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"How you feeling, Mami?" Noah asked as I held out my phone that was showing a very sick Erica laying in bed. We were sitting on the stairs at school, waiting for class to began. "Terrible, but you guys must have it bad. How are they treating you all?" Erica asked and her voice sounded so bad. You could tell that she was really sick. Poor thing.

"Yeah, once you get better just stay home." Cheryl joked and we all laughed. Erica started to laugh too, but stopped when she started to cough. I groaned as we all watched her recover from it. I really do feel for her. "You sure you're gonna be okay?" I asked her and she nodded her head as she blew her nose.

"I'm going to be really skinny when you all see me again. I've been puking a lot." That's a nasty sight to see. "Skinny queen!" Max called out as he rested his head on Noah's shoulder. You see what I mean. Mid thought the bell rung and we all groaned and frowned at Erica.

"Go to class, I'll be here when you guys get out." I sadly smiled at Erica as we all said our goodbyes. I hung up and put my phone in my pocket and everyone started to walk to class. Damn, I really miss her. I started to walk to class, and as I was doing so I walked past a window and saw a familiar cop car.

I stayed at the window and watched Willian as he just sat in the car. Tonight's the big night for us. We're going out and I'm really excited! I wanna see him right now. Can I sneak out of class for a few? I looked around the now empty hallway and saw a detective watching me. Fuck, I forgot about that. I'll just have to wait.


"No sitting?" I asked Noah as I walked up to him while he stood on the wall in the lunchroom. He didn't say anything but just directed his head forward. My eyes followed and I saw my worst nightmare. Sitting at one table, talking and laughing was Zion, the girl from art, and the other girl from PE. I didn't know that they had this lunch period. What the actual fuck!

"Let's just go to the stairs." Noah said and I got ready to agree with him, but stopped when someone started to talk. Everyone's head turned towards the center of the lunchroom to see the three of them standing on the table, smiling. Oh god, now what?

"We'll like to announce that we're throwing a party this Friday night." The whole lunchroom started to cheer and my eyes went wide as I stared at Noah who looked just like me. I can't believe it! This is seriously the highlight of my week!

"Everyone's invited, but if you go to ValleyHigh you're not getting in." Half of the lunchroom stopped cheering as the rest started to laugh. What the hell? That's so dumb! I rolled my eyes and glared at the three of them as I thought about what needed to be done next. Invite or not, we're getting in.

"Hi!" I gushed as I walked beside Colin and held his hand. Once he saw that it was me he laughed and lightly squeezed it. "So Friday you're taking me to party. Well, it's for the case." I said to him and he instantly got tensed when I said it. Oh no, what's wrong? He stopped walking which made me stop too. Something's not right.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he frowned at me. "That detective lady talked to my mom and told her that I don't go to class. So now I'm on punishment." What a bitch. Why would she do that? But if she's talking to his parents then just imagine what she's saying to mine.

"That sucks, I'm sorry." I said to him and he smiled at me and embraced me. "I'll just have to enjoy seeing you at school, because it's the only time that I can see you now." He stopped embracing me and started to walk to class as I followed him. This sucks, but it's also good.

"When you're at this party just gather as much information as you can for me." This is the saddest day in history. Who else am I going to lose?


I sat on my bed with my phone right next to me, just counting down. The time changed to 2 AM and I happily got up and grabbed a light jacket and some shoes. I opened my window so that way I can have a way back in without waking my parents. I'm so excited! I really like Willian so much, and I'm ready to spend some time with him.

I locked my bedroom door and carefully and quietly crept to the front door. I know for a fact that my parents are fast asleep, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I silently thanked the lord once I successfully made it outside and to Willian's car.

"That was so scary, but I'm officially all yours." I said as I got inside of his car and smiled at him. He only looked at me and did nothing, which concerned me. Okay, why isn't he speaking to me? Maybe I should set the mood? I flipped my hair and reached for his hand to hold it, but he pulled away and looked straight ahead. Okay, what's going on?

"Is everything okay?" I asked him and he took off his hat and stressfully messed with his hair. It must be something about the case. He stopped talking to me about it which means they got some new information.

"Look, I really do love my job, and I love working with your Dad. He trust me and I trust him. I can't do anything to break-" Oh my god, this is not happening. I feel so stupid. Why did I ever think that we would work out? God, this killer made me stupid.

I shook the tears from my eyes and opened the door and left his car as he called for me. He stopped once I closed my front door and silently cried. I'm such an idiot.

"Good morning." My parents called out to me as I entered the kitchen a few hours later. I forced out a smile as I sat down at the kitchen table and reached for my cereal. Not only did I embarrass myself I spent the rest of the morning crying, and only got 2 hours of sleep. And don't even ask how I got back into my room.

"You look sick. Are you feeling okay?" My Mom asked as she grabbed my face and studied it. Oh Mom, that's just rejection in it's finest form. I laughed and she let me go so I could eat my cereal. "Never better." I really need to get better. Tonight's the party and I need to figure out how we're going to sneak in.

"I'm fine, I just stayed up late doing homework." I lied, and they believed me. "Well get ready for school kiddo, I'm driving you today." That's new. I watched as both of my parents left the kitchen and once they were gone I let my head fall down as I let out a loud groan. Fuck my life.

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