chapter 46

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Happy reading beautifuls....

"Sachi mohobat shayad wahi hai jisme junoon hai!!❤"

Author's p.o.v

Anfal got up with a pinning head.
Her throat was getting dry.

She valled upon her mother woth her ful might bit her vpice died colddifong with the walls of room.

She sighed and got up and went downstairs.

Whole house was dead silent.
She went towards kitchen and took a water bottle from freezer.

She sat on chair placed across a amall table in kitchen and drank water.

After drinking she took the bottle with her to her room.

She was about to place bottle on side table when her eyes landed on a small note placed on it.

" What is it?"
She took it closer and held it in front of her.

"First it was you who wanted to get separated but now it's me too who can't bear your tanturms anymore. You accused me for what happened to me thfn let me make it very clear for you that I didn't ask you to save me that night. In the quest of proving yourself superior you made all those things happen to you.

You wanted divorce right? Don't worry you will get the papers very soon!!"

Anfal collieded down on floor with blank face. This was what she never thought about and didn't want to go through such thing even in her worst nightmare but now she was handling it. There was not a single tear in her eyes. They were like a barren land where there was no ray of hope.

She stood up silently and went towards her cupboard.

"Amma says that when we born Allah writes that will we die and how will we did. So may be this is what had written in mine fate!!"
Her lips twitched in a sad smile.

She took a duppata and tied a knot making a circular hole and threw duppata over fan tying it around fan.

She stood up on a chair and put that loop around her neck.

This was the first time in her life when she was not worried about death. She was not afraid of her deeds. She had made it up to her Allah already and had started moving on the path prescribed by HIM. She already had asked forgiveness of all her evil deeds.

"I know this is wrong but... but I cant take this pain anymore. I clearly ....can't live without him.. I am leaving him so that he can be happy in his upcoming life...I know that he will forget me...after some years and will move on... I am done!!.. This is my end may be..."
Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

No one could say that the girl who used to shiver just by listening the mere whisper of the word 'death' will welcome the death with open arms.

"Time had changed me. Time had made me brave enough."
She whispered.

This was her contemplation!! This was what she was believing on but it was not the truth. She was still frightened deep down she knew that it was Haram.

"My every breath and the air I am inhaling and the heart which is beating crazily and the stars and moon which wre glaring at me are all my witness. They all will tell you when you will be alone in darkness that your Anfal loved you alot and only you!! She is not here may be but still she is here.  You will always remains as her Ibtihaj! Anfal's Ibtihaj!!"

She wiped her tears and closed her eyes.

Her face was pale. Hands were hanging down on her sides. Her lips were shivering while she was reciting the Kalma.

"Ya Allah...!!"
With this she flinched her eye balls and kicked the chair beneath her feet.

Moments passed and her breaths started to get fatal. Her lungs were grasping for air.

Just then door burst opened revealing a panting Ibtihaj.

Her mom and ruksana were behind him.

They all yelled simultaneously.

Ibtihaj quickly ran and stood beneath her putting her feet on his shoulders making her stand.

Anfal was coughing while her eyes were closing on their own.

"Move away..!!"
She said with heavy breaths and kicked him making him fall.

Again her feet started kicking in air.

Ibtihaj screamed and took a gun from his pocket and shoot directly at the knot making her fall down.

He quickly ran towards her and begore she could embrace floor he held her in his arms.

She was damp with sweat. Her whole body was cold as ice now.

"What you did Anfal?"
Ibtihaj cried joining their foreheads.

"I would have died if something had happened to you!!!"
Ibtihaj cried.

This was what she heard last before all the scenes went black.

Ibtihaj was standing in the lobby of hospital while Arsh was walking all around.

Burhan was sitting with Amma while Shaaz had went to take medicines.

Narmeen was consoling Anfal's mother and Ruksana.

Ibtihaj ram towards him as soon as doctor came out.

"How my wife?"

"Well thank Allah that it didn't get delayed. You saved her on time. If more some seconds have passed then we would have been failed to save her but now she is out of danger. She will regain her conscious after some hours cause right now she is under medicinal effects."
Doctor said and they all cried
"Shukar Alhumd!"

Hearing this Ibtihaj quickly bent down in sajda. His head was touching floor while his heart as on 7th sky . He couldn't thank his Allah enough for what HE had given him back. His tears were not stopping while he was unaware of rest of the world thanking his Allah who never ever forgot him in  any sphere and listened to him and gave him what he had asked for.
This is the beauty of keeping belief on Allah and think of HIM as your only loyal one.


It was a bright morning when Ibtihaj was sitting on bench in hospital garden. Everyone had met her but he didn't go to see her.

He was feeling ashamed and was accusing himself for her this state.
He didn't have courage to face her.

He looked up and Arsh gave him a cup of tea and sat beside him.

" Why you didn't go to see Her?"
Arsh sighed.

"I can't!!"

" Why?"

"I can't face her...!!"
He said with the lump firming in his throat.

"Wait!! Are you crying?"
Arsh said dramatically.

"Shut up already!!"

"My boy is crying aww!!"
Arsh grinned.

"I will ask you when you will fall in love."
Ibtihaj glared at him who suppressed a laugh.

" Come on boy!! Bhabhi is all okay now. Stop sitting with a swollen face already. She was looking for you."

Ibtihaj screamed.

"Aahh!!! Do you want me to get deaf? Who will buy me new ear curtains if they will get ripped with your this ghostly voice?"
Arsh slapped  Ibtihaj's head who rolled his eyes.

" Are you telling a truth or making fun of me?"

"About what?"
Arsh said taking a sip of his tea.

"She.. looking for me!!"

"Well I know that you think of me as a donkey butyou know I am not that much idiot!! I can clearly get what's someone's eyes are saying. I am dead site that bhabhi's were searching for you. We all were around her but she was restless."

Ibtihaj hummed getting drowned in thoughts.

" Now stand up and go yo meet her. Goo!!!"
Arsh took Ibtihaj's hand and made him stand up forcefully.

"Why you did this my daughter?"
Amma caressed his forehead while shedding tears.

"I can't give him a child Amma. Never ever!!!"
After fee moemta of silence and fighting with herself Anfal cried. 

Her pain was evident in her voice.

"So what? Infertility is not a curse my daughter ! There is always a secret behind everything that happens to us. Allah is surely the best planner of all! Indeed!! You are exactly where Allah wants you right now."
Amma caressed her cheek.

Anfal sat up and Amma put pillows behind her head.

"My heart is restless Amma!! Tell me something about Prophets of Allah and their life stories. May be it will ease my life!!"
Anfal sighed.

" You know what Anfal? Allah has plans for each and  everyone. HE doesn't forget anyone. He decides what should be given to whom. For example, Hazrat Maryam was blessed with a child and none other than bit Hazrat Essa(A.S) even without marrying but Hazrat Zakariah who as married since many years but didn't have child. Just then he asked for the one from Allah and kept on asking until Allah blessed him with Hazrat Yahya (R.A)."

Anfal kept on looking at ceiling while feeling the peace which was taking her heart in his embrace.

"So what we learnt is  that it is okay to ask Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for children. Many people advise the infertile couple to accept their fate and stop trying for a child or stop having this desire. We learn from the stories of the prophets (AS) that they continued to ask Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala until they were granted. However, we must remember to ask “the good.” The prophets didn’t ask for any child but a good and righteous child. Their need for a child was not so that someone could call them “Dad” or “Baba,” but so that they would help them in serving the Deen of Allah."

This hit Anfal hard and she looked at him with hopes in her eyes.

"Never stop making day just because of the fear of it not accepting or because of what you a 're asking for is something great or impossible. HE is Allah!! The Lord and creator of all!! Nothing is impossible for him. When a dua is sincere, Allah ta’ala grants even more than what a person asked for. Prophet Zakariyya (AS) asked Allah for a righteous child and Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala blessed this child with admirable traits and also made him a prophet. SubhanAllah! Allah’s treasures have no limit, ask as much as you want  but ask for the right things."
Amma said softly and Anfal smiled.

All the storms which were brewing in her mind while ago had sat down peacefully. She was feeling a sudden light around her.

"Now you take rest. I am going home and will come back with food for you. I cant trust hospital food."
Amma or ked her forehead and went out.

"Nothing is impossible for ALLAH!!! I will ask HIM and will keep on asking!!!"
She smiled with determination on voice looking at the sky peeking at her from window.


Assalam o alikum my janans!!

So how's it??

I don't know who needs to listen this but I wanna say that never loose hope!! Just keep this in your mind that how can Allah forgets you when He created with much love and affection? He is the one who adores you and be with you when the whole world is against you!!🖤

Well this is to inform you all that....




There is only one chapter and epilogue are left of
"Anfal's Ibtihaj"!😁❤

So stay tuned!!!

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Allah Hafiz

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