"Today was so crazy." Noah said from my phone as I sat on my computer, going through my emails. Nothing important was sent to me, bumper.
"Yeah no shit. I almost lost my life." I said to Noah and he sighed dramatically. "I could have been planning your funeral right now." What a dick.
"I'll plan yours because I'll kill you as soon as I see you." I jokingly said to him and he laughed at my joke. Ooh, a new email. I wonder who it's from?
"Oh my god, Mara check your emails." It's like he's reading my mind or something. I clicked on the new email and read it. Holy fuck, that's something fun or fresh.
"Due to recent events at our location, classes are cancelled until further notice." I read out loud as Noah reacted. It's about time, now I won't have to worry about my friend's safety as they're taking a Chem test while I'm at home, being babysat by a police officer.
Just when I was about to say something my computer screen showed that I was receiving a skype call from Cheryl. This is a once in a lifetime moment. In the heat of the moment, and anxiety I yelled out a quick goodbye to Noah and answered her call.
When it went through I saw her sitting in her room with dimmed lights. She was wearing a worry expression, so I'm pretty sure she had just read the email, or something must've happened. Either or I'm praying that she opens up to me.
"Did you get the email too?" She asked me and her expression stayed the same. "Yeah, I think we all did." I said to her and she rolled her eyes and let out a soft sigh. "I'm worried," Here's the thing about Cheryl, she's very private. She rarely states what's going on in her life or what she's going through. She barely opens up to anyone, so when I heard those words I just knew that I need to be quiet and let her speak.
"Since there's no school the killer will know where we all are at any given time. I'm always alone. My parents are out of the Country for 3 months, and Mike is always doing something with sports, or the boys. I seriously have no one to turn to. I lost all of my friends right before my fucking eyes." She was terrified, and I didn't blame her. But most importantly she needs someone. She needs me.
"You can come over whenever you're alone or scared. You can always come over for as long as you want. We've got protection here, and if that isn't enough you can go in with my Dad and have something arranged."
She cleared her throat and put her face in her hands. She was also stressed. "Can I just come over until I figure something out? I don't want to be alone?" She said from her hands and I allowed her.
30 minutes passed and she was at home with bags full of her things. I made her feel right at home and so did my Mom. I told my Mom about what she was going through and she understood. We all did. In the way I was in the same boat as Cheryl. I was scared of being alone, I was scared of everything. I almost died and I don't think I'll ever be okay from that.
"My Dad should be here in an hour." I said to Cheryl as I got my room ready for us to sleep in it. Cheryl sat on my bed watching me as I put her things away to make the room look a bit neater. It's kind of funny how comfortable she was when she got here.
"Can I tell you something?" She asked as I put her clothes neatly in my closet. "Yeah sure." I closed my closet door and sat down at my desk and watched her. She started messing with one of my pillows as she got ready to speak. Is she about to tell me who the killer is?
"I think it's Mike." I nearly choked on my spit as I stared at Cheryl who looked so heartbroken. Why the hell does she think that? "What? How?" I asked her and she moved the pillow and inched closer to me.
"I'd like to believe that he would never do something like this, but lately it's been hard for me to trust him. He wasn't with me when that old bitch died, he was right by my side when my girls died, and he wasn't with me when the killer almost killed you." I don't think Mike would do something like this. I mean, why would he? What's his motive?
"But he's your boyfriend! Why would he be trying to kill people from our school?" I asked her and she thought about it. "He has a temper. I don't know but I just think it's him." Well, if that's what she thinks then we should tell my Dad.
"We can tell my Dad what you think when he gets home. He knows everything about this case so, he'll probably look into it." I said to her and she nodded her head. Now let's change the subject.
"Who's that hot cop outside? Is that the one you're having sex with?" I rolled my eyes at her and she started to laugh at me. I'm really going to kill Erica when I see her again. "For the last time we're not having sex. I don't even like him." I said to her, which was a bold face lie.
"Because it could get him fired or because you like Colin too?" My mouth formed an "o" as she stared at me. I never told anyone that I liked him. How did she know? How does she know any of that?
"Who told you that I like him?" I asked her and she moved away and got comfortable on my bed. "I can read you like a book, Mara. There's nothing that you can hide from me." She started to lay down as I watched her. Jesus, she's good. I'm going to need her around, like all the time.
We fell under a peaceful silence and then I heard a car pulling into our driveway. I knew that it was my Dad. I took a look at Cheryl and she was on her phone and I walked over to my window to watch as my Dad got out of his car and walked over to Willian's to talk to him.
They talked for a good 3 minutes and then my Dad started to walk towards our house and Willian drove away. My Dad was officially home which meant that me and Cheryl could finally talk to him about what she had told me.
I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone and scrolled through social media as I waited for my Dad to come in and check on me, like he always does. There was a knock on the door and I put my phone down as my door slowly opened, revealing my Dad.
"Hi Dad!" I said as he smiled at me and Cheryl and entered and sat down at my desk. "You girls okay? Your Mom filled me in on everything." He said, referring to Cheryl staying with us. "We're fine Mr. McKay, but there's something that I want to talk to you about." Cheryl said as she sat up, putting her phone down so she can talk to my Dad.
He smiled at her, as a way of letting her know that he was listening to her. "I think Mike, my boyfriend is the killer. There were times where the killer would appear and Mike would be nowhere to be seen. He has a motive and it's his anger issues. He gets very mad. I don't know, I just thought that I should tell you."
"It's late now, but first thing in the morning I'll take care of it. Don't you girls worry." He started to get up, but I had something to say. "Can we come with you? Tomorrow? In the office? Since there's no school we don't want to be here all day doing nothing." My Dad smiled at me and I knew that that was a yes.
"Goodnight girls." We both said our goodnights and he turned off the light and closed the door. "If you want to cuddle tonight I'm always big spoon." I heard Cheryl say as I laid down. Good to know.
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