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"Oh no, what's wrong?" Cheryl asked me as everyone stood outside of the art room, like we normally do. I looked around and saw that Erica was missing. Is she still mad at me? "Me and Erica had a fight and now she's missing." I said to them as we all entered the room. After she stormed out she wasn't in any of our classes or lunch, and I have no idea where she could be. I'm starting to worry.

"We haven't seen her since this morning. What was the fight about?" Max asked and I groaned and quickly thought of a lie as I felt Colin staring at me. Maybe this is going to be what gets me into hell. "Um, just me being self centered. What's new?" I said with a light laugh and Noah full on started to laugh.

"She has a big point. Little Miss 'everything has to be all about me'." Noah caused everyone to laugh and I only stared at him as everyone laughed. I'm glad that they're enjoying this right now, because I'm not.

"Can you guys stop?" I asked them and Cheryl just placed her hand on my shoulder and she started to laugh even harder. This isn't funny. I'm actually really worried about Erica.

"Hey," I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around to see who had said that. And to the very far back of the room was a guy sitting alone, staring at me. I've never seen him before so why is he calling me? "I know where your friend is."

Cheryl removed her hand and turned to the group as I gave this unknown guy all of my attention. How does he know where she is? Is he just messing with me? "What?" I asked him as he smirked and removed his Airpods so he could talk to me. What a way to flex on me.

"I saw her leave after 3rd. I'm pretty sure she went home." She went home? Why? Is she that mad at me? Jesus, she's acting like we don't have a serial killer running on the loose. The guy started to put in his Airpods again, but I had more to ask him.

"Did she say anything to you?" He sent me a look that said 'Leave me alone' as he took out his Airpods and glared at me. Hey, if he didn't want to have this conversation he shouldn't have said anything. "No because we aren't friends. I barely know her or you. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my painting." I watched as he happily put in his Airpods and went back to painting.

How am I just now hearing from this guy? Has he been here this whole time? Why aren't we friends? He seems cool, I mean I like his style. But serious what the fuck! How did he know where Erica went before me?

How did she get home? And how did she think that she can just go home without any of us worrying about her? Jeez, I really need to apologize to her. "After school we have to go to Erica's house." I said to the group once they all stopped laughing.

"Why?" Noah asked as they all started to do their art while I still sat there, thinking about the whole situation. If I don't concentrate I'm going to fail art. "I'm worried about her, and I think we should talk to her." No one really paid me attention so I just grabbed my art things and started to work on my project. Fine, I'll just go alone.

"Why go to her house when she's going to be at the Cafe." My eyes sparked up as Cheryl smirked at me with her phone in her hands. Thank god I have the chance to talk to her. I really need to patch things up with her, and fast.

"But she said not to bring Mara." My happiness instantly shot down and Noah let out a loud laugh, which caused a few people to look at our table. Oh what the hell? What did I do that made her that mad at me? I sent Noah a quick look as Colin patted me on the back. I'll be glad when this day is over.


"Hey!" I called out from behind Erica as she quickly walked in front of me. It was the next day and like she said, I wasn't allowed to go to the Cafe with them, and now no one is telling me what happened there. I feel very left out and now Erica is completely ignoring me!

"Can you stop walking so I can apologize to you?" I said out loud. She stopped moving and slowly turned to look at me with a very unpleasant look on her face. Okay, I can not mess this up. "Look, I'm so sorry but I can't stand not talking to you." She was still not phased.

"I know that you think that I think that everything is about me, but for the first time in a long time the only thing I could think about all day was you. Erica, you're very important to me and I really need for you to forgive me."

I watched as her face soften and she took a very tiny step towards me. "I'm acting like a butt, I'm sorry. And what I said wasn't true I was just upset."

"But it was true and you don't need to apologize. You did nothing wrong." Erica didn't say anything as she just stood there and smiled at me. It was an honest smile, which I knew was going to lead into a massive hug. And just like I thought her arms went out, signaling for me to hug her and that's what I did.

My favorite thing about her is her hugs. Sometimes she might not say much, or seem like she means anything, but when this girl hugs you, you instantly feel the love from her. And that's what I was feeling. I hate fighting with her or anyone, because once they're gone for real you're gonna miss the simple moments like this.

"I love you." I said from the hug and she let out a breath and hugged me tighter. "I love you too." Every positive thing that I have ever said about this girl is true. She's literally a walking angel.

"Mara? May I have a word with you?" Erica and I both broke away and I turned around to see that detective lady standing there. I already know why she's here.


"Are you aware of the events that happened Friday night?" She asked me as we sat down at an empty table in the library. Time to lie my ass off and give her attitude. I quickly furrowed my eyebrows and sat up straight in my chair.

"What happened Friday night, expect for the party that I couldn't go to." She just stared at me for a moment before she pulled out some pictures. At first I was confused, until I recognize that it was just the scene of the crime from the party. My expression stayed the same as I studied the pictures.

"Someone died at that party and we need to know who's house this is, and who threw the party." I can't rat them out though. We're just now at peace, and I don't want to ruin anything. I let out a bored sigh and looked up from the pictures to her.

"I have no idea. I just heard some random people talking about going to a party. And then when I asked if there was a guest list they said everyone but ValleyHigh kids can get in." I pushed the pictures towards her and watched as she tried to read me. Nice try, she isn't going to get anything.


I stood by the library and waited for her to leave. She stared at me as she left and I watched as she walked past me and to the main hallway to probably go question more kids. Once she was gone I quickly walked out of the main door and to the outside world. I don't have much time. I quickly looked around until I saw the very familiar cop car. I really need Willian right now.

I marched over to his car and like I normally do I opened the door, but was met with a surprise. "You scared me!" Said the very cheery police officer sitting in the car. She wasn't Willian and this wasn't his car. What the hell is going on?

"Sorry, I thought that Willian was suppose to be here at all times?" I asked her and she smiled at me. How can she be that happy? She must be new. "Oh yes, my good friend Willian." She started to daydream and I furrowed my eyebrows at her and snapped my fingers, breaking her out of it.

"Right, Willian has requested desk work for now on. He said that he doesn't want to be a babysitter all day long for a lousy high schooler. But I personally-"

Did he really say that about me? How could he? I thought he liked me? I know that he likes his job, but I didn't think that it would make him think any less of me. What the fuck! I really need him right now. And it's honestly about the case.

The lady kept talking but I stopped listening and closed the door and went back to class. Now what am I going to do? Everything seems like a lie now. Who can I really trust? Does everyone secretly hate me? Why did Willian say that about me? When did he say that about me? Does my Dad know? Does my Dad know anything that I know?

"Earth to Mara." I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that Ingrid was coming to sit next to me in Math. Wait, Erica normally sits next to me. "You okay?" She asked as she sat down and I frowned and put my head down.

"Where's Erica?" I asked her without picking my head up. Can this day be over too? More like this whole week. "Talking to my cousin. I think they're hitting it off." I picked my head up and turned around to see Erica and Ingrid's cousin sitting in the very back laughing at the work that was just assigned to us.

"So I need to talk to you about what's going on." So do I. If only these people knew what I have going on. I started to write my name on my paper as she continued. "I saw that detective lady talking to you today. What did she say?" I really do love math, and people who lie all the time.

"She asked about the party and who threw it. But I said that I didn't know because I wasn't invited." Why is math even a thing? This stuff is so dumb. "She's probably going to come talk to me then, huh?" Ingrid asked. She shouldn't be worried. That lady doesn't even know that she exist.

And right on cue the door opened and the detective lady walked in and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. She just walked to the front of the class and smiled at us while our teacher just sat at his desk, grading papers.

"May I speak to a Ingrid Jones outside please?" Ingrid and I instantly looked at each other and I could tell that she was a little nervous. She slowly put her pencil down and stood up, but not without sending me another look. Once she was fully standing the lady looked at me and then her and motioned for Ingrid to follow her. Poor Ingrid.

The door closed and everyone instantly went back to their work. What wonder what she's going to say to her.

"We need to talk about that." I looked up from my problems to see Erica, Ingrid's cousin, and the guy from yesterday crouching by my desk. Um, okay? I watched as Erica sat down and the other two stayed crouched down. I really need to get my work done. I would like to graduate on time.

"What are they talking about?" Erica asked me and the two boys got closer. You know I'm growing closer to these people and I hardly know their names. This is a shame. "Who are you guys?" I asked the boys and at the same time they both smiled at me.

"I'm Jalen," Said the boy who told me where Erica was. "And I'm Oliver." That's Ingrid's cousin. Okay cool, now I know them. "I think she's asking Ingrid about the party, and who threw it." I said to them as I continued to answer my math problems.

"Didn't they ask you the same thing?" Erica asked as I moved on to my last question. I hate math, but it's so easy. "Yeah but I swear I didn't tell her who threw it. According to her I wasn't invited and I had no intention of going to it." I said to the three. I answered my last question and placed my pencil down and stared at a very confused Erica.

"But you did want to go. Are we liars now?" Erica asked as she stared at a laughing Oliver. "If it means not getting in trouble than yes." And with that I grabbed my paper and stood up to go turn it in. With the killer and trying to stay alive I thought keeping my grades up would be impossible, but I guess anything is possible.

Right as I was about to go back to my seat the classroom door opened and a very concerned looking Ingrid walked in and went right to my seat. Um okay, I guess I'll stand.

"What happened?" I heard Oliver ask once I reached them. Ingrid let out a sigh and looked around the room to see if anyone was listening to us. When she saw that no one was, she talked.

"She was asking me about the party, like Mara said. And then out of nowhere she got a call and after she hung up she just left." That's weird. I wonder who she was talking to on the phone.

"Like the building or the room?" Erica asked and that answer is pretty obvious. "The building with no explanation or anything." If she left like that then it must have been really important. Maybe something with the case? Maybe a lead?

"She probably had to shit and didn't want to make it obvious." Jalen causally said, and we all glared at him. What sense does that make?

"Do you know anyone who pretends to get a phone call to act like they're not going to the bathroom to shit?" Erica asked him and he thought about it.

"Maybe." Okay, I really need to find out what's going on.

"Since I hear so much talking," Erica and the boys instantly went back to their seats and I laughed and sat down. Our teacher got up from his desk and glanced around the room. "That must mean that you all are done, so pass up your work." Thank god I'm smart.

Everyone started to do that as Ingrid looked around the room with confusion on her face. I grabbed the papers from behind me and smiled at Ingrid as I passed them forward. "I already finished." I said to her and she glared at me. I wanted to laugh so badly.

"Could have looked out for me." I let out a giggle as the bell rung and everyone stood up to leave the room. My favorite class of the day. 8th period!


"A sub? What the hell is this?" Mike asked as we all entered the art room together. Since there was a sub I knew that we weren't going to be doing any work today because when the Art teacher is absent she likes to lock away our art supplies.

"Okay so I'm using this time to sleep." Erica said as she took off her jacket and got ready to use it as a blanket. I laughed at her and got seated with everyone else as the classroom started to fill up with our normal classmates.

"Okay so this weekend can we go out to a club or something? I thought I would have gotten laid by now, but you ValleyHigh boys all are so ugh." Max said which spark the flame for a good conversation for the group. Noah started to laugh and Max stared at him.

"I'm not ugh." Noah defensively said and I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled out some homework from my bag just so I wouldn't have to be apart of that conversation. "You're gay though." I heard Max say which caused Mike to let out a very loud laugh. It was so loud that I had to look over to make sure that he didn't wake up Erica.

"Can I just add that all gays aren't ugh." Colin spoke up and I looked away from my work and to Colin who was staring at everyone. Oh my god. I started to laugh which caused the whole table to laugh too. My poor Colin. I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued to laugh which confused him even more.

Our laughing died down a bit when 5 people walked over to our table with stools. I sat up normally and saw that it was just Ingrid, Zion, Derrianna, Oliver, and Jalen. Usually Jalen sits alone and listens to his music, but today he was with us. I think they're just worried about the detective lady and her going around questioning us.

"What are we talking about?" Ingrid asked me and I smiled at her and cleared my throat from all of my laughing I just did. "Max wants us to go to a club with him so he can hookup with guys." I said to them and none of them were surprised. Probably because they've known him longer than I have.

"Max stop acting like a slut for one day and get serious." Zion said and I was glad that he had spoke up because he hardly ever talks. Max rolled his eyes which made Zion laughed. That face made me remember what happened at the party. I totally forgot that he looked at my ass.

"So what are we doing this weekend?" Derrianna asked and Cheryl had stopped laughing and was now glaring at her like she wanted to fight. Did I miss something here? "So we're friends now?" Cheryl asked with too much fake joy, which caused Derrianna to roll her eyes at her. I need to defuse this.

"As of right now nothing, but we're up for anything." I said to Derrianna and she nodded her head at me. "But we can't do anything because Colin is still grounded." Oh my god, I forgot about that. I frowned and turned to look at Colin who didn't look amused. I've been forgetting all about him lately. If I want this to work then I need to be more about him.

"Is she sleep or dead?" I looked away from Colin and to my other side to check on Erica. She was completely knocked out. She softly snored and I smiled at her and turned to Oliver, who had asked. "She's sleeping, so be mindful. She just got over a cold and I want her to be her best." I said to the group. I really do care about Erica, and it's kind of weird.

Our group got quiet as we all found something in our bags to do, or our phones. I happily did some of my work and tuned the world out as I did so. The whole room was quiet, which is weird because it's only like that when we're all doing our art assignment.

"Wait a minute, something's off." I placed my pencil down and looked up from my work and glanced around the room. Everyone was working on their art work. Good for them! Even with a sub they still care about their grades.

"If we have a sub," Ingrid slowly started to say and I looked at her while she looked around the room. "Then how did everyone get the supplies, if she always locks them when she's absent?" Holy shit! How did I not notice that when it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the sub. This is so weird. If there's a sub, and the art supplies aren't locked than the teacher just suddenly felt.

"Where the hell is Ms. Berry?" I asked out loud as everyone just shamelessly painted.

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