It felt weird to be back. Of course my Dad had Willian sitting outside of the school, making sure everything was okay. It eased my mind that Willian was here but I'm still nervous. I know nothing about what's going on, and it's scary because it's involving me and my friends, and a place where I am suppose to feel safe. It's like we're sitting ducks just waiting to die.
"It feels like forever since I've seen you last." Colin said as he shyly placed his arm around my shoulders. I laughed and embraced him. "How are you?" I asked him and he removed his arm as we walked down the hallway together.
"My parents are going crazy over this whole situation. They don't want me to leave to go anywhere." Colin told me and I was in the same boat as him.
"My Mom is chill compared to my Dad, but my Dad," I started to say but stopped because I didn't want to get started on my Dad. "My Dad too! Why are our Dad's insane?" He jokingly asked and I laughed.
"I want to hear your thoughts on what's going on." I said to Colin as we shimmered down. He let out a breath and started to talk, but was interrupted by Erica and Noah laughing hysterically. What did they do now? Just hearing and seeing the state that the two were in didn't seem like students at our school were being murdered. They seemed.. Happy?
"Oh my god we just caught Mike trying to breakup with Cheryl." Erica said in-between her laughing fits. I furrowed my eyebrows and she tried to sober up, but when she failed Noah explained. "He used the, "It's not you, it's me" line." Noah started to laugh which only made Erica laugh even harder. I exchanged looks with Colin and he slowly started to laugh too.
"That's fucked up." He said and I was honestly confused. "Why is this funny?" I asked them. Once Erica calmed down she placed her hands on Noah's and Colin's shoulders and explained it to me. "She talked shit to you. Karma is really a bitch with a big dick, wanting to only fuck you in the ass!" Erica exclaimed and Noah laughed. They're literally going insane. But then I realized something.
While they're laughing their asses off about Cheryl's misfortunes Cheryl is all alone, and friendless. She needs me. She needs someone, no matter who it is. And I need answers to stop this maniac from murdering all of my friends.
"That's cheer!" Erica called out to me as I walked away from the group and towards the cheer practice after the end of 4th. "I gotta do something." I called out to her as I walked towards the gym room. I climbed up the stairs and when I reached the gym room I was out of breath.
"I told you not to stalk me." Cheryl said from behind me, scaring me. I regained myself and turned to face her. "I heard about what happened." I gently said to her and she just rolled her eyes and walked past me. "Mike's a dick." I said to her and she stopped what she was doing.
"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that." I furrowed my eyebrows as the sound of footsteps leaving the room filled the air. I turned around to see that Cheryl had left. Why is she acting like this? I only want to be her friend and help save her life by getting answers and stopping the killer. If she won't help me then I'll just have to get some real help.
"Isn't that cop your Dad?" Noah asked me as him and Erica stood beside me, watching me watch Willian who was sitting outside of the school. "No, that guy works with my Dad." I said to Noah. We only have an hour of school left and I need to talk to Willian about what's going on.
"And why are we watching him when we could be making fake facebook accounts and using them to call Cheryl a slut." Erica said with a laugh and Noah snickered at her. What the hell is wrong with them?
"Is this a joke to you?" I asked Erica, turning very serious. Once she saw my state she stopped laughing and got serious. "No. I just want to do something to take your mind off of what's happened." She said and I rolled my eyes at how superficial she was being.
"Why are you speaking in the past tense as if this is done?" I said to her and she forced out a laugh and looked at Noah and then back at me. "This is all you talk about. You need to calm down. Yes, it does suck but you have to live your life and move along. People die all the time, it's really not that big of a deal."
Not that big of a deal? People we know are dying. People I've known for a while are being killed by some insane person. So that's not a big deal?! How is that not a big deal. We could be next and she doesn't want me to worry about it. This is why the hippies always die first.
"You're pathetic." I said to her as I gathered my things and left the classroom. If she doesn't want to take this seriously than good for her. I'll go find someone who will take this seriously. Someone who does take it seriously.
"How was school?" My Dad asked as we sat at the dinner table and ate the food my Mom had made for us. I swallowed my food and cleared my throat as I got ready to tell my Dad and Mom a lie that would make them worry less about me and the whole situation.
"It was pretty normal actually." I said and my Dad just nodded his head in response. They probably weren't buying it. I need to know that I can continue to attend school for the rest of the year. Until this all blows over. "Actually this Friday is the candle light visual for everyone we lost. We're doing it so soon because we feel certain that this is all over with and that no more people will die."
My parents remained quiet and I knew that something was bothering them. It was probably something with the case. "Did you get some new information today? What's wrong?" I asked my Dad and he just continued to eat his food. I furrowed my eyebrows and I looked at my Mom and she was only looking at my Dad. Something did happen, and they're not going to tell me what it is.
"You guys can talk to me. What is it?" I asked the two of them, looking between the both of them. My Mom gently placed her fork down and looked at my Dad some more as he continued to eat. I guess he felt my Mom looking at him because he cleared his throat and looked up at me. "We don't think this is over with." So this guy is just going to come back and murder more of us?! What the hell!
"So, what's going to happen?" I slowly asked him, knowing that he probably wasn't going to tell me. "We can't do anything until he attacks." Until he attacks! "So basically we're just sitting ducks?!" I cried out at him.
"We want you to stay home." He calmly stated and I forced out a laugh. "What about everyone else at that school? Are they staying home too, or are you not going to tell them anything because it messes with the case?" I asked him, getting upset. They can't just sit here and let someone else get murdered. It's just not fair!
"Mara, you have to understand that we're doing everything that we can." Bullshit! I forcefully pushed my food away and stood up from the table and walked up the stairs and to my room. This is so not fair.
It was past midnight and I couldn't sleep. I was so scared for what was going to happen tomorrow or the other days to come. Someone was going to get murdered, and I know about it but I have to stay quiet. This is such bullshit! I need answers! I need to find out who this guy is!
I sat up from my bed and remembered something. I quietly snuck out of my room and out the front door until I saw his car. Wow, sleeping on the job, I should tell my Dad. I gently taped on his window and he shot up and stared at me.
"Mara, is everything okay?" He asked me as he opened the door for me and I got in his car and closed the door.
"I need to know everything about this case. I just can't watch more people die." I said to him and he let out a breath and only stared in front of him. He has to tell me! I can't watch anymore people die! I just can't.
"I can't, your Dad'll literally kill me." He said. But this isn't happening at his school, with his friends, with his peers. This is happening to me and I need answers. "And I'll get killed if I don't get all the information that I need." Willian let out another breath but looked at me.
"We're pretty sure that whoever it is that's doing this is a past student with a huge vendetta." That kind of make sense, just a bit.
"How are you certain? And how long ago were they a student?" I asked him.
"Probably 10 years ago, and I said that we're pretty certain, but Mara," He grabbed my shoulders making me look him directly in the eyes. "You have to keep this a secret." People have the right to know about what's going on.
"Mara?" I looked Willian in the eyes and I saw something in them. He was scared, but is he as scared as I am? I slowly nodded my head and he looked at me before he slowly let go of my shoulders.
"Will you be here tomorrow?" I asked him and he cleared his throat.
"I'll be where ever you have to be." I turned to look at Willian and he looked at me back and smiled. Man, he sure is cute. Like really cute.
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