!" I said. 

He broke into bits and even I got to try some. Very nice indeed. For some reason, I thought back to the time mom got me a fancy hat for my 21st birthday just before we went to see the Kentucky Derby. 


When coming back from work the next day, a news print was bought back saying that the third ticket had been found. The TV was immediately turned on.

It was found by someone in Atlanta Georgia named Violet Beauregarde.  I could see a room full of trophies.

"These are just a few of the two hundred and sixty-three trophies and medals my Violet has won." Her mom said to the reporter.

"I'm a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things, I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars."

"She's just a driven young woman. I don't know where she gets it."

"I'm the junior world champion gum chewer. This piece of gum I'm working on right now, I've been chewing on for three months solid. That's a record."

"Seriously?" I thought. I so gave up chewing gum very long ago after doing nothing but biting the insides of my cheeks multiple times. Plus, it just doesn't feel lady like. I prefer just using bubble gum flavored lip gloss now. 

"Of course, I did have my share of trophies. Mostly baton."

"So this one kid's gonna get a special prize? Better than all the rest? I don't care who the other four are. That kid- it's gonna be me."

"Tell them why, Violet."

"Because I'm a winner!"

"What a beastly girl!" Said Grandma.

"I'll show her what a true winner is!" I replied with agreement. 

"Despicable!" Said Georgina.

"You don't know what we're talking about." George said to her.


But then something came up about the fourth ticket being found from someone in Denver Colorado called Mike Teavee.

I could see a boy sitting in front of a TV with his parents standing next to him. He had a joystick and a game console. He seems to be playing a violent-sounding game, judging by the shotgun and ricochet sound effects.

"All you had to do was check the manufacturing dates, offset by weather, and the derivative of the Nikkei index. A retard could figure it out."

This kid sounded like a complete know it all!

"Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about. You know, kids these days with all the technology." Said his dad. 

"Die! Die! Die!" Mike shouted.

"Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long."

"In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar."

"And how did it taste?" Asked the newsman. 

" I dunno, I hate chocolate. Now buzz off, okay? The Sopranos is starting."

 "If it's not video games, it's television, or that Internet of his. He never seems to leave the screen. Is it healthy? I don't know."

"Shut up, Dad."


"Oh brother!" I thought to myself as the TV was shut off.

George spoke up!

"Don't like chocolate? Well, it's a good thing you're going to a chocolate factory, you ungrateful little bast-"

Aunt Bucket covered Charlies ears not wanting him to hear the language. I covered mine too thinking to myself that I had never played a video game in my life. My parents would only let me watch certain types of networks, and would only let me use the computer if I needed it for certain purposes during my childhood. Why aren't parents doing what made KC and I well behaved people we are today? Finally it was over!

"Dad?" Charlie went to ask. "Why aren't you at work?"

"Well, Charlie, uh, the toothpaste factory thought they'd give me a bit of time off."

"Like summer vacation?"

"Sure, something like that!"

Although I did read somewhere that the uprise in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities, which led to a rise in toothpaste sales. With the extra money, it looks like the company decided to modernize, employing a machine to screw caps, thus eliminating Uncle Bucket's job.

It was a good thing I brushed and flossed everyday, just because I've been taught to know better. 

I had faith that Uncle Bucket would find another good job just like I still have mine and it looks like this made it a good idea to bring me down to help. Although, I hope the soda fountain would let me take some days off if we ever do find that ticket. 

Then that night, Charlie came up and told me that he went and got another chance to find the last golden ticket but still no luck.  

Poor kid! I sure do hope things will get better!

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